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This is a really big update, bigger than i initially expected,  i added a bunch of new things like chainsaw(ik it kinda doesnt make sense but its fine) new ore "OBSIDIUM ORE" a purple colorish ore that is used to craft the strongest and fastest tools in the game, its kinda rare but not that much, added chests too now you can store your items and get them back later, and now for the fun part the chain saw so to craft the chainsaw you need 9999999 iron, 999999 diamond, 99999 coal, becuz of this chain saw is nearly impossible to get with or without cheats,

and also i added blocks for the ores like diamond, iron, obsidium

so have fun.

(1 edit)

So y'all, I created a voxel2d community-post this is where all the updates and stuff related to voxel2d and stuff will be talked abt see yall soon

thats probably why you didnt see the crafted item. 

(1 edit)

k, ill take a look

thanks for your feedback ill try adding those,  the inventory glitch you said i have like a extended inventory in game like if you press 'e' it opens it up, didn't you see the crafted item there if not then its probably a bug.

yea, true

(1 edit)

So rn my game voxel2d is like every other 2d minecraft clone but mine lacks a featue infinite world generation, so now adding infinite world gen to my game will be like nearly impossible because of how complex the code and stuff has gotten now, so now im thinking what if i reamek the entire game from scratch, and make it better than it is now

so what do yall say?

link - Voxel2d by Tadeler

This is voxel-kickoff a simple yet fun football game i made in this game you can play around with the ball shoot it in the goal post to earn points there's nothing you can do with the points, but its a fun game to play while your bored, make sure to check it out!

link -  Voxel-Kickoff by Tadeler

This is a cool game i found it looks like Minecraft with infinite terrain gen and the cool part of this is you have a bunch of things you can destroy stuff with like nukes, hr bombs and things, its pretty fun id say,  if your fan of destruction based game you might like this, check it out

link to game - Boom 2023 by Tendi3us

So this my game Voxel-2D , a Minecraft like 2d game with many features like biomes mining, crafting, lighting  and stuff like that im not gonna talk a lot abt the details of the game here, becuz i want you guys to check it out yourselves, so check it out let me know what you thinklink -  Voxel2d by Tadeler

My game is a minecraft clone kinda so im not sure how i can add this to the game but ill see, Thanks.

So i cant think of any ideas to add to my game Voxel-2D that are not too crazy, so if you guys could tell me some not so ridiculous ideas for my game i would really appreciate it, if you wanna know what my game is about ill give quick explanation here or you can go check my game out

|my game is a Minecraft/terraria like clone has all the basic features and things|


bro your assets are like really good

So this a game/prototype im working on, im planning to turn this into a island survival game that includes mining, crafting, npc, bosses, different dimension etc so this is just a prototype so right now theres only movement, infinite islands generation script, but more updates and things like that are to come so make sure to check the game out and let me know what you think

heres the link - ADrift by Tadeler 

my bad

so like the title says how do i get my game to the featured page, is there something i should do?

ill check it out

So this a really fun physics based plane game i  found in this you drive a plane and it has really cool physics and this like if you nose dive into the ground the plane breaks up its pretty fun.

Physics Destruction Plane Game by goawayplease2

awesome, let me know what you think!

(1 edit)

This is the brand new GRIND-UPDATE in voxel 2d, i added a bunch of new things like chainsaw(ik it kinda doesnt make sense but its fine) new

 ore "OBSIDIUM ORE" a purple colorish ore that is used to craft the strongest and fastest tools in the game, its kinda rare but not that much,

 added chests too now you can store your items and get them back later, and now for the fun part the chain saw so to craft the chainsaw you

 need 9999999 iron, 999999 diamond, 99999 coal, becuz of this chain saw is nearly impossible to get with or without cheats,

and also i added blocks for the ores like diamond, iron, obsidium

so have fun.

link - Voxel2d by Tadeler

So as you may have read the title i need some people to playtest my game and give me some feedback about it you can post the feedback in the game's comments

link to game - Voxel2d by Tadeler




Hi  so im a the developer of Voxel2d (i use python for this) so im planning to add some new features into the game but i cant seem to make it work, so if you are good at python code and want to help me let me know and thanks!

if you want heres a link to my game too - Voxel2d by Tadeler

Hi so i just released the alpha version of my game its called VOXEL-2D its a Minecraft/terraria like game i have updating it and adding new stuff  i think it all looks and works really good so if you could play my game give me some feedback about it it'll be great 

link - Voxel2d by Tadeler

(1 edit)

So i have released a game its called Voxel-2D i have been working on it  and releasing updates and i think everything is fine with the game but i also care about the players feedback so if you guys could playtest my game and tell me what you think and tell me the bugs you found  and new features i should try to implement it would be great (keep in mind im may not be able to fix all the bugs and stuff) and also ideas for new updates will be good too.

link to game - Voxel2d by Tadeler



Let me know what you guys think about the game

sorry ill try adding more but i couldnt think of any

Make sure to check it out

(2 edits)

This is a alpha  release for the game VOXEL-2D its a game like terarria and minecraft where you have to survive(survival is not added yet, ik its kinda dumb to not add the core feature of a game while releasing it, i will be adding it soon) build and stuff etc, the game doesnt have infinite world generation for now ill be adding it later on, if you wanna know more abt the game just play it thats what its for.

A brand new update [WET-UPDATE]  to the game VOXEL-2D is gonna get released soon so make sure to  check it out!, this is the  biggest update to the game currently here are the features and new things added to the game ill go over some of the features here but if you wanna know abt all the features go check out the game page - 


added water

added water bucket (doesnt do anything for now)

added lakes

added clouds


PIC from new update

link to game - Voxel2d by Tadeler

This is a free to play 2d minecraft/Terraira like game called VOXEL-2D where you can mine, built etc,  make sure to check it out and let me know your thoughts (game is still a work in progress so expect many bugs and stuff like that), to play the game click the link below or search Voxel2D


Voxel2d by Tadeler