You should try post jam, we have those exact balancing patches locked and loaded, ready to be released! Thanks for the review!
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Oh damn, this is a big one
Yeah so, we didn't have quite enough time to balance out the boss buffs, we'll rework the "Boss Buff!". It really does change nothing right now, besides prolonging the fights.
What our vision was, is a boss battle, where each roulette spin can be seen as a phase. After each spin, the fight will become progressively more difficult, so i.e. there are easier boss buffs on the 75% spin than at the 25% spin. This should probably ensure that fight is engaging, with a smooth difficulty curve, and is constantly bring new experiences, as combinations of different buffs would be fun as hell to see and fight against.
We will also decrease HP for all of the bosses to make the fights feel less dragged out.
On the dice boss, the "Boss Buff!" makes the dash and fall faster, but what I'm thinking is making the attack wind-ups themselves, as well as the attack durations quicker in future versions. I think it will make the fight more engaging and keep the player on edge with the almost constant attack flow of the boss. We'll also extend the player attack range so it'll be easier to hit the dice boss mid attack, i.e when he's dashing under you. We are also thinking of splitting the single die and the double dice as separate bosses to make a more forgiving learning curve,
The second boss was added really late into the development, we didn't have proper time to polish it and bring it to a higher level of cohesiveness, although it really does challenge what is called a boss fight and I think my teammates really did cook something awesome here. I agree with you on the fight being dragged out by fall times, we will rework and rebalance that. The double damage is a bug that we decided to leave in. We will make the platforms sticky, so it's harder to fall, but if you do, you will be punished harshly. I think, it's fair.
(Also we didn't code in any coyote time, it's probably a bug that I am more than willing not to fix)
Haha, the third boss I made all by myself, and everyone keeps telling me that the cherries are too hard. I had to sacrifice game balance for visual cohesiveness, as making the cherries come out of the bottom of the machine limited their potential starting points and made them take up too much of the player's potential space. I will either rework their spawning point, or make them smaller, we'll see about that. Ultimately, I overdid the difficulty, but I think the idea of the boss is kinda cool. I really got inspired by Ribby and Croak from Cuphead, which is really noticeable.
If you want to, you can try the showcasing tools(Godmode and Boss selection) to beat the boss and experience the game in full.
We really appreciate the review, and will be happy to return the favor!
No, seems like a bug. The default controls should be Z - Jump, X - Attack and C - Dash. Probably happened because of the last minute control system we tried to add, and it's only on the HTML version of the game. If we can rollback during the jam we will, the version is uploaded but unselected. Also, are you not able to change controls? Just type in the key you want to assign, if this doesn't work properly please let us knoww.