Unique game style! I'd recommend fixing the pause function so the game doesn't get locked in a black screen. The mechanics are definitely interesting though!
Recent community posts
The originality is there, and I'd say the game is pretty out-of-control! I think the grappling hook mechanic isn't quite there yet due to the low re-use time and the seemingly elusive hit boxes of the stalactites. A graphic to indicate the direction the player should go in would be useful too. I love the unique and original graphics!
The art is nice in a home-made kind of way, and it seems like there is more than one level from the files, although the gravity function/variable is broken causing the character to just float away the moment you jump, so you can't save the first Koala. I wish I could've seen the rest of this game. Best of luck!
Graphics are well executed, and the theme logic makes sense. Mechanics are strong, and the GUI is well designed, although there's a definite lack of novelty and color to this game. Puzzle games aren't my genre, so I'm biased, although with some more animation/color unrelated to the puzzle solving, I think you'd have an entertaining and brain-tickling game! Overall, well designed!
Good art! Animation leaves a little room for improvement, although great for 48 hours! Battle mechanics are pretty hard to grasp with all that is going on, despite the good laconic descriptions given through the opening dialogue. Strong "out-of-control" aspect given the teammates going against you, although the gameplay is VERY difficult I thought.