Everything is happening so fast
I tried it again, and my record is 7 days. I felt very stressed the whole time! :D
Survived 19 nights? Respect. For me its too hard
Cute and nice puzzles. I did it :)
Quite challenging. The bats really liked be :D
Oh, it's so cute how you're changing the perspective of thinking about dwarfs, and it also changes the perspective of the game. Well done! :)
Moc krásný nápad. I v takové jednoduchosti jsem si stihla ke každé postavě vypěstovat sympatie, i když si "vlastně navzájem ubližují". Je to prostě život. Opravdu pěkné :) Červík je mega funny
I really enjoyed this game. :) it's relaxing, and I managed to perfectly balance the world
'Majority' was really helpful
Cool mechanics! And very challenging :)