Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback. Admittedly the fire exit being a danger was a jokey afterthought, I thought it might confuse people but ultimately kept it in!
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Just played & rated Curses and Knightmares, good fun! Love the black and white art style, and the animations are cute! Also I appreciated that the knight’s sword was pretty forgiving with me missing hits haha
If you wanna try out my game (complete other end of the spooky spectrum)
Going to go through and try more of the other games in this thread now!
Enjoyed this! Really well designed environment, very immersive. I’d love to see this expanded upon after the jam! Also big fan of the art style.
I did experience a bug where I struggled to read the task list as it was displaying multiple lines of text over eachother. I think maybe it made me sleep twice in one go or something? Was still able to finish the game anyway :)