I've said it before but I love seeing these model showcases. Easily the best models for any of the games/devs I follow (220 now)!
Gonna be a sad day once the model for each character is updated, I'll miss seeing these showcases
Poor Jun whenever she's in class and MC has an interaction with someone. Probably hopes Touka doesn't notice or calls on her. Though with her growth spurt I imagine all eyes are gonna be on her more often lol
All that info on Hibiki's necklace makes me think (even more!) that the same thing, or at the very least, something similar was done to that crucifix MC was given. Especially with the lore dump that happens afterward.
Also probably already know or have fixed it:
Latest scene with Inawyn doesn't appear to be available in the replay gallery
There will be a harem route, but it will be quite different from what you're used to seeing in other games.
An older comment, I realize, but that's a relief! If that's still planned to happen, anyway. With how well written your characters are, when the time came, I'd be stuck trying to decide. Especially cause I don't want to hurt any of them!
Would legit be sat there for longer than I care to admit having an internal debate about it lol.
Got as far as the interactive map, haven't seen all available content just yet but enough that I feel like I can comment.
Honestly, probably the most unique characters I've seen in a while! Maybe I play too many VNs, but you usually see the a lot of the same character designs so it was very nice to see new ones for once!
The story seems rather interesting so far as well. Kind of wish I stumbled upon this when it was more developed because I want to see and know more!
Looking forward to future updates, can't wait to see more! Hope everything goes by smoothly for you!
Minor issues/typos I noticed:
The sound effects for characters moaning don't seem to care if you have Voice or Sound sliders muted. They do seem to get muted if you lower the Music slider, though.
When MC returns home from the bar he thinks
"Cathy definitely knows my story"
But... Who is Cathy? We didn't meet anyone named Cathy. We did just meet a Katie. He then thinks how Amy is still asleep, but who is Amy? We haven't met an Amy, unless he means Emily.
Moments later as he's waking up he says "Amy what are you doing in my room" even though he's talking to Emily.
After coming home from the club he again refers to Emily as Amy, both when thinking about looking up Fobo and when he spots her sitting on the couch.
Later when Katie invites MC home he once again refers to Emily as Amy when he thinks how she probably isn't home
When going to cafe for the secret meeting he refers to Emily as Amy when sitting at one of the available tables
Again when Emily mentions ordering coffee he calls her Amy
Also encountered a strange issue when I opened the accessibility menu.
Reason I had opened it was because I wanted to change the font to see if it would also be changed on the phone. Personally found it a little difficult to read, don't get me wrong. I could make out what was being said but with how thick the lines are they kind overlap or bleed onto each other a little. Or at least the text conversation with Emily at the start of the game looks that way. For example:
Man... It's wild to me how a rather straight-forward section left as much to think about and unpack as it did. On top of leaving me feeling conflicted about the options to pick from even though I knew what I was supposed to be aiming for. Then the final nail on the coffin (Ba dm ts) after the fact.
Kind of made me briefly forget the urgency of MC getting back to what he was doing despite it being mentioned a bunch throughout this update.
Aw man. I haven't played since Chapter 7 and was debating if I should wait for 10 to release before I hopped back into things cause I knew I'd want more. Things just keep getting more and more interesting! So much is cooking all at once!
Lots of mixed feelings on Claire, though. I mean, I get it, but.. Man. I don't mean it as a complaint or anything, just wasn't an angle I was expecting, know what I mean?
Can't wait to see more! Hope everything goes by smoothly for you!
Probably already fixed but a couple minor issues I noticed were:
During the scene in the diner with Blake. At one point MC says "Blaire don't you want to thank her as well?" instead of Blake.
While MC is talking to Arsa during the negotiation she says "Clarice" instead of Claire. Unsure if just a typo, or if that's her actual name and Claire is just a nickname, or if Arsa is just being Arsa. Thought it worth mentioning just incase
Oh no.. That's one hell of a cliffhanger to leave things off at. I'm sure many won't be surprised by it but, man... I'm so interested in seeing how MC reacts to it. I have a pretty solid idea, but you get what I mean.
Also kind of feels like MC is playing checkers while Asuna's playing chess. Not quite sure how I feel about it and/or her just yet
I mean... I shouldn't have expected much just yet since this is a relatively new release, but I kind of thought there'd be more cause of all the character's having one entry in the gallery.
When it said "Not available yet" I thought it meant it as in I just hadn't seen it yet so it wasn't available for viewing yet, it makes sense in hindsight what is actually being said. Know what I mean? Total user error, I admit. Thought it worth mentioning, though.
It also implies there are no male human SECS workers who would also posses the pills. I suppose "man" can be interpreted as "human male", but I feel like it should be clarified better?
Maybe I've forgotten but, has MC even told her about SECS and/or the pills yet? I'm pretty sure he's told her that he isn't a detective anymore, but I don't think he's told her about all that. I feel like she wouldn't have phrased it that way if she knew.
It's definitely something I've been waiting for, though. If any character would joke about it, it would be her or Kagome. The whole taking "a little blue pill" to fuck someone joke has been simmering in the background waiting for its chance to strike
Oh the two seasons were merged? I was interested in replaying from the start to refresh my memory of all the happenings so that makes things incredibly convenient!
