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A member registered May 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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amazing, there is not much i can say, from start to finish it's a spectacle with gorgeous visuals and music.

really liked the story and specially the ending too.

very good stuff right here.

when she vomited guns i clapped. 
alright no, being serious now.
 the art from beginning to end was beautiful, and the music definitely fits the mood it conveys  
the story, even if short, got me hooked up, it was a very good read. 

the art was really nice honestly. 

the orcs killed me, loved that moment. 

good stuff

the ending was something i definitely did not expect. 

And i'm glad, because it was really good. 

the character designs are great, the small shift from cameras, from third person to first person are neat.

in other words, good game.

as soon as it starts the presentation is amazing, both visual and musical choices are excellent from beginning to end. 

it was short but it made me wish for more.