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A member registered Jul 15, 2023

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Eh, don't worry about it. Like I said, I don't mind re-doing saves and such. I'm an AVN player who likes to explore all the threads and that means restarting A LOT! So, it's awesome you'd do something like that for me, but I wouldn't want to take any time away from your development progress.

Keep plugging away. I'll let you know when I run across issues and report them.

I'll look to join the Discord Channel.

That's great to hear. I still can't finish the slime quest except for killing the two boss slime girls. I talked to Gem and he offered to release the prisoner slime if the two guilty slimes were turned in (I'm assuming they are the boss girl slimes) but I have no idea who to take his deal to. I've backtracked and tried everything in the slums and the bounty HQ, but no new clues. So, a bit lost.  I can't move forward either. So, maybe time to switch versions and start over.

Thanks for your help! Caly is quite fun.

Thank you for the reply.  I was assuming the public was behind in some way but I wasn't sure of how much, I appreciate the clarification. Something to look forward to when I purchase it on Steam.

I am assuming the saves aren't compatible between the public demo and the Steam version.  If they are, let me know and I can migrate them over when I purchase the Steam version, not that I don't want to replay them, I don't mind replays (I'll make fewer mistakes the second time around) but always want to finish what I started if I can, if not, not a big deal.  Thank you again.

Sorry for the long posts, I tend to be conversational.

The hex tile system (at least in the demo version) doesn't exist.  If this is upgraded in the non-demo, you should probably say something.

The mini-games are fairly easy once you figure out you can do things in them you normally can't do in other similar games.

I realize the demo is probably pretty old, but if you could shorted a 'current' version into a demo and let us see what's actually in there, it would be more of a lure to purchase.  As it is, I'm not sure what I would get if I bought it.

I am amazed at how much you actually changed the whole JRPG interface. Took me a bit to figure it out, especially the combat. Some timing icons like a crosshair, when to change the aim target would've helped.

A couple of things to a really well done game though:

Yes, your quest engine is basically useless and I know you're working on it but it's really hard to do quests without something telling me what I've learned and forget between playing sessions.  I'm on the slime quest and have talked to Felbig, Ishan and Gem but after Gem makes the deal with Caly, he doesn't say who to go make the deal with. Going back to Ishan just gets well wishes. So, ???

The weapons upgrade system doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to do.  I've upgraded the SP-42, supposedly with more range, but no selected 'shot' gives you any more range, just the standard distances. It's still short ranged.

Movement in combat is wonky.  Sometimes I can head any direction (taxi cab distances) others I am forced forward only, especially at the starting turn. Is there some reason for this?

I'll buy the game on Steam once it feels more developed (or just as a thank you for a good game with a ton of work into it) but I would like to see some of these significant issues fixed. It's kind of frustrating to play at the moment. Everything else is really good. I'm hoping this stays underdevelopment so we can keep seeing more missions and quests for Caly.

Is there currently a way for her to get with Haar? I haven't found one but I keep trying different ways.

I think that's the name for the old kingdom where the keep is.  If you're looking for the mobile shop, try the ancient ruins.

I've been unable to apply them to other characters so all that is left is to 'load' up Celica's lust to have her lose or climax at a point of your choosing.

Use suppression potions to keep lust down.  If Celica hits climax, she loses.  You also need to keep Celica's health up, Violet can help with this and good amount of health potions.

Glace is relatively easy to defeat if you use Violet and a good supply of health potions.  Glace only double hits about every other turn.  Heal after a double hit and hit her back hard after she delivers a single hit.  You lose all clothing, you lose the fight.