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A member registered 90 days ago

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(1 edit)

Thank you so much! I did all the art, and Deer did all the sound! We're planning on working on it more into what we originally envisioned, but we're all a bit burnt out after what essentially was a sprint. We're hoping we'll have a newer version by November!

The comments/tutorial in the game are the absolute best, they're what made me want to keep going! I could definitely envision a fleshed out version, keep up the great work! I'm proud of you, toots!

Lol no problem at all! The game is so solid that's really all I have to say as a possible critique! Thank you so much for participating and sharing your game ^_^

I love love love this concept so much! It has so much potential and I'd be excited to hear if you want to expand upon it. I do agree with another comment about the pitch of the collecting sound effect. You could do what I think Power wash Simulator does really well; they let you customise the pitch and volume of your spray to make it more pleasant.

Yes! Thank you so much! I made every asset from scratch within the duration of the Jam, so it was a lot of work xD All of the animations are made by hand as well