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Kacper Woźniak

A member registered Mar 31, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Well, I think it could work 🤔 I’m not sure about changing colors but scaling and rotation would be possible.

It only suppports standard brushes by design, however it was requested quite a few times so I might consider adding it finally.

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue! Turns out placing pixels outside of the existing cel/image caused this issue, I’m publishing a v2.0.2 update with a hotfix for this ✌️

You might want to switch your Aseprite version on Steam to the beta branch.

What version of Aseprite are you using? It seems like your version is older than v1.3-rc4, which would make it incompatible 🤔

Thanks ✌️

Sure, you can reach me via Discord, my @ there is “thkaspar” as well ✌️

These transformations only work for custom/image brushes. These can be created by selecting a part of an image and selecting Edit > New Brush (or pressing Ctrl+B).

I should probably extendd the funcionality of this extension to work for regular brushes as well, that would be more intuitive 🤔

Yes, it will - as long as the Aseprite window is open, but it only tracks time for the active tab.

There’s a command in the API that allows you to do that:

app.command.Flip {target = "mask", orientation = "horizontal"}

I can send you a modified built with it unless you want to add a button with it yourself ✌️

And thank you for support! I’m glad these extensions are helpful ✌️

This issue prompted me to workout a full update for this extension, please try the v2.0.0. It has improved search result sorting.

Thank you, that means a lot ✌️

Oh, thanks - fixed it!

I’ve tested with the same version of Aseprite, OS and the extension and wasn’t able to reproduce the issue. You might want to try the v4.0.0 update and see if this one helps.

Could you please post a screenshot showcasing how it looks like? Cels should be clearly separated on the timeline. image.png

I’ll need to check the build again, what OS are you using?

You can try the unofficial v3.0.2 build of the extension. It should help, especially if you’re running Aseprite on macOS.

I have a suspicion that a macOS specific API behaviour (or even a bug perhaps) could be interfering here. Could you try this updated build to v3.0.2 and let me know if this version fixes the issue for you?

I see what the issue is now - the trial version doesn’t support scripts, therefore it does not support extensions. If you’re still just checking Aseprite out, and you’d like a more complete experience there are Windows binaries compiled from the open-source code, for e.g. here.

Give it a try, it should support scripts and extensions. In the future, if you’re able to I’d really recommend buying the compiled version of Aseprite, it’s convenient and supports the developer ✌️

Although, to be honest, even after investigating this issue I’m not sure what could be causing it - I think there’s a chance the newest update to this extension can fix it ✌️

It’s very odd, what OS are you using? I just re-tested it on Windows 11 (Aseprite v1.3.8.1 + extension v3.0.1) and couldn’t reproduce the issue.

Sorry for the late reply, are you still experiencing this issue? What version of Aseprite are you using? What OS are you running Aseprite on? How exactly does this issue manifest - is there an error message?

Here’s a short demo showing how to open the time stats for a sprite after installing the extensions:

There’s not much more to it really, this extension just keeps the time (and the number of changes) spent on a given image. I’d say if you’re new to pixel art you don’t necessarily need it, just have fun and learn the basis of Asperite ✌️

I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue on Aseprite version 1.3.7 on Windows 11. What OS are you using? What other issues are you experiencing besides the extension being installed under the wrong category? Are the new functions not appearing the menus?

I’d recommend:

  • Install the extension and restart Aseprite, see if the extension is under the correct category after that and check if the new functions are working correctly.
  • Update Aseprite to version (newest stable at the moment).

Thanks for letting me know. Could you tell me what version of Aseprite and the extension are you using?

From my understanding, the link doesn’t need to be functional to fulfil the licenses requirements. ✌️

(1 edit)

The newest Aseprite version (v1.3.8) changed how Magic Wand works and the implementation that I used for selecting image mask stopped working. I just pushed an update to v3.0.1 for this extension that should fix it ✌️

I suspect that the way the extension modified image pixels might not play well with the MacOS version. You can try the released update (v2.1.0), it might solve your problem. ✌️

Thanks for reporting this issue, I just released an updated version of the extension that should fix this ✌️

Could you record a video or a gif showing the Aseprite timeline when you encounter this issue? I’d like to investigate it but I’m not sure how to reproduce this bug.

It looks like the log mentions loading the extension, I’m assuming correctly as there are no errors logged. I tested the version 2.0 of the extension on Aseprite v1.3.7 (on Windows 11) but I couldn’t reproduce the issue.

Do you experience any other crashes? Do you have any other logs that you could share? Could you try any other extension (I’m wondering if there’s some issue with script execution)?

That’s odd, are you using other extensions that add options to menus that do work? What version of the extension are you using?


I’m not fully sure in what version it was introduced but in v1.3.7 you can adjust the non-active layer opacity in the Preferences. No need for a script. ✌️

Hi, sorry for not responding to your email yet. I am not open for commissions at the current moment.

It’s an extension that creates a separate preview (in a second sprite, it’s an old implementation) that can help with creating sprites by showing you the image flipped/only in values/only outline/only silhouette.

I’m sorry to hear that, and yes - I do agree it needs a scroll, although I though that the cases where the extension window is bigger than the Aseprite window it would show up on it’s own.

It’s a specific algorithm for a cheap, non-destructive rotation of an image. It’s a fairly old algorithm, I added it as it produces rather unique results.

Hi, all of my extensions are under CC0, though I don’t think it’s specified anywhere publicly and I need to fix that. ✌️

Thanks, and you can most definitely set your own keyboard shortcut in Aseprite ✌️

All extensions are enabled on install, in order to do that you just need to open the extension file using Aseprite - it might be as simple as opening the file if you have your Aseprite installed and not portable, with associated file extensions. If you’re using a portable version of Aseprite you can simply drag the extension file over the Aseprite window to open it this way.

You can reach me via Twitter (@thkasparrr) or by email (kac[dot]wozniak[at]gmail[dot]com) ✌️