I've said it before but on top of having a fun and interesting cast of characters, I love how wholesome this is. Outside of the drama, of course lol.
I think Galka is easily one of my favorite characters when it comes to that, too. Just the whole gentle giant thing she has going on is rather endearing.
Minor issues I noticed:
Think there's a misname as MC is recounting the story between him, Ashley and Cecillia to Ember. As he's telling her about how he stopped by unannounced, he tells Ember about how he heard two voices. One was murmuring, and it's Ember that says the other was sobbing uncontrollably instead of MC saying it.
Not really an issue per se, but it'd be nice if (similarly to H-Scenes) there was an option to see or skip the triggering flashback MC has when talking with Druthari after speaking with Ms. Clements about the infirmary, dorms and kitchen. Not something I had trouble with seeing, but I can see it causing issues for some. Especially since, although there is a warning for it some lines back it does kind of pop out at you suddenly. It's obvious what is being alluded to once you know, but before that I was thinking about what the "triggering scene" could be. Know what I mean?
During the third or fourth Serafina event I think one of the messages is misnamed. MC starts to say "As much as I love the cosplays..." then Serafina says that the two of them should spend time together, though that seems to be the line the MC is meant to be saying. (Also unsure if it was intentionally missing, but that lamp MC and Sera seemed to fixate on for a moment appears to be missing in that event, too)
Also not necessarily an issue (And I don't know a better unlock place/condition) but, I think one of the secret characters might be unlocked at a weird time. I unlocked them after defeating Willy on Nightmare difficulty. When MC notices her he, for some reason, thinks it's Nook. But... We've already learned about Nook's return and where she is quite a while ago. Ignoring that the girl in question has a totally different hair and skin color, there's no reason he should think that it's Nook since learning that she's (mostly) fine. I guess unless the event is technically taking place before all that?
Second event with the same secret girl has a couple of renders that seem to ignore the resolution the player is using. The same with the render immediately after that.
Aw, a few of the devs I follow have announced that they'll have to abandon or put a pause on their projects. I think this is the one I'm most bummed to see go.
That being said, it's unfortunate but life happens. Hopefully you'll one day be able to return to this, though! It's nice to know that even if that doesn't happen we'll at least learn about what was going to happen in the story with the other format you plan to publish.
As always, hope things go by smoothly for you!
Latest Windows 10, downloaded a night or two ago, started a new save cause I remembered that I missed a few clickables when I first played (actually *still* missed a few this time around, too!).
Deleted and downloaded again just now and it seems to have fixed it. I haven't a clue why or how that happened
Jokes on me and absolutely called out by the bot lol. Out of curiosity I manually converted the max int seconds to minutes, hours, days and finally years. Was gonna comment how we were so close to a hidden joke. Then am beaten to the punch because I didn't click a few more times.
Also, am I just being a big derp and missing the button? I can't seem to find the character menu. Looking on the phone just has Texts, Calls, Calendar and Jokes. Pressing Escape just has the usual options and the Gallery.
Completely deleting and reinstalling the game seems to have fixed it.
So many character references this update, I think the only one I didn't recognize was the white haired twin tails in the mall.
Probably already know and fixed it but just incase: the first picture Yukari sends (In between the second uniform selfie and Takako's nude) doesn't seem to get saved to the CG gallery but the other two do.
With what Okami told us and how she feels about Sol I'm curious to see her thoughts on MC's relation to Sol
The expression showcase is a neat way to, well, show what we can expect. Not sure if I've seen other games do that.
My only complaint is how short of a demo it was!... Not really a complaint, moreso just me being impatient, but still! The art style was cute, characters (Well, character) we've met, and the simple yet charming story. I didn't want it to end quite yet!
Can't wait to see how development progresses!
Also, the Toast ending was very amusing, though I kept clicking it as a "I wonder how much they're going to let me do this..." it also made me think waaay back to the cheeky messages you'd get in classic point and click adventure games when you weren't able to do something yet.
Admittedly, I was unsure of what Nene would have been but that isn't what I would have guessed. I'm still reasonably confident about Nagisa, though!
I really need to talk to Kana and tell her about the others
Might not be a fun time for MC, especially when she learns about the engagement to Suzu. Or at least if there isn't much, if any drama, Suzu before her.
I appreciate your response, truly. I'm also incredibly appreciative that the block was lifted as that especially rubbed me the wrong way and left a rather negative opinion, despite the games quality being as high as it is.
I've yet to leave actual feedback on the game itself, which I do apologize for. I prefer to leave comments and such for when I finish the content that's presently available. But what little I have played has genuinely been high quality and the game does stand out well above most titles you're bound to see.
I do wish there was a PM/DM system was in place so I could explain things better as it genuinely wasn't meant to be negative for negativity sake. But, I won't bring it up again here since things were resolved and I do wish the best for this project, as well as you (and your team if you aren't a solo dev!).
With all that being said, even if I haven't gotten very far yet, I'm looking forward to future versions!
The story has potential and the characters are interesting enough, but as someone already mentioned, a proof reader is desperately needed.
I didn't mean for this comment to be all about negatives or issues but I made a list as I played through. I'm sure there are others I've missed, especially as I've yet to finish all the content but I hope it helps.
Minor bugs or typos I noticed: