AAAHHHHH!! WILLHELM SCREAM! <3. This was a great take on these catapult type games, on those I think you usually just time it? I felt like I had more control here! Lot of fun.
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Catapult This!'s pageGame's Take on the Theme
You have to spin a catapult to break stuff and have fun :)
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I've used Synty low-poly models and the music is listed in the credits.
Hilarious concept! I love how creatively you played with the theme while implementing it in an "Angry Birds"-like format—it makes for a really fun experience! Excellent work!
love this kind of game, although it didnt seem to be much of a boss rush,
the wind mechanic is cool, but a wind indicator like in worms would be welcom,
models are great as well!
I couldn't get it to start unfortunately, it got stuck on the loading screen.
It's a shame because the game looks like alot of fun
Funny dancing skeletons, but where's the bosses? I did get a high score, and stopped playing (before dying) after finding out it would just spawn more skeletons because i kept getting dragons. I did like the comedic factor of it. Congrats on submission. Feel free to try our game.
I like a lot the visuals of this, the mechanic to use the catapult is easy and feels very physical, also its satisfactory when we hit enemy and platforms and we see them fall, its so well made, I would only advice to make characters bigger maybe, but thats just me, I rate graphics, control, fun and music the most but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Neat flash game. I do like the catapult mechanic a bit. The thought of using tangent angles did really help. But that somewhat took a fair amount of difficulty out even in the harder mode. I made it to levels 10 easy and 8 on hard before I decided to stop. But there's some fun to be had for sure! And plenty of potential.
My favorite parts are when there's lots of collisions, like from the dragon or when a rock combos into things. Thing is that I wish there were more ways to accomplish that and there were rewards for it. Like maybe there's an enemy with a bomb strapped to themselves and explodes like the dragon, though because of their consistent position you'd want to direct hit them first instead of dropping them. Maybe there's a triple shot power up on the field you could go for. Etc. Aside from that some more variety in stage hazards would be good as well. Maybe unbreakable platforms, bumpers to bounce off of, moving platforms, so on.
But otherwise it is fun enough and the mechanics themselves are tight. I'll note that there's a bug with the catapult where if you LMB while the catapult is in motion for a throw, it'll throw from where you clicked. And I find the most annoying thing to be when the catapult changes directions when you try to go for max charge. Those are my only gameplay problems. Otherwise for a boss rush game there's a lack of bosses as others have pointed out. Overall decent game but leaves me wanting to see more out of its potential.
Thanks a lot for the detailed review! Last jam I accidentally made my game super hard, so I think I was trying to err on the other side of things, but I did realize that I made it a bit too easy :) I was contemplating between procedural levels and manually designed ones for the jam and decided on the former. Already have a lot of ideas and some great feedback like yours that will give me a lot of work to do and expand the game. Thanks for playing <3
Okay, I thought I had a chance of winning this jam until i played this game. Well done guys, gameplay wise this is the best game I've ever played on a jam. The visuals are not the best but the ragdolls makes up for it.
Good job!
I'm really bad at this xD But I had a fun time with it! I really liked the idea with the catapult!
Great game and one of the more pleasing uses of the theme! Had a lot of fun playing this one!
I had a lot of fun on this game, I still haven't managed to defeat the dragon but I will !
Very nice atmosphere, the contrast between the music and the universe is very funny. Maybe the skelies don't quite stand out enough from the background, I don't know if that's intentional ?
Anyway, bravo, I had a great time !
Those dancing skelies are funny. That was fun to play and the visuals aesthetics are nice. Well done.
Those dancing skelies are funny. That was fun to play and the visuals aesthetics are nice. Well done.
Cool game, i started to get the hang of using the catapult but didnt quite hit the dragon, got close a few times. Definitely is a bit of a learning curve before being able to to aim where I wanted to. Also loved the dying sound of the skeletons
Is the dragon the boss?
I liked the wind mechanic and is a lot of fun killing those skeletons xD
This was fun to play. The wind was a nice touch. It was very satisfying to time the launch to hit the dragon right above a bunch of the enemies. Good job!
Thanks for playing! <3
You can choose the end point. It's described in the tutorial, but it's basically the closest tangential point between where you click and the circle that the catapult arms makes. There is a bit of a learning curve. I am sure you can get the dragon after a few tries. Also keep a note of the wind that affects the projectiles.
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