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A member registered Feb 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello, we are a team currently of 2 programmers and a music composer. We have room for an artist whether its 2D or 3D if you are interested! Here is the discord link to a server we made for this jam for you to join:

Hey, thanks for showing interest! Unfortunately we got a composer already so sorry about that but your music is really good!

Actually, if anyone want to join I made a temporary discord server to join:

Hey, for sure we could team up if you're still interested! My discord username is _tempest88 so feel free to send me a dm

Hello, this is my third time joining this jam and this time I want to work in a team! If you are interested please feel free to message me! 

Hey, thanks for playing my game! Yeah I didn't realize that that section would be that hard for people, I'm not that good playing with a keyboard which is why I included controller support

Hey, thanks for checking out my game! I'm glad you enjoyed the movement and especially the music, I'm not that good when it comes to making music

Hey thanks for playing my game! Yeah I really didn't expect the first spikes to be as big of a problem s they are for most players. The intended way is to wall jump after sliding down but definitely will fix later. Also you can play any level in the level selection in the main menu so if a level is too hard you can just skip it

Hi, Thanks for playing my game! Yeah when I was testing the color changing I noticed that problem so in the settings menu I added the option if you wanted the colors to be black and white or white and black. Will definitely make it choose brighter colors later

Aww man, didn't mean to make it that difficult. Sorry about that!

Woops, didn't mean to make it so difficult. You can slide down the wall and wall jump before you touch the spikes if that helps

Thanks for checking out my game! I had controller support implemented but it seems like it doesn't register some buttons when pressed

Hello! I'm a game developer that has worked with Unity and recently Godot looking to join this jam for fun. My strong suit is programming so I would like to work in a team with an artist and/or sfx designer if possible. You can check out some games I made here for reference: Feel free to message me if interested to work together!

Hey, thanks for checking out my game! I tried to make all the modes somewhat like a progression, with every mode getting a littler harder and preparing you for the next ones. And yeah, clearly displaying what keys need to be press was tough to find a font that looks good and shows all the keys clearly.

Hey, thanks for trying my game out! Yeah I tried my best looking for a font that would clearly show what key it is and this is the closest one I could find that would show all the symbols clearly. Again thank you for trying my game out!

Hello, I have been working on a game for a month and would like some feedback for the current state of the game before continuing working on it. It is just a small game where you control a bunny that jumps by you pressing the correct button. There are many levels all changing what buttons you must press and also records your score at the end. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and welcomed!

Heres a link to the game page:

And here is a video I made of the gameplay and essentially asking the same thing here with feedback but you can still see how the game plays.

Hey thank you so much for checking out my game! I was very worried about the music as I'm not that great at making music so I'm glad you liked it :)

Here's my game -

There's tweaks to be made but I hope that you have fun playing it! :)

Hey thanks for checking out my game! Indeed I'll be making some changes to make the flow of the game a bit better and faster after the voting period. Any suggestions are welcome as well!

Hey Thanks for taking the time to play my game! I wasn't sure of how to balance things better with the enemies fire range, health, and prices so when the jam is over I'll definitely try to make things better.

Game Page:

Smiles of the Void is a first person horror game where the player will go through mazes and play some classic childhood games with a twist each suited to both the maze and the friend lurking within...

This is my first big project so I'm very excited and glad about releasing this game now as it has taken almost a year now! I hope to those who check it out enjoy the game as I'll be working on it more in the future and thank you to those that do.


Due to A very stupid mistake on my part, my game cannot be played until the voting period is over. Apologies to anyone who wanted to check the game out but please feel free to check it out afterwards!

Hey thanks for checking out my game! I'm glad you like the visuals and stuff. I do agree that the transitions are indeed a little drawn out so I'll be sure to speed them up and/or change them in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

Hey Thank you so much for checking out my game! Glad you liked it! : )

Hey Thanks for checking out my game! Thank you also for your feedback! If I come back to this at a later point I'll keep them in mind when I'm changing the game a bit to make it a more full game. Thanks again for playing my game ! : )

Hey thanks for checking out my game! If I ever come back to this I'll keep in mind your suggestion to put into making it a more full game : )

Hey thank you for playing my game! I'm glad that you liked the idea and graphics and the SFX : )

Hey thank you for playing my game, I'm glad you liked it! Stressful indeed : )

Hey thank you so much for playing my game! I'll keep that suggestion in mind and see if I can make that happen. Glad you liked the game! : )

Hey thank you so much for playing my game, I'm glad you liked it! Glad it was indeed stressful : )

Hey thanks for playing my game, I'm glad you liked it! The grabbable area is actually the sensitive area range to watch out for among the ships but made it so you can grab it also : )

Hey thanks for playing my game! I'm glad you liked it. Definitely made the black ship hard to see on purpose : )

Very cool and very fun game! I love the aesthetic and how it plays. The different weapons and upgrades to those weapons made me want to keep playing again and again trying out different combinations and see what they do. Very nice Job!