Look, I totally understand that you guys are in it to make money but it would be huge fan service if you finally released content that allows us to finally max out the Citizen cards. It would be great to have stronger Citizen cards for the Arena as end game gets harder and depending on non-event cards is not that easy. I have been playing for 1.5 years now and there hasn't been any new content that allows you to make your existing Epic cards stronger unless you dump hundreds or thousands dollars.
I know it feels like I'm complaining but I can't be the only one who feels this way right?
Recent community posts
I reached level 43 where you need to research a Legendary combo. I prepared for this so 2 days ago, I researched the event card Bitch Girl 3 times and waited until level 43 before I would click the ready button. After completing the research and clicking ready, it did not registered that I did the research and I can't get passed level 43.
My Game ID is 7490909.
I don't use Discord so I don't know if this has been answered and I couldn't find anything in previous posts but here are a few questions I had to see if the devs or other players can answer:
When will other cards be fully available for players to obtain. In the combo list, there are many rare, epic, legendary cards that aren't event cards that are not available. Do the devs have a timeline of when they will be available or are they only available to the AI? Also speaking of event cards, will there be a way to obtain previous event cards in the future? Being a few cards away from a fully fused epic or legendary card just makes the completionist in me die a little.
I know this has been said numerous times regarding Citizen cards but was curious are the devs EVER going to release new adventure content so we can complete them? And if so, when can we anticipate it? A few weeks (wishful thinking on my part), a few months, more than a year?
Has anyone discussed the possibility of Citizen or Mythic item cards?! How cool/crazy would that be?
Now that the event is over, I think overall devs did a good job of making it a possibility to complete for us F2P players. I was able to finish the last boss on the last day. I I missed 2 days of play because of real world problems so I know for a fact, I could've finished earlier to grind for the chests. I was actually able to get more event cards this time around compared to the previous 3 events.
I was able to get 21 Epic cards and 8 Legendary. The previous events COMBINED, I only got 16 Epic cards and 1 Legendary.
I only spent 100 gems that I had saved up from daily rewards + the gift from the devs for the previous bug.
Looking forward to next event!
PS - Can devs increase gem rewards for the daily rewards? Currently if you play non-stop for the 21 days, you get a total of 40 gems. Maybe double that? So instead of 5 gems on day 3, 6, 10, and 13 we get 10 gems and on day 17, 20 we get 20 gems. The only way to complete an event is to at least have 100. Just something to consider.
I'm a F2P player so I've been curious, what is the maximum amount of chest slots? I ask because I see a lot of opponents in the arena with level 13+ Arley Queen or Tripilty and it's frustrating because legendary chests seem VERY hard to come by. Does anyone know what the percentages are for fine chance and small chance is for arena chests? Since the devs give us percentages for drops in the shop, I think it would be easy for them to inform us as well, don't you all agree?
Also, Legendary contains up to 6 prizes, Epic contains up to 5, Rare up to 3, Common up to 2. What are the other prizes besides souls? Would it be possible for the devs to let us know the percentages to this as well because I've been playing for over a year now and I have never seen these other prizes.
Last question that I've been thinking about the past few months or so:
Example: I'm in league 9. I win in arena and obtain 4 random chests. Before the countdown is over, I move onto league 10. When I open the chest, will the prizes inside adhere to league 9 percentages or league 10? Or vice versa, I obtain chests in league 10 but inevitable go to league 9, will my prizes inside those chests be affected by league 9 percentages.
Anyone have any ideas? Opinions? Thoughts?
[EDIT] - I searched the forum for arena related questions and what I asked wasn't addressed so that's why I posted.
I'm just as disappointed as you are. Especially now that it seems like we are not competing against bots for daily rewards, it makes a F2P player like myself even more at a disadvantage.
Even though I was unable to complete the previous event, I was still able to obtain enough EPIC cards to fully fuse/max it out despite the card not being useful enough to keep in the deck. I was also able to obtain 1 legendary card and 1 mythic card. With the way the new event is set up, I don't think I will be able to repeat that process.
@Hooligart, I hope you can help us out!!
Did anyone notice that arena chest souls drop rate and amount has significantly dropped? As a completionist, it will now take even longer to upgrade characters.
@Hooligart, can you explain the reasoning for the change? As a F2P player, this makes event#27 hard to achieve in one day's worth of game play.
Oh, there is another question/point that I wanted to talk about.
In the arena, why is your winning streak reset if you refresh the page or quit the game and come back later?
