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The Fox Knocks

A member registered Mar 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I actually couldn't recreate this issue. I know a few people are having it so I'm trying to track down the cause. Do you mind telling me which Browser you're using?

EDIT: Okay, I think this is an issue with Chrome specifically. I pushed 0.4e that has a new export button that probably fixes the problem.

It's a pretty big update, so probably a few more days yet.

Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm currently working on a big update which will hopefully make it even better.

Hey, sorry to hear you're having issues. I'm working on a big update (which is why it's taking so long) that might fix this, but out of curiosity, are you playing on browser or download?

Hey, thanks! I'll be sure to check out the video when I've got some free time.

It's in my to-do list! Honestly, just forgot about that being a thing people might want entirely.

You're honestly pretty close to the end of content in the current version of the game. I haven't had much feedback about beating Stage 9 being so difficult, though. Have you been upgrading Equipment?

That's an interesting idea, could be some good QoL. I don't know when I'd be able to get around to it, but I'll note it down. In the meantime, theres a way to lock your Stage in the Settings so that you can farm specific enemies. Your idea would be a lot more hands-off overall and more suitable to an idle game, I agree.

Okay, yeah. It's as I suspected. Going down the rabbit hole a bit here, it's fixed in beta3. The web version is using beta1. There was a bug that was preventing me from upgrading to beta3, but they've since pushed out a few release candidates so I may try those.

Thank you for looking into it! That helps a ton knowing it's not me doing something dumb on my end. I'll make a note to prioritize looking into this.

Strangely, I actually am already updated to Godot 4.3, however I was awaiting a bug fix  from them in order to use the latest build for web. I'll look into that. Must be something related to the older version of 4.3 I'm using for web.

I'm afraid not. Platforms outside of Windows are not very high priority as it'll just add workload during a time when I'm adding new things and changing things around quite a bit.

I'm not sure why this is. I also use Firefox and the game runs fine, as is the case for many others. I'm not at all trying to blame you for anything, I'm just not sure how to approach this problem when it's so isolated.

There's no instructions and I'll be honest. It's entirely because this is my first foray into itch and I didn't realize it'd handle save files differently. I plan to look into a way to sort of export save files for use between versions. I apologize.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm still working out the finer details of potential offline currency.

Regarding the game not working when unfocused, this is unfortunately a limitation of the Godot Engine when it comes to web builds. It's a big reason why I stated that the game is intended to be played downloaded. When downloaded, it continues to run in the background just fine.

I understand many people don't want to just blindly download games, though, so I kept the browser version even though it has this limitation.

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It should be limited to 60 FPS.

Just double-checked and it is. Are you getting FPS higher than 60?

Thank you! I'm really glad you like it. I'll do my best!

Hey. I really appreciate your kind words, it's very motivating! I'll certainly do my best to keep the game interesting as it continues on. Really happy to hear you had a good time with it, even though it's so limited in its current state.