Hey there! Very good timing for you to leave this comment because regular and more consistent updates and news are on the way very soon. The project is absolutely alive and about to enter a new major development phase so although there's work still to do, it's definitely going to release when it's ready!
Hi there! I'm not entirely familiar with the complexities of releasing on MacOS but as I'm not a Mac user myself, this may be dependent on publisher input. I know that the engine does allow for Mac builds though, I just unfortunately can't give a definite answer at this point in time. I'm hoping so!
Hi there! Oops - that definitely wasn't intentional, and that's the first time someone's mentioned it so thanks for letting me know. I've added it to my list and I'll make sure it gets fixed, this is why it's so useful to let people play the demo. I hope it didn't ruin the experience too much for you!
Hi there,
Sorry you felt rushed - I'm not sure if you missed it in the tutorial, but the time only advances when you make a fishing attempt. So basically you can explore the entire lake as much as you like and only advance the clock when you try to catch a fish. This gives you a chance to talk to everyone, look for the rare fish etc.
In terms of having issues with catching junk, the trick is to stay back and draw the fish in closer enough, giving you a better chance to avoid junk and rush forward to catch it at the end.
Thanks for playing though, I appreciate you seeing it through to the end!
People really seem to love the OST. Which is great because there's around 4x the amount of music still to come in the full release!
Funnily enough DreadXP is on my personal list of top publishers for this kind of game, but the bigger and better the response from everyone, the more likely we are to catch their attention so let's see how it goes!
Sorry about the spookiness haha. Each game has an 'uncursed' version without the scary parts and a proper ending, so I'm considering a way to let people play those separately as their own short games if they don't want to see the horror story! I'll have to think about how to do that a bit further into development.
Hey there's a link to a Discord server on the "The Bworg" website but as you've mentioned it, I'm going to add a link to this page too so people can find it.
It's still early days and doesn't have many people in yet, but this link should work!
Hey GalloViking! When I saw ManlyBadassHero had played the game it was the most amazing feeling, I can't believe it! Thanks so much for the support, that honestly means the world to us, especially as we don't have much of a following yet!
The OST is going to be pretty hefty as it'll include the tracks from all the other parts of the game too, so we're not ready to release them just yet. What you can do for now is follow @dBXYLevi and @dBXYDavid on Twitter/X, or follow dBXY on Bandcamp for updates, as I'm working directly with them for the sound and music (and they're incredibly talented!)
Thank you so much! I do kind of specialise in working in low resolutions so yeah my games tend to work on a very small scale! I don't know why but I just enjoy squeezing as much content out of a tiny number of pixels as I can. I'll get on that text skipping as soon as the jam is over though. I actually already have it partially implemented, I just need to add a line or two of code!
The microgames I'm mostly happy with, though I would like to create groups of them with consistent rules so when you see one, even if it's unique, you immediately understand the controls and the rules. That'll be my major goal if I expand this further. But the dodging parts probably do need the most work out of everything to get right, I think.
I already know where the story would go next so who knows, maybe you'll get to see it!
It's all good! I think the bug was something maybe to do with hunger, maybe? I'm pretty sure it wasn't an enemy, but basically the character was damage reacting continuously soon as they woke up (grunting noise, screen shake almost continuous). I could still walk around but it was kind of disorientating and... well, I died pretty soon after! At first I thought it was maybe because I was starving but I filled up all my gauges and it still kept happening.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the kind comment. I haven't seen anything of Made in Abyss but I've heard people saying good things about it so I'll take that as a compliment! I didn't realise just how many similarities there were to Undertale until people started mentioning it, but I should have known with the art style and the quirky take on combat. Now it seems obvious!