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Spectrum of Hybrids

A member registered Dec 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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No. Thank you for the question though!

There is no web version planned.

Thank you very much! Certainly, this has been on the list for a bit and will happen as soon as possible. I appreciate it and thanks for playing the game and the nice words.

Hello! There are currently no plans for Ace to gain, but there is always fan art and stories, and perhaps one day the two will share a nice roleplay in-game about this! Thanks for supporting my game.

(1 edit)

Also, my e-mail has been here the entire time in the bio up above (it was on the bottom, but is not near the beginning) If you have further concerns, please feel free to e-mail me if it is something you wish to discuss in private. There is no need to join anything else in an attempt to contact me otherwise. I am letting you know because I do not always get notifications (despite the fact that my e-mail is tied to my itch here, and some players do not even get notifications for the game's updates) This seems to be a bug with itch and despite research, there are no other settings I can fiddle with to help. Everything is activated for notifications. Still, if it is important, you may e-mail me directly.

Thank you for playing the game and your support!

Hello! That scene is only meant to grab attention at the moment and is not coded in the game, so there is no pairing right now that will lead to that. (I could only pick five screenshots and it was difficult to show all characters without forcing them into the same room)

But in the future as a reference, I will certainly make this a possibility and will update an FAQ on how to get them all together in the same room.

Thanks so much!

Hello! Do you mean if there is a date where a route will end? If so, then no, there currently is no chosen time for a route to end yet. There is still a lot of work to do.

This is a wholesome game, so there is no "bad" ending planned for anyone. Everyone will be in a happy relationship!

That is up to the player. This game will not have any explicit sex scenes, and it is up to the player if the characters engage in certain activities or not. Thanks for your question!

Happy to hear that, thank you!

If I may give you some criticism of my own:
The way you worded your post can possibly be very offensive to those who suffer from taking text seriously (someone such as myself) and other things, but there is no need to list them.

Here is a suggestion for you for future comments in text to reword such a statement:

"I feel like this is important and I care about you and your project, so I wanted to mention in a conversation between Zobbe and Daz, Daz makes a remark similar to: "It's not like you're raping me or anything." (Paraphrasing). This may make certain individuals feel uncomfortable, and the conversation could benefit from having that line reworked."

You see, saying "this is distasteful" to someone who really cares about a project and has no ill intention is very offensive, especially in text. Please think twice about how you word things in the future, as I care about my players, too. <3

No, sorry. Due the intense work and complexity of the project, no translations are planned. Thanks for trying my game!

I apologize, I didn't intend for anything to sound jarring or distasteful. I removed the line in question. I can see how some people might react sensitive to that.

next month

Hello, thanks! Glad you like the game.
Zobbe can gain with a few other pairings, but I'm not sure which ones yet and I don't want to make any promises yet.

Zobbe can grow bigger still as of this message is what I will say for now. ^^

Because this is a made-up world, there's no Dr Pepper, but I can say it will be its equivalent!  For food, it would probably be a big meaty omelette.

Zobbe likes to touch bellies because they send happy signals to his brain, and they feel good to touch.

Gideon doesn't have a "pocket" exactly, but he has a fanny back. This is something someone wears around/near their waist (either the back or front, in this case, the back) and because it is in the back, you cannot see it. It is where he keeps his phone.

Sorry, not sure how I missed this!
Brock can gain a little weight, but he is not planned to have new sprites. They will be slight edits.

The fattening fruit cuhdew/cuhdew butter is only for certain characters and certain routes, but if someone wants to write a story or get a commission of other characters who don't use it in-game, that's OK with me!

Thanks! Art in the form of words is from me, but the other art is thanks to LizardSoup for characters, Mikey Fox for bgs, and various other artists listed in About/Credits.

Glad you like it all tho!

Gracias : D

*Thorvald winks at you* Perhaps someday, no promises, but I wouldn't say no...

Glad you like it! Yes, per Patreon votes, Jagger is already slotted to date Zobbe next (through Jagger's perspective so far) But this is a few months away from an update.

Thanks for the love! <3

I'd say Morton!

It means Morton will gain weight quickly for those who want stuff fast, and Zobbe will gain slower for those who want stuff slow.

Hello, glad you are having fun! It's hard to say what defines a chapter, but the game is updated every month last day, except i have an extra update this month May 11 too.

Thanks a bunch! <3

Yay FVNS <3 Thank you!

I'm glad, thank you! I gave the composers very specific instructions and lots of time was spent communicating and editing, so I'm glad you notice and appreciate!

All good!  It will never be abandoned. It's my special creation and I love it to bits. Happy to create more content for you!

It's out! I feel like it's been a day and a half ago. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks, I'm really glad you do! <3

Thanks for reading! Yep, lots of differences. I am sure Jagger will get the nice things he deserves!

Thanks! Yep that's me, ambitious! I'll make sure I take any time I need to keep sane, no worries, no burnouts.

And I am glad you agree it is nice to have a few mature characters! I love me a variety!

Unfortunately due to the immense size and amount of dialogue in this game, no translations will be happening for a long time, and possibly ever. <3

I appreciate your comment but I assure you things are not being rushed, I have certain plans and things I really think players will enjoy, including some very secret things for now.  I heavily weighed the options of when "things" should happen, and I am comfortable with my decisions. <3 I have gained lots of confidence and strategies for pacing thanks to the help of supporters like yourself!

I'm glad and thanks for the comment! A really big update for Ace x Morton is coming out next week and I'm excited to share it with everyone.

There will be no character creation—there are five main characters each with their own personalities (with an attempt made to match the one with most things in common with you during the personality quiz) and they can make a few very small choices to affect what they like or don't (burps, certain other things, etc)

Thank you for the comment and playing! 

Glad ya like! <3

Nice question! "The Job, The Boss, and Other Things" is a story I once wrote (20 yrs ago) but deleted. It is named after the song "The Rain, The Park, and Other Things"

However, Rawr's Feast is based on Garr's Feast, which I did indeed write: Garr's Feast by Teh -- Fur Affinity [dot] net