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A member registered Apr 20, 2021

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Why, though? If red-eyed vampires - heirs = are more potent in their vampirism, does that mean less potent vampirism is more dangerous?

Probably like venomous snakes where the younger ones accidentally use far too much venom than they need or intend to than the grown ones.

What do you mean, a head wound? What happened?

Waaiit. I thought MC went over everything that happened that week when Satoshi and Yuu visited? I mean I guess that little detail slipped by MC, can relate to Satoshi's surprise that way too lol

Emica officially became a part-time space hamster with her disappearance outside of the tanning salon and brief reappearance in the park. More like her sister than she thinks!

especially don't see it since they decided to censor the criticism they were getting, as well as their poor reactions toward it.

I no longer have any faith in them as a dev.

Picking this up again after not playing this for a few years  and:

In time I'll make you realize I have some.... Redeeming qualities

I sure hope so, I really really hope so. I don't think I ever really understood why people had such a hate boner for tsundere characters til now. Can't wait for the moment that tree branch is pulled out of her ass.

That horse mask bit had my sides in orbit, though. If I had to pick a "Best Scene of Chapter 1" I would nominate that one in a heartbeat.

Unsure if you get notified of reviews left but I left more full and general feedback there! Once again, hope things go by smoothly for you, can't wait to see how things progress!

Breaking my self-imposed rule of commenting before I finish all (or at least most) available content.

From the prologue alone I feel you (and your team if you aren't a solo dev!) are hitting the goal of making a rich and engaging VN and then some! I can't think of many, if any, other VN that made me feel as anxious but also sunk a hook of interest so deep and made me want to know more as this one has.

Seriously an underrated game, both glad and regretful I didn't check this out sooner. On one hand I've been missing out on a real gem, on the other there's more content to go through than when I first Followed.

Hope things go by smoothly for you, can't wait to see how things progress!

Can't wait, been looking forward to 0.6 for a while!

As always, hope things go by smoothly for you!

I like that when there's a guest appearance you actually name the game and provide a link to it! As fun as appearances and/or shoutouts to other games are in other titles I hate that sometimes you may have to see if it's mentioned in comments or patch notes. Even worse if it isn't in either, then you really have to dig for it.

... Also may have spent a little more time than I care to admit clicking and dragging on the phone screen

Poor Autumn, been left out of the logo at the top of the page for so long lol

I totally understand Pan Hero being complex but Natsumi kind of surprises me there.

Out of curiosity what makes Natsumi complex?

Either way, as always, I hope things go smoothly for you! Can't wait to see how things progress!

Minor typo when Lily is talking about a new girl, Erostium and using her own energy:

Eros: That seams risky, Lily

Should be seems

Small typo during the What You Wanted event Arvin thinks "It's clear I've cut her depper than I thought"

Replayed since it had been a while since I last played. As nice as MC and Mia are together I kind of like the dynamic between him and Sina a little bit more. Not that it really matters since it's a harem game, but still. Poor Sophia though, will be glad to see her getting another chance at things like everyone else is, I think I feel bad for her the most!

Can't wait to see how things progress!

Am I missing something or is the gallery just bugged? Went to view it just to see if I missed anything and all 10 pages for every character is blank

When returning to the library MC is the one who says "The store is closed. Get out" instead of Umeko

(1 edit)

Just noticed that Mia, Lina and Sina are all the same age. Been a while since I last played but aren't they sisters? Unless they're triplets or their father knocked up three different women at once shouldn't there be a year between them?

Edit: Or if two of them are adopted, that would be another explanation.

Oh man. Looking at my save I haven't played since this first came out! It's such a night and day difference in terms of rendering quality! You can tell a lot of time and effort went into learning the tools being used and to make things that much better.

Can't wait to see future updates, hope they go by smoothly for you!

Since it has been so long since I last played I re-played from the beginning and some minor typos I noticed:

"I must be the only one in town studying on vacation whereas everybody enjoys." enjoys what? It's not said in this or the next bit of text.

"I wanna be Professor once and for all..." -> "I wanna be a Professor once and for all..."

