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A member registered Jul 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Feel like this could have really benefited from some BG music or something.....

no...we hit a road block and did not get much done last week.  Scrolling issue sorted out and progressing more today are fast...2 games.  I hope to do 2 weeks with a team mate. :)

interesting idea.  Look forward to seeing the progress of this one.

I am workings to make more of it not so flat and get to the level of the player sprites.  If I cannot manage that I will drop the player sprites down

I should mention we are making this in Construct 2.  Already ran into a snag with the scrolling "land" portions being too big....everything else seems to be going well so far.

very cool idea...

interesting idea

thanks alot...our project probably isnt super original but still a challenge in itself  :)

thank you

wow.....pretty ambitious,.....keep at it!

(1 edit)

Just wanted to get this in so you can see the team of two are working on the project.  Good luck to everyone. 

Some sprites for chatacers daughter really seems to like it...even if it is a bit challenging for her 7 year old skillset.  Stick with C3 and you'll get it.  I took some udemy classes for C2 to get a basci understanding.  If there are some for C3 I recommend it.

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?  Name is Rich, from the US and trying to get some more experience making some games. Tough getting noticed so I guess I am just trying to keep active in making games and trying to maybe become part of a bigger indie team that could use my skillset.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining? No

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own? Actually I am a sports gamer and I have an idea for an RPG-esq sports game where you play through your days as a kid until you retire from the pros...if you make it that far.  But alas that takes a ton of programming skill, which I still lack.  Actually what inspired me to start making games was my daughter, when she was like 3 I just noticed there were not alot of games that just introduced kids to I started there...

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?  Yes 3, Construct2.   Released several games on Google Play store( and long my friend Justin.  

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!  Film making, story telling and video editing are probably my first loves but in an over saturated market of people just doing video blogs it is tough to get people to watch your short films that took months to make, so I took a break to focus on my daughter.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?Netwokring with other devs and artists.

Thanks and I look forward to the jam