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A member registered Nov 11, 2013 · View creator page →

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Hey! hello everyone. I just want to remind everyone we still have a month to go and encourage you to enjoy this season and go slowly so to feel inspired on your own path. I found some fitting tunes on Bandcamp for you can listen and vibe with, if you want. Feel free to share your own inspirational ideas/tunes/rituals and remember to have fun.

Have a great day!

There is not! but feel free to add one if you feel like it!

hey, yes as mentioned I think it was a formatting issue, I think it’s solved. Thanks for the tip :)

I missed this!! thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed! I wanted to face that feeling of letting go in a cozy nice way haha

(1 edit)

Hey! welcome everyone!

Here are some resources for TTRPG design :) I thought you could find them useful for this project.

Don’t forget the tag #cozyTTRPGfor2JAM if you have a Fediverse account!

I love this game hahaha

I love how you managed the concept of zero players! so smart

Hey! I’m happy you like the way it looks! Also, thanks for the tip, apparently the upload failed and I didn’t realized!

I loved it! so cute

So relaxing, I loved it!

scene of a house made with the game, there’s a bedroom, a tiny bathroom, a living room and a kitchen, and there are some characters playing in the living room with ghost ball

I had to stop playing at some point but just because these sort of stories makes me feel sad and trigger bad thoughts. But the theme, art and all was great!.

Also really nice touch that the end button triggers the “are you leaving me?” phrase, it sort of breaks the fourth wall!

Really nice,l I hope you didn’t have to deal with these and it’s just fiction. Nevertheless nice job here!

The E key doesn’t work for me (either that o people don’t want to talk to me :_) ) any tips on how I might be able to solve that?

I already laughed at the description, you go Emma. I liked how you used the theme in this mechanics

I felt very old playing with this although I’m proud that I understood hahaha it was fun

I got 34 score! I felt like in a zombie game hahaha this was very fun I loved it

This is cute! also fun to create cards for Valentine. I wish there were some way of creating an interaction like, when you use certain tools (sounds or sparkles or something like that) but nevertheless is fun, I like it!!

Both artwork and music are wonderful. The setup looks just like a shojou manga!

This made me laugh, I love absurd dating games.

I thought M4A1 would be cuter but he’s such a jerk. I enjoyed Valentine I company better, I cannot help but to like tsundere characters hahaha

This is soooo cute I love it

This is great I love it

Thank you for the tip! wow it was easier than expected hahaha

I have a special place in my heart for that specific setup! I've been wanting to draw an illustration haha Than you! I'm glad you liked it

I'm so happy you think that way, it's so cool to witness other people understanding a character I created! to be honest I also thought "Tsumugi would do this and not this" when writing some alternative storylines but I find interesting how the same character can change according to a moody day maybe. Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed.

Hello! Than you for your insight! I'm really happy you enjoyed. Yep, the thumbnail is an illustration I've done! I enjoy illustrating specific moments from my stories while I'm still figuring the details out. About your request I agree! but to be honest idk how to do that lol I actually uploaded the folder with the html and resources (expecting people would need to deploy locally, and maybe in the future I would just put that on my website) and did that all by itself, I was actually surprised, I gasped haha I didn't know the platform was able to do that. I will try to look for more information on how to make it bigger for future projects.

Thank you!

I was wondering if the language of the submissions was necessarily English, since I was thinking of creating a project for a couple of jams at the same time, and the other one is in Spanish.

Oh hey! I'm glad you found it enjoyable. I do feel the same about the alternative endings, as if there's something left behind, and this is totally due to the timing (since out of the 72 hr available I just had one day free to work on this) and I do want to make more significant alternate endings in the future, or at least more detailed! I sort of feel the presented version as a sketch! The stats in the brackets were intended like that, you see I'm a role-playing fan and when I play with my friends the master is always making these stat-surprises up out of the blue, and that is the notation I use in my notebook for them :) I kind of feel comfortable with that (although I see how it might be confusing without the context haha)

Anyway thank you for your insightful analysis!

I'm happy about the sci-fi classification you chose, since I was totally going for that sort of vibe.

I don't believe any of the endings are inherently "negative" yet of course I feel drawn towards one of them in particular haha, but that's a personal feeling. Thank you for taking time into reviewing and testing my game!!

thank you for keeping up with the fight :) Thank you for your insight!

oh wow! thank you! glad to hear so

Thanks for the review! I do plan on improving it in the future, when I have more time, with at least some illustrations that will be useful for the player in order to choose one option or another. Nevertheless, thank you for your time! Iḿ glad you enjoyed the narrative despite the grammar issues

You absolutely don't suck. At all. This game is so so cool (and even more taking into consideration the time), I wouldn't even know how to start making this, for real. Graphical stuff has been my forever enemy. Be proud of what you did! I just commented on that so to look for something constructive to tell over here, but I really enjoyed it and tried several times (because I suck and keep dying haha).

Very creepy, I enjoyed it a lot! It event felt uncanny since my name is Paula

I really enjoyed this, I found myself trying over and over. I just wished the controls fro jumping where smoother, but the movement of the main character is soo good, I like it

He creado una guía alternativa e independiente en español para visitar o conocer el Guernica desde un punto de vista técnico y político sin blanquear el machismo del autor.

La guía, de 10 páginas y la licencia, contiene información sobre la inspiración del pintor, el contexto socio político y la influencia de los conocimientos de Dora Maar en la obra, más allá del valor documental que aportó la fotógrafa. La idea de esta guía es tener la posibilidad de visitar el cuadro y comprender su valor artístico sin ignorar el impacto de Dora o, en general, la misoginia de Picasso.

Podéis descargarlo gratis, o pagar lo que queráis :)

Si vais a visitar el museo Reina Sofía, os aconsejo darle una oportunidad.

I was thinking the same I love to see the rating since Iǘe seen amazing submissions over here!

Game aside (I want to try it so hard) the artwork is stunning, I'm loving all of it. And the whole manual design is amazing, I hope you consider making this a magazine or a book. So cool thanks for sharing!!

This is so cool! I love it, so cute and wholesome

This a role play guide, with a map, illustrations, rules, master guide and a couple of short stories, I did everything. It's a story meant to teach about the limits of technology in a future world in the Mars colonies, leading into discussions about the problems of misused data. I thought it could be handy for educators in tech and ethics, so I also added some notes for them (as a teacher myself I thought it could be cool). It has a CC commercial License changed to add a clause on avoiding anti-LGBTIQ+ content, as it's meant to be a safe space. Have fun, check the repository as well. I want to create more content in the future related to this.