"The house is so quite" -> should be quiet

"Yeap, it's definitely no one here." -> should be there's

"She stores the empty box so it looks like there's still cereal on it but it's just to avoid going to the groceries store" -> should be in, should be grocery

"LIAR! You did saw me!" -> should be see

"It's the first time I see her around" -> should be I have or I've, should be seen

"I say stop staring, you idiot!" -> should be said

"Ok, I stop" -> should be I will or I'll

"... I also touched your boob... and I love it!" -> should be loved

"after my bath I promise I do." -> should be will

"... but first, I'm gonna put some clothes." -> should be put on

"SHORTS no LONG!" -> should be not

"Well, I choose then." -> should be I will or I'll

"What was that? It's that what I'm thinking?" -> should be "What is that? Is that what I'm thinking it is?"

"I think [MC] has it on his pants." -> should be in

"No like [MC], he picks awful movies." -> should be not

"Where he hides it?" -> should be where does

"Yes! There are cereals!" -> should be "Yes! There is cereal!" or there's.

(1 edit)

Aw, didn't want it to end so soon! At least it didn't end on a major cliff hanger like I was suspecting it was going to after the booze smuggling.

I also do like that even though there is a serious and growing story happening that it's not all drama and action all of the time. That's something that, personally, has been kind of wearing on me with a few other titles. They're still great titles, but man... some fluff and time with characters outside the drama would be nice.

The humor in this is great as well, especially the bits that aren't necessarily meant to be jokes. The bit where Jace is given a hard time about his clothes being torn a bit when his shirt was clipping through his top was great.

Can't wait to see how things progress, hope things go by smoothly for you!

Some minor typos I noticed:

While in class MC responds to Sarah with "Oh yeah, staring at me where are you?" instead of "Oh yeah, staring at me were you?"

Granted thanks to the way Mrs May decided to sit, at least the view was a little more stimuilating. -> Should be stimulating

When Chloe and MC are in the basement at the start of Episode 2 (Wait a minuet) -> should be minute

Mina can read your memoires -> should be memories

You want me to get rid of that human you mistakenly bound yourself too.-> too should be to

When MC's mom says it was a surprise MC thinks "(For me too Lia... For me too...)" should be mom instead of Lia

When Tamara says "Rather thanks letting it flow" should be than

What are you on about? That's not at all what's happening in that screenshot and I wasn't making any complaints. I was just poking fun and making a joke.

(1 edit)

Aw. Fair enough, appreciate the response!

Edit: Also it's funny to me that of all the choices in the game the one that has me absolutely stumped is which pet to get.

Came here to check on the same thing lol.

Looks like the latest news post for Natsumi (on Patreon, anyways. Dunno about Discord) was at the start of May. Also looks like they have a third game that isn't on Itch that was getting some attention?

 (over three times The Lord of the Rings)

Now that's a brag if I ever did see one lol

I suspect I already know the answer to this, especially with the little notice before accessing it, but with the gallery are there any plans to have it also be able replay the scene? Being able to customize the scene is really cool, but I'd love to be able to go back and replay it too!

Screenshot #6 confirms that MC is, in fact and without a doubt, a vampire!
Jessica is looking up at us but we can't be seen in that mirror

Sadly it looks to be. Their last Patreon post from just over a year ago says:

Sorry dudes, real life has been real meh lately. I haven't been home much, let alone worked on Master Rune. I know, I know, worst dev. That's pretty much all I've got at the moment. If and when I have something to show, you all will be the first to hear about it.

I hadn't checked the Patreon in awhile and only just realized some people are still subbed to me despite the fact I haven't put anything out in forever. I do appreciate it, but please understand this project is very low on the list of my priorities right now, so I'd honestly urge you to spend that money elsewhere. I don't know how to just stop billing people or I would. That's pretty much it. Again, sorry for sucking.

Shame too, this is one that easily became one of my favorites. I'm still going to eagerly await the next update but I won't hold my breath for one

Late to respond, it's not being updated, they cut the content they planned to release and the latest version is considered the complete story.

