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The Meer

A member registered Jun 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I've been playing various versions of this game since it first came out and I enjoy it a lot. My favourite part is gradually increasing all Factors of my PC and favoured slaves. I also enjoyed being able to train Charm by having my slaves attempt to Recruit people we find in dungeons. These two things worked well together.

But since a recent update, this no longer works. There is no option to Recruit -> Enslave, they just become Subordinates. And you have made it so that we cannot use Subordinates to increase Factors. This is a lot less fun. Especially since I'm the Mayor now, I should have the power to make someone into a Slave, or at least some sort of black market option. 


- Make it possible to turn a Subordinate into a Slave, either through spending Guild points, or with a black market slaver ring, or something.

- Make it possible to use Subordinates for Factor increase again. Removing this is not fun.

- Make it possible again to Enslave people you recruit with Charm. Removing this is also not fun.

I enjoy this game a lot, but these updates seem to have no benefit other than to make the game less fun. I hope there will be solutions in the future.  

Thank you for making this game!

(1 edit)

I picked up this quest, talked with the guy at the guild, and agreed to help look for Amelia and the slaves.. and now nothing. There's no prompt in Aliron, no button to click. I checked all the Guilds, even the Church, nothing. I even tried advancing time several days, and nope. Am I missing something?  The journal step says "Search for the missing slave in Aliron"

NEVER MIND! I didn't realize it was an Occupation.. that's the first time I've seen a new Occupation appear like that, it might not be a bad idea to mention to look there in the quest log.

Thank you! I never noticed that before!

Hi, I'm on Cali: Pariah, and the current step is Speak with Cali. How do I do this? It's been weeks, there's no command or prompt or option or popup. The last thing I remember doing was offering someone else instead of Cali to the collector. Cali was like "we did it" and the step updated to the current point, but there hasn't been anything new since. It's been long enough that the other servant has returned, but still nothing. Is it just broken?

I don't know if anyone will see this post now, in 2021, but I found it through Google so you might, too! Thus, here's my personal trick for this game~

Pretty early on, you'll get access to both Heal and Invigorate spells. Get these, they're both critical. This path involves a LOT of combat.. as much as you want, in fact, for your hero protagonist.

It's actually quite simple, What Invigorate does is, for 5 mana, you inflict some stress on someone in your team, of your choice, including captives, and will restore 50% of your max Energy. So, buy some rope, even one will do. Save your game, obviously, and go out. Fight, capture someone. They're an Energy battery now! Go out, fight more, gain exp, level up. Exercise "aggressive affection" on bandits you don't capture; at least you're not killing them, right?? And you need that mana! Heal and Invigorate.

Oh, you went back to the mansion to train and save, and it dropped off your captive? That's fine. You can get more. In fact.. the REAL way this shines is if you've also unlocked Sebastian. 

Sell him your untrained captives. Yeah, you'll take a reputation hit but you'll get money and Upgrade Points. Sweet, sweet Upgrade Points. And the money, well, you won't get much from loser bandits around Winborn but if you go ->Outskirts->Plains->Big Sea you can capture some free-range Scylla and Nereids and they are worth hundreds of gold each, with Sebastian. If your Reputation with a city tanks, just go wander around outside that city and beat up bandits who are Harassing locals.

See how this works? You have infinite Energy as long as you have people to use Invigorate on. Gear up your slaver, level them, max out their stats, keep fighting. As much money and upgrade points as you could ever want, without advancing the days counter. Then, when you're as powerful as you want, proceed at the pace you like. Get new slaves, train them, acquire the special named characters, etc etc, the world's your oyster~

The only trick is getting strong enough to actually win all these fights, which is a hump to overcome early on. Get your Agility up, it's super important, it governs hitting and dodging and lets you use swords. Upgrade your armor, level up, buy your skills in the Mansion, dominate battles~ Eventually you'll be wading solo through those ten-bandit forts, shrugging off a hail of strikes while you put them down one by one ^^ I just wish there were AOE attacks... Strive: Conquest is great for that!

Good luck everyone, and have fun ♥

Hi! So, the combat ability for the Soul Eater class has the name SKILLDEVOUR, and the description is just SKILLDEVOURDESCRIPT

When I use it in combat, it applies a debuff for 5 turns that just says "Spirit devoured". There's no change to the monster's stats that I can tell. Does anyone know what this does, if anything?

Thank you both <3 I got my Alchemy to 2 now, and have started seeing inks:

- Branding (reduces Obedience drain) = 1 ink base + 3 iron wood

- Nature (increased Health regen) = 1 ink base + 5 steel

- Permanent Makeup (+10 Charm) = 1 ink base + 5 thick leather

- Spiritual (increased Mana regen) = 1 ink base + 5 magic wood

I love this kind of customization~ I'll need to upgrade my Alchemy station again to uncover the next recipes...

I can't make tattoos! I unlocked the Beauty Parlor and Alchemy but there's no option to make the tattoos. Is my alchemy level just not high enough? It's at I right now, and just says it unlocks Enchanted Wood and Adamantine next tier. When do I get access to tattoos?

I had some questions about pregnancy in Conquest!

1- How long does it take to come to term?

2- Is it checked per creampie, per encounter, per day..?

3- What happens with the children! Though I can wait and find this out for myself. Some of my slaves *somehow* got pregnant, so I'm waiting to see...

Love the game ♥

Thanks for the reply!

Ohh, I'm on day 7, and two new notices just appeared! So it's weekly?

Hi! I just started playing this game (though I previously played the heck out of Strive for Power, love it by the way), and I'm wondering if this is normal. On Day 1, I picked up all four quests which were on the Notice Board, then aligned myself with the Fighters. I completed the Fighters quest, and keep checking, but no new quests are appearing. I went to the Fighters Guild and made sure there was 1 showing in Easy, basically didn't change the settings since that's the default (so it says Total Quests 0/1), pressed Apply (I did this several times), but no quest ever reappeared. 

I'm on Day 6 now, and wondering how I'm supposed to get the remaining Faction Points with the Fighters that I need to complete the first quest. Or am I supposed to finish another guild's quest? I abandoned one of the other quests I had picked up (from the other guilds) but still the Notice Board remains empty. Is this a bug, or does it only refresh once a week or more, or what?