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The Game Is Simple

A member registered May 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Howdy everyone!

The very first early access build was just released to public, you can try it directly in the browser or download a standalone version for Windows or Linux at

The purpose of this early build is to collect feedback to improve the final full version of the game.

Any comments are appreciated! The Game Is Simple

Howdy everyone,

Green Territory is a small game about conquering wild irradiated territories and turning it into pure green nature. Mine resources, build structures, expand and purify the world!

The very first early access build was just released to public, you can try it directly in the browser or download a standalone version for Windows or Linux.

The purpose of this early build is to collect feedback to improve the final full version of the game.

Any comments are appreciated!
The Game Is Simple


Hey, thanks for your time!

It really was very early, and it was for a reason - not to waste time on a project that doesn’t have a good core to begin with. But nonetheless I got the feedback I needed, so the development continued.

I was lucky to get some good feedback from Reddit and two talented students from France, so I went ahead and continued with the project.

Here is a mockup screenshot of what this game would look like when properly developed:

Currently looking for a feedback on the visuals above. Any comment is appreciated!

Thank you for feedback :)

More fleshed out version is already in the works.

Thank you so much!

I’ll do my very best to bring it to life one day :)

Again, thank you both!

May I ask how did you find Green Territory and why did you choose it for your practice?


I just… I don’t have words for this. I definitely didn’t expect that kind of detailed documented feedback on this prototype and I am very grateful for your time and dedication. All points are very well taken.

Structure connections actually do nothing in this prototype. But it will be important later, as only connected buildings can send resources between each another.

Mining radius of domes is a common place of confusion and misunderstanding. The reason for this is that domes were initially implemented as mining in the full green radius and only later were nerfed, but visually nothing changed. Lesson learned, will try to avoid doing things like this in the future.

Thank you so much!


Glad that you liked it :)

Will do my best!

Source of this particular implementation is not available, it’s messy, slow and not optimized, and there are still one bug I couldn’t fix.

If you want to implement WFC, I would rather suggest directly porting original source code rather than writing from scratch as I did:

C’mon folks, I really want this project to live, give me your worst!

Or your best ;)

Oh yes, I was told that multiple times!

Funny thing is I somehow completely missed all 4 Creeper Worlds, learned about existence of these games only recently. And the concept is very close.

Hello everybody!

Green Territory is a small strategy game about expanding your green territory into irradiated world around and purifying it. And it desperately needs your feedback to live.

The link:

This time around instead of putting a bunch of time into an elaborated vertical slice of a game (and abandoning it halfway through as usual) I decided to go with a minimalistic prototype of the very core of gameplay, no bells and whistles, no goals, no obstacles. Practically it’s just a toy at this point.

The purpose of the prototype is to test if this “toy” is fun to play around with even with no defined goals or obstacles. If it is, then a game built on top of these core mechanics could also be fun.

For that reason I’m looking for a very specific feedback on this. Is this prototype fun to toy with? If not, what prevented you from having more fun? How can it be improved? Is this idea worth development time or is it a complete trash?

If this game idea collects enough feedback and interest from the community, it would be developed into a full, proper game. A full game would have the following:

  • Goals
  • Obstacles
  • Balancing feedback loops on resources
  • Isometric perspective camera
  • Proper graphics
  • Random encounters
  • Decorative buildings
  • Statistics
  • etc


I knew someone would do it, it was just a question of time :)

Any feedback? :)


These two points are exactly what is planned for a full game if this prototype proves to be interesting enough for people - exploration bonuses, unexpected things and some balancing loops to limit resource hoarding. As well as some challenge to beat the game.

Very nice observation, thank you!

Mind if I ask you to name a couple of things you didn’t like or something that prevented you from having more fun with this game?

Thanks for reporting!

I guess it is one of the things that will go away when this prototype is rewritten into an actual game. I plan to rewrite it from ground up to fix all the problems at once.

Mind if I ask you to name a couple of things you didn’t like or something that prevented you from having more fun with this game?

Thanks for the kind words!

I’m planning on adding some kind of balancing loop to limit resource hoarding, so in the future it will be a bit less no-pressure gameplay, but still :)

Mind if I ask you to name a couple of things you didn’t like or something that prevented you from having more fun with this game?

Hello World!

Today the very first prototype of “Green Territory” game idea is released. This is gonna be a core gameplay prototype.


This is a small game about conquering wild irradiated territories and turning it into pure green nature. Mine resources, build structures, expand and purify the world!

The purpose of this prototype is to test whether the core gameplay is fun to toy with even with no goals or obstacles. I need to gather feedback on this idea to see if it is worth it to be developed into a full, proper game.

I will try to gather feedback from around the Internet as much as I can, but there is only so much I can do, especially given how barebones this project currently is. If you’re reading this and know someone who might be interested in this kind of game and in leaving a feedback, please share this game with them! Every little bit helps.

Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Cheers, The Game Is Simple

Hello everyone!
I’ve implemented Wave Function Collapse algorithm in Godot as a little coding practice:

Initial source of inspiration:

It’s a neat little algorithm and I invite everyone interested in some coding challenges to implement one yourself. The logic is pretty straight-forward, most of the challenge comes from designing a data structure to store tiles, rules, grid models and their relations. And, well, recursive backtracking is interesting too.

Peculiar thing is that it can be used to procedurally generate not only images, but also text (for poetry), meshes (for 3d level generation), and who knows what else.

There are other online implementations like this one in Unity:
And this project generates infinite 3d city that looks pretty damn cool:

WFC was used in some games to generate some if not all of the content. Notable examples I am aware of: Caves of Qud, Townscaper, Bad North.

Hope you find it interesting :)

You can get a lot of interesting results finding specific combinations.

Providing you own tiles unlock it even further, but it’s a bit unstable :)

Basically this GDNative plugin

Hey, it’s now available directly in the browser :)

Hello there!

Graphics and sounds are really good.

Platforming is fun, the balance between gravity and jump height is just right.

As Cammin has mentioned, you can do two double jumps if you just walk off the cliff instead of jumping up first. Basically coyote time has no timer.

I walked into each and every spike because they are not visible enough.

Not sure if it’s intentional or not, but if you land on an enemy very carefully (from a small height) and won’t move left or right, you can actually stand on top of the enemy without killing it.

In general very good job, keep it up!

Hey, thanks for the comments!

I will try to implement all of this in prototype 4 version, so stay tuned :)