Their reasoning (which looks to have been deleted, seems they didn't like the criticism they faced) was that they felt discouraged and that it wasn't fair that their game wasn't popular despite how they supposedly worked harder than other devs.

Stopped by because I was interested to see if they had any sort of response for, well, anything. Looks like they're still posting stuff to Patreon, no idea what though.

A month late to respond to this but you don't need to know anything about soccer to do that section. When you're introduced to the characters you're going to be assigning roles to you're told who would be a good fit in what position

Wait, whaat? How long have you been able to change the background on your phone and how do I change it back to the default? I obviously didn't pay enough much attention to patch notes because I just now learned it was a thing.

The one thing Uraha warned us about before she left, Thursday continues to get more interesting.

Just started playing so I don't have much feedback just yet but I do think that it'd be nice if we could click the time of day icon to skip time instead of having to run back to our room every time we need to.

Also looks like there was a small oversight when we're first introduced to Astra. I hadn't talked to her about the voice yet and when asking how she is she already knows about the voice in our head.

There's nothing wrong with it. If you want to make an NTR game that's perfectly fine!

The issue is that from the description it makes the player think that there's just as much content and whatnot for the non-NTR path. Especially considering it's said that the "true" path is vanilla.

Is it weird that for me some of the things that get put on pause mid-update are more of a cliffhanger than the cliffhangers? Cause as curious about the ending I'm way more curious about the bunch of notifications MC's phone had.

I imagine he'll probably get a bunch more with the number of students out and all happen to be with him at the same time lol.

I've only just put two and two together for potential trouble. The picture of MC with Kana and Kagome when they were all younger. I mean, surely if they found out where he lived they already know people he's hanging around (Another potential trouble source!), but still

At the swimming place after the competition is over.

Unsure if you need to help everyone on the team for it to unlock but I happened to and unlocked it.

There's one if her team wins the swim competition. No penetration if that's what you're looking for though.

Switch the drug Freda gets during the swim competition

... I thought Klaus was just being Klaus. Was browsing VNs to play and that hemorrhoid game Klaus was on about is a legit thing, I guess I shouldn't be surprised with the HHG parody scene, but still lol

Replaying since it had been a while since I last played and I'm glad I did. Pretty sure I said it back then too, but I love the humor of this. So many moments where I can't help but smile in amusement at.

Can't wait to see more, hope things go by smoothly for you!

You've never seen someone stretch like that before? I had stretched similarly earlier today, except I had my left arm was extended upward

As eager as I was for 0.3 I think I'm more eager for 0.4 and how things play out with the bombshell that was dropped on us and the cliffhanger we were left on!

Don't suppose you have a time machine I can borrow, do you?

MC: Don't tell me I'm going to fuck a dragon!

Little did MC know it wasn't a dragon he'd be fucking. I totally forgot about something and then it clicked as we went to get food.

Not saying the engine is perfect but I rarely ever encounter errors in the games I play that use it. It's no small number either, I'm following 153 games that use it.

There sometimes is an error but, in my experience, it has always been from the developer missing something or doing something in a weird way.

I can't put it quite as eloquently as Staffate did, but I'm loving the art style! Really can't wait to see more of this in the future!

Can't wait to check this out later! Seen this a few months ago and have been waiting for the Renpy release to happen before I started playing

Haven't played this since it came out back in 2021 and I'm happy to see that it's just as good and interesting as I remember it being! I think the only thing I can complain about is that I wish I had more to play through.

Although, I do have some have a minor gripe or two. I mean, I suppose you can argue MC's head is still spinning because of everything that went on in quick succession but it's still crazy to me that the conversation basically went:

MC: Does that mean I'm not fired?
Susan: Of course you're not.
MC: Thank you
*moments later*
Susan: [details about a job he'll be doing with Sue]
MC: I was under the impression I wasn't working for you anymore.

Then he's surprised to see Sue even though he was told moments before that he'd be working with her on a delivery. Just... What?

It also feels like Lily did a total 180 in regards to Sam from S1 to S2. Perhaps that's just how it looks on the surface and it's far too soon to make judgements on just yet but I've still got mixed feelings about it.