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Wild Beard

A member registered 66 days ago · View creator page →

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Quite difficult but fun to play none the less!

Level complete animation like others have said is what makes this game. The gameplay is fun and challenging but wish it was a little more clear as to what was happening.

A fun little shooter with a nice puzzle system. I think I managed to get a time of 140!

Fantastic across the board.

I enjoy puzzle games like these. But not sure if it’s me or the game but some of the RNG doesn’t feel like it has a solvable path.

A nice little puzzle game. It would be cool if the buildings that needed more power had different power states to let you know where you were at with them.

Mini games are fun and I didn’t realize how bad at quick maths I am.

With a little more polish if I found this in an arcade cabinet at the mall I’d funnel coins into it so fast.

So far it is a love or hate feature!

Controls are frustratingly good. Really cool concept. Deja Vu maps bested me.

A fun mix of flappy bird and platformers.

Love the look and how it plays. Not entirely sure what the win condition is but it’s a fun button masher regardless.

Great art, fun gameplay, good replayability. Wish you could get power ups more often!

A really cool and unique concept. The 3D anaglyph 3D is a nice touch but really hard on the eyes. Kind of makes me panic when the time runs low!

This is quite fun and an interesting take on a classic. Very replayable.

This is a really cool concept and once I got the hang of the gameplay it was really fun.

Great concept and game play. Moving feels sluggish and kinda wished the little guy would put some hustle in his step.

The penguin, background, and platforms are wonderful. Probably a skill issue but I am not good with the sliding around!

This is quite a fun concept to play and the animation sells it. The pre-arrival time is a cool little way to try and get the Pengus into position. I wish I could retry levels!

A cool concept but visually overwhelming. I find myself getting stuck in the corners a lot and can skip through walls if I try hard enough. Physics of the blocks falling is really cool and the TNT is very satisfying!