I wanted to let player utilize both with cooldown of 2 seconds on both abilities, so basically you could use both to zoom around, but the level arent nice enough to support such fluid movements.
Thanks for playing and for the kind words :)
Thanks a lot for such a detailed feedback!
I just procrastinated on the audio effects, BGM is not my expertise but I think I should at least use a free asset if not an original song by an artist.
Menu was mostly done but couldn't figure out the last piece in time, Godot seems to have a system for menu, but I do plan to add it.
Yes I also felt dying could be very abrupt, something like stop gap on hit like smash bros is something that would convey the hit properly.
Yes , I don't know what all goes into level design and I have barely have any practice, this could be something that I could spend some time on this game to practice.
There were some ideas which could make it faster and force user to use all movement utilities using layout of level and star system.
I made the large level on last day with almost no thought and first thing I thought was jumping down from the cliff, but it would be hard to do since I didn't plan for it at the time, but that sounds nice.
Multiple possible routes and letting players experiment would be the ideal way forward to level design.
Thanks for all the points, it was great food for thought!
Thanks for the feedback and playing my game!
I can be sensitive to low frames which can evoke the same feeling in me, and I am simply updating the position every frame to exactly where my mouse is, which does cause not smooth cursor movement, but did not know it could cause the kind of nausea you mentioned.
I used a dynamic camera and put some code to make it work with controller and the code is not very nice, which I think is the weird behaviour I think a delay would be nice too. The camera with the fast movement is a bit weird! In fact I had to put a delay in the shotgun animation so the animation clearly visible, because in motion it isn't.
Thanks for playing and your feedback!
Yes what I had in my head did not translate that well, I wanted dash and shotgun to be offensive and movement abilities at the same time, but I cant say I could use shotgun to make my time faster. I also did not put much effort in level design so shotgun is just an extra dash without the invincibility. More tuning would be required to realize what I had in my head.
Thanks for playing and your feedback.
I was also aiming to make a speedrun game, which would require dash and shotgun to go faster/cover more ground. But currently I also felt that it does not feel very intuitive in a basic hack and slash setting.
Shielding with cursor can put some challenge if fire goblins surround you, but I am not sure of the mechanic overall.
This is really nice, the degree of movement is insane, though I dont know how all that movement can be translated to description.
The first time I played I was just trying to unflip the car, the physics playground is really fun to play with.
Being able to destroy cars faster and future developments could be interesting.
This kind of destruction is also calming in some ways!
Congrats on this achievement!
Movement feels good, the animation is also seems high fps. Shooting seems to be optimized for controller rightstick but it would also be nice to have mouse direction for aim.
The difficulty also seems to be tuned in a very thoughtful way.
I died the first time, 2nd time I just thought that I will spam shoot in the direction I am moving and the game owned me when it said it takes my soul to shoot. Nice job catching that!
Congrats on a nice release!
This game is soo good!
I like 3d platformers and this is absolutely something I would buy and play!
I feel the same way as playing Psychonauts. Polish is just amazing, the level is beautiful.
Also the hook feels like playing Pathfinder on apex which is just too impressive and satisfies that movement itch deep inside my brain.
Congrats on this achievement and I hope you release this game :)
I hope I can be this good one day and make a 3d platformer that is fun!
This is a fun slice. The controls were nice, with only the opposite direction not responding which makes sense, I played on KB + mouse but I believe this would play better on a controller.
As for what could be improved: more choices on top of the movement like abilities or recall to base on command (like god of war 2018 axe). Less enemies on the screen and more thoughtful placement to challenge the player.
Nice work!
Thanks a lot for playing and your detailed feedback!
I did spend some time on the controller support, but could not get menus to work with controller.
I would say I did not put enough thought on the level design, I would definitely like to be more intentional (but I have no idea how to get started). The stairs part was the only place where I wanted the player to loop around to the stairs, but enemy placement is mostly random.
Sound I feel is very important, but I was learning a lot of new systems and while I started looking into audio at the end, I could not make it happen within deadline. Music on the other hand I am a year deep into the guitar journey and don't think I can do it on my own, I would probably have to rely on someone else or use an existing asset.
Happy to see that most players did not encounter any bugs and liked the simple UI.
There was no sound, That was the major feedback around my first game jam and it was on my list, but it was too late by the time I started looking into sounds.
That is the one missing part, which looks obvious when I play other games with sounds, it does add a lot.
For the goblins it is instant explosion and for slime there is a small animation before it explodes. I never got around to deciding which is better, but I think hit markers would be the most obvious.
Thanks a lot for playing!
Thanks a lot for playing!
I did focus most of my time with combat and UI. This is my 2nd jam so my goal was to actually finish a slice of the game, which I am happy that I did. (I did not have even an end screen in my first jam)
I hope I can spend more time on game design, level design, sounds (which I could have done but I just got too late) and maybe even my own art for future jams.
the theme interpretation was simply that you are a force of nature and thus a weapon yourself (like doomguy) but yes I guess the whole package doesn't immediately convey that and also it might be a boring interpretation.
This is great polished work!
The particle effects look good the feedback is amazing.
It is rather fun to play
There are lot of upgrade builds possible (Thanks for n and m cheats)
This game would benefit a lot from a tutorial walkthrough or one by one introduction.
Ithink clearing dead bodies after some time would be helpful since it gets crowded fast, though there is enough visual difference for it to not be a big issue
Really liked your game. Its really polished the sounds feel great.
My game is also top down action game but yours inverts the formula and is really interesting.
Your game has inspired me with a few ideas on what could be added to mine.
I also wanted to do leaderboard but it was just out of scope for me. Your looks great!
Thanks for the feedback!
All credits for sprite animation goes to PixelFrog: https://pixelfrog-assets.itch.io/tiny-swords
I did do some aseprite hacking but I am barely a beginner in the art department.
My theme interpretation was basically doomguy, he is a weapon himself, but yeah there is basically no context.