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A member registered Mar 09, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hey thank for giving it a play, glad you found the character intriguing and enjoyed the story.

Ya, there are a lot of typo.  Every time I review the script I seem to find new ones I missed the last time.

Thought I had made it through more but so far only played 15.  Have to find some time on the weekend to play some more.

Hey, thanks for give my game a play and covering it on your channel.  I'm glad you were able to get through the sea of typos and tortured prose.  

I feel bad you hit a game breaking bug just before making the final choice.  I have fixed the problem now.  Based on your playthrough you'd should seen 3 choices to decide which of the 8 ending you would have received.

  1. Leave as quickly as you arrived
  2. Burn the place down
  3. Have Madam Rose use her connections to have all traces of what happened remain hidden

I hope you enjoyed the experience, and good luck and fun playing all the other games in the game jam.

This game looks gorgeous.  Cut scenes, voice acting the whole works.  I'm guessing you didn't have time to finish the AI as most of the time they just stood there and let themselves be shot to death.  It would have nice to have the gun reload if you fired it when empty, and maybe a lowlight vision or enemy sense as it was tough to see the enemies in some of dark areas.

But it was an impressive project.

Had some trouble getting into this one.  A lot of work clearly went into though and it has a nice old school top down rpg feel.  I think I must have missed the prompt on how to shoot but other then that it seems decent.

A good little puzzle game.  Looks very nice, a full screen option would have been nice as the screen ratio didn't fit well on my computer.  I really had no idea what to expect with this one.  But it turned out to be a fun little puzzle game. 

A few minor glitches. But thought it was fun.  Reminds me of the game Cultist simulator.   Wasn't sure what to do with some of the cards.  Would have loved to have had more places to use vampires. But a good little  jam game.

A classic retro game.   I liked the old school retro  strategy vibe.

Had a lot of graphical glitches but it seems like a good survival horror style game. Are you supposed to not be able to get back in the warehouse after you first leave? Because there was an invisible wall there for me afterwards. Couldn't figure out what to do after the monsters appeared as they just kept killing me as soon as I reloaded. Also my flashlight went away a few times and I had to wander around in the dark until I found a place that made it appear again.

I've always loved the shadow theatre aesthetic this is a good representation. It does end kind of abruptly but such is the fate of game jam time crunches.  A fun little entry.  I wonder where you were going to take it. Navel battles with bobbing ship cut outs? 

Maybe a little less shadowing on the background would have made them look less hazy.  It would have fun the if the fire effect was done with paper or just a light.

Reminded me a lot of some old boardgame style video games.  A good little strategy game although I end up with way to many people to anything with.  I just had half a dozen or more members just sitting on the board do nothing.  I also never did earn up to buy that swimming pool before becoming prince.  I'm sure it would have a nice pool as well.

I would like to have been able to zoom out.  It was annoying to have to scroll around the map while dragging especially when I was look for where the latest location I unlocked had appeared. Also I felt I wasn't really using my people effectively.  Some way of seeing who would be most effective to send to location before hand would have nice.

I really like the UI. It was clean, readable, provided clear and concise information.  I wish I had incorporate some of its elements into my game.

But felt it was just to short with only two scenarios with one option each. Also the writing felt clunky.

I like this entry it was short and sweet.  Gave me a papers please vibe.   Played through it twice found 2 different endings not sure if there are more. 

I like the detective board connection mechanic  I just wish it would have been possible to draw more than one conclusion on the board. To give a more branching narrative.  Maybe you can I just missed it though.

It was a well done gone seems like a lot of work went in to it.

I enjoyed the investigation storyline and the nice transitions between 1st and 3rd person.  I kept expecting to hit a parkour segment but never did.  Maybe it was on a different path in the game.

Main complaint is the mouse sensitivity was way to high for me.  I wish I could have turned it wait down in the options menu because I kept spinning with more the little movement.

I like the look of the game and it seems interesting. But I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Maybe a notes section with tasks or if the activities available at each location was visible on the map it would have been helpful. 

(1 edit)

Wanted to play it but it  threw up numerous security and virus alarms. So not going to risk it.

It was a very pretty game, an audio slider would have been nice as I couldn't really hear the intro.  A little more feedback on the puzzles would have been good as I kinda just stumbled through them. Does make want to play an expanded puzzle horror game as Tremere.

I hit a bug that I can't passed.  When you first leave your apartment the message 'press M to open the map' never goes away and I can't move.