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A member registered Feb 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Great opening and main menu by the way

This is me playing the game.

screen seems to distort either on the game's edges or after a certain length of time

Could you add control instructions?
Also the game does not pause during the upgrade screen, I died while deciding.
And the text on the upgrade screen is misaligned

Hey uh, huge fan, love your work. Umm, could you help me with setting up 3D sound. I can't seem to find a simple explanation for it. I want a rock band to play songs on stage and the player's location to affect how it sounds. Please and thank you.

That was fun, the narrator is definitely a memorable feature.

Looks like people outside the jam can leave posts on the forum and give ratings to the games.
Just letting you know in case that's not what you intended.

Well done, that was fun.

Hey, I'm Prototyping for a 3D game and am running into issues and getting frustrated. I remember playing your game during the Gdevelop jam and thought maybe you could help? I'm sorry for commenting on your game like this.

Only really need writers and level designer.

We are in Google chat.

My email is, please send a message or let me know your Gmail to add you to the Google chat space.

Uh we could really use a writer, but I'm not sure about the resume credit thing.
You'll definitely get credit for your role in the game development.

Oh, I love it btw. Very nice.
It will be a 3D game so I hope your ok with your art not being the main focus.
I could design puzzles or sections that can be centered around it though

What's your email?
I'll get you in the Google chat.
I'm about to head out for the day.
My email is:

I'd like to play this in the browser, if you make it run in browser, let me know. Thanks

Can you do creative writing? 
World building? Character building? 

I'd like a writer to help generate content so I can focus on making levels and adding features.

Me after reading this comment.


Thanks for the praise of my game, I'm not sure I would've thought of it that way.

Dude your comment has me cracking up hahaha

I updated my game to also be playable completely in French!

Don't Talk About The Queen/ Ne Parlez De La Reine

Don't Talk About The Queen/ Ne Parlez De La Reine

Oh, no. I was just teasing. I know they suck haha.

Thanks so much. You're right it is a bit loose on the theme.

This was a game idea I had before and I used the jam as an excuse to make it.

I have ideas for about 2-3 more levels and make the current levels longer. I'll probably come back to the idea at some point, but I have some other projects lined up that I want to make. 

Thanks for playing.

Oh wow, you flatter me.

Wait, what's wrong with the graphics -_-

Glad you enjoyed it, hope to make games that are more interactive, but retain good story.

Thank you, loved your game btw. Probably already said that.

It's in GD.Games btw.

Awww... Thanks.

I've added some pop-up icons to remind which keys to press during dialogue, and I'm creating a version in French.

I'll probably come back to the idea with an artist and make the game more appealing, instead of this janky visual mess.

Thanks for playing, you made my day too.

Oh, wow so fast. 

Sorry for doubting you.

The depth to this is insane and everything looks and sounds great.

Very cool game.

I almost delivered all the pies :,(

That was very unique. I liked the art, music and abilities.

You have an awesome splash screen.

Very professional looking game.

Very cool.

A bit buggy, but maybe that was the point? I enjoyed standing in front of the flames to warm my character as no damage was dealt. The AI had some interest dialogue. The art in this is fantastic!

Some more content, few tweaks and it should be ready to be shipped and sold.

Very good game, gave me a dynamic experience. 

My brain looks just like that too...weird.

That looked great.

The jetpack was my preferred mode of travel. I like how you threw shade on GDevelop when the player reaches the level boundary. HaHa XD

Looks good. 

Great concept!

Nice, fun, tropical theme.

(1 edit)

Woah, that was awesome.

This game was grea! I enjoyed it a lot.

When the bat came out crying I had some second thoughts, but then the gameplay started and it was fun from beginning to end. I would play more if there was more.

Ha, that was fun and funny.

Is that a one-eyed churro?

This was a singular experience. Unlike anything else, well done.

Uhh the lowest score is better?

The aesthetic was great, nice UI.

The music reminded me of an old spiderman game on the game boy.

oh... bad.

Don't Talk About The Queen

Don't Talk About The Queen