Absolutely delightful mechanics and incredible art. Wish I could play this ASAP
Recent community posts
This is a repost of my 5 star review
"This is one of those few games, like GREED, like Troika in the sense that it just causes an outpouring of creativity for everyone at the table. The writing is immaculate to deliver a unified tone of the gross, the unfettered and the deeply inhuman,
If you want a good time, buy this game and buy it again."
My friend Yackronin made a google sheet for people to copy and use!
Contains player sheets and tavern IDs
This is lovely, though I do have two questions, one is gameplay related the other to the listed inspirations.
The first is how much leeway do advantages/levelling up give you after you made your character, because the stats are very unforgiving for a d10 system (since you can accidentally end up with a character who has like 1 point in each stat)
The second would be though it's not listed the game oozes the same vibes Caves of Qud has, did anyone on the team play it? Might just be the Morrowind insiprations. Lovely game though great work!
So now here's an attempt for the rooms:
Format is: Room (Number): "spelling mistake" corrected word
Room 1: "sihilouettes" silhouettes
Room 2: "human-eqsue" human-esque
Room 3: "mightist" mightiest
Room 6: "barrells" barrels; "flamable" flammable
Room 10: "alion" alien
Room 11: "granfather" grandfather
Room 12: "twisth" twist
Room 16: "non-rhtyhm" non-rhythm
Room 18: "Retrun" Return
Room 21: "Retrun" Return
Room 22: "iconagraphy" iconography; "Retrun" Return
Room 24: "Retrun" Return
Room 25: "Retrun" Return
Room 26: "Retrun" Return
Room 27: "faught" fought; "Retrun" Return
Room 28: "Retrun" Return
Room 29: "Retrun" Return
Room 30: "Retrun" Return
Okay you see the picture. The rest of the Mausoleum is filled with the Retrun spelling error, so I'm going to disregard those until they come up again after the Mausoleum.
Room 36: "nairs" nails
Room 38: "treasuer" treasure
Treasury: I'm not sure if "vineful" is a word so I'm just mentioning it here; "every since" ever since
Room 42+43: "aarokocra" I think it's aarakocra . Also both rooms have the same description
Room 50: Repetition of room 42+43
Room 54: "Retrun" Return
I'm now taking a break for lunch but after that I'll look over the next 40 rooms and the Bestiary!
Oh found some more I overlooked. Under Ignore the Stats there's also "charicatures" instead of caricatures
In the content warnings there's "suffereing" instead of suffering
In "Entrances" the Krillin quote in the first paragraph has "their" instead of there
In the same section under "Wrong Warp" there's "damanged" instead of damaged
In "Procedures" under "Stain" there's "think" instead of thing
Alright now I got everything aside from Individual Creatures and Room entries!
Hey there Batts, glad to check in every once in a while. Current ones I found are:
Under "Some Advice", in "Ignore the Stats" there's a misspelling of Everything as "Everying"
In the fourth paragraph of "The myth goes..." in the timeline there's "jem" instead of gem
In the fifth paragraph of "The myth goes..." in the timeline there's "firey" instead of fiery
Under King's Guard in the Bestiary there's "extraordinair" instead of extraordinaire for Tsioh
These are all I could find without diving into the Bestiary! Will do that on my lunch break
Hi! Love what I'm reading though I am confused about one gameplay element.
On page 39 it talks about paperwork and reprimands, and that when you get your fourth reprimand you're out of the bureau. How can one get to a fourth reprimand though if every time you complete paperwork you're bound to clear up one reprimand (and due to the nature pf the system it's very unlikely you'll have more than one reprimand)
Am I missing something important here? Are loose ends the deciding factor in getting 12 paperwork in one session?
While I love the writing in this there really needs to be a tighter editing process, there are a lot of small errors and weird choices with no other reference in the book ("negative burden" to mention one in the player reference book, or missing footnotes. this might only be a problem in the player reference version though, either way I wish there was more oversight on that editing)
On the positive side of things, the setting is cleverly written, really feels like a retrofuturist version of our present.
Hi there! Thanks for being interested in partaking to this jam! This is meant to be a more casual thing since it's my first time doing this and since it isn't in a contest format or anything in that vein it's okay! Feel free to submit anything if it's on theme (and it's in pdf form or generally a ttrpg). Thanks again!