Example: I win 3 in a row. I accidentally close the tab or I refresh the page by mistake, when I play arena again, the win streak is reset back to 0. For players just starting out, this was a very discouraging because in order to get better drop rates/chests/souls, one would have to get into a better league but you are inhibited.
Personally it doesn't matter to me anymore because at I'm in the same position as most end game players where I'm stuck between league 9 and 10. Which brings me to my next question: What's the point of league 10, 11, 12 if no one can get there? Is Leya ever going to be available?
I totally forgot to make this point and thanks @RazinFrost for bringing it up. Would be awesome if we can buy ALL boxes in bundles. Like in the real world, wholesaling is you pay less to get more but you have to buy in bulk. So maybe 10 silver boxes could cost 120k cash and it would all open at once instead of 10 individual opening animations OR it can cost 150k cash but have better drop percentages for its contents. Same concept can apply to Gold boxes if the devs deem it appropriate. I also agree higher end cards are harder to get especially as a F2P player.
Another thing, the paper box cooldown time is too long imo. Maybe shorten it to 4-6 hrs instead of 8? Also, I wouldn't mind spending in-game cash buying paper boxes in bundles if the upgrade card feature is implemented.
Are you sure? Because a few weeks or a month ago, the AI barely played Bavarian and played Confectioner way more. I had to change my deck because Bavarian had 30HP and Confectioner had 29HP so I had to readjust certain combos to make I can beat them on the second turn. The reason I noticed is because I hadn't changed my deck from stage 5 on and I was able to get to stage 10 and clear it. Once I started grinding stage 10 for about a month or so, I noticed Bavarian was used and not Confectioner and I wasn't winning as much.
It could be just my imagination and you could be right since you are inspecting the source code but that's why I would want the devs to let us know of any updates they do to the game no matter big or small. That way I know if I'm the crazy one or I noticed small detail changes.
I am a F2P player and by no means am I trying to whine about the game but I hope the things I am about to say are considered for the overall improvement of the game based on previous posts in this forum.
Is there a way to have an update log? For example, I've been grinding away on adventure level 10 and a few weeks ago I noticed the AI's deck changed so I had to change my deck accordingly. Not that it's a big deal but that way we can keep track of things when it happens. Also would be nice to see what other updates were implemented so at least I know the devs are working on the game.
In the workshop, when will the 4th machine be up and running? I saved up enough gems to open the 3rd one and would be nice to have a 4th machine to research combos. Also, is there a way to implement a master list for the combos so I can view all the possible combos I can research instead of having to go to my deck and then clicking each card to see what I can research. It's also a huge time sink that every time we try to research something, we have to scroll to each card we want to research. I'm sure many players feel this pain after playing for so long, having to scroll just to find the one can be annoying. Yes, I know you can filter the cards but I believe in gameplay that is smooth and not clunky
I'm sure those who have played long enough are dying to have more adventure levels added to the game so we can finally max level citizen cards. I posted in another thread but with 5 Citizens, that's a total of 80 card to fully max them out. Currently you can only obtain 30 so when can we expect the next 50. Also while we are at it, why are the pills reward limited to 385 from adventure level 5 to level 10? Shouldn't each level have a proportional increase of rewards relative to the difficulty of the levels? I know cash reward increases but even then, it's insignificant in the long run as pills are more important. And speaking of adventures, when will auto-battle function be available? Would be nice to have it available for the times I can't play for too long or when I'm traveling and can't be on the phone for too long.
There was a thread not to long ago when someone suggested that we can trade cards up for better cards. Like 2 max common cards with the corresponding attributes can be merged together for 1 rare card that has the same starting attributes.
For example: 2 level 12 Mayor or Comic Fangirl cards merged can yield either 1 level 1 Rich Bimbo or Trainer since their starting attribute is Butt Plug.
Just my $0.02
As a F2P player for the past year, this has been the more frustrating part of this game. I'm curious as to why the developers didn't think ahead However, are you sure they don't drop else where? I saw someone with a 3 fused Lisa. I wish I had a screenshot but it was so early in my gameplay, I didn't think anything of it because I didn't progress far enough in adventure. So with 5 citizen cards and to have them fully maxed you need 16 cards each which means you need 80 stages. We only have 30 so....when can we expect the next 50?
Will the developers actually inform us what they are working on? Can they let us know when the events are schedule to happen so I can save up the cash/pills/gems. For P2P players, it's not a big deal to just pay actual money for these items during events to get ahead but as a F2P player I would be at a disadvantage.