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Tiny Face Games

A member registered Jul 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for lurking!🙌 I started to work again on the game and I'm currently porting the project to another engine, hopefully the full game or at least another chapter or two can be released in time for Halloween this year :)


Third try, no defense seems to be no problem :D This was such a fun game, I liked it a lot!

Hey! Thank you for playing and your comment! Unfortunately this problem with losing focus and being unable to control happens from time to time, I haven't found a solution yet. The final builds will include downloadable versions at least for windows users which won't have this problem. Trying a different browser helps sometimes too.

The goal for this showcase version is to shoot 10 red target blocks by using the bow and arrow mechanic (W key). It seems this was not communicated well enough, sorry for that!

Hey! Thank you for playing and for taking the time to comment!

The next demo and the final game will have a much more step-by-step progression with teaching you different moves, for this build and the prototype I wanted to show the full movement options of the game that you normally have to unlock one after another. So I can see how it is a bit too much an overwhelming at the start right now.

As for the goal: There are 10 red target blocks in the level that can be destroyed by using bow and arrow. (W key) If you manage to destroy all of them you get a little "Thank you for playing message". So far this is the only goal for this version. Sorry if this wasn't communcicated well enough!

Hey! Thank you for playing and for your feedback. It's a sandbox but also I added a little challenge for those who need a goal in a game. You can destroy the red target blocks by shooting at them with arrows and if you manage to destroy all 10 you get a little "Thank you for playing" message. Sorry if this was not communicated well enough!

I can try making the jump timing on the slimes a bit more generous, thanks for pointing that out!

Hey! Thank you for your feedback :) I think the game effectively needs two seperate control schemes, because the game is not designed to be played with a keyboard at all. For keyboard controls, switching between bow and bombs could be useful, but would require either another button to switch or additional menuing which I'd like to avoid. For the controller options I think it would be a waste of buttons not to give bombs and arrows dedicated buttons. The grab/throw button is a bit of an odd one, because most of the time it does not do anything, but it has multiple purposes that all have to do with using your hands, like also clinging to walls to climb. I tried to get rid of it and fit these actions into different existing keys but it made it more complicated in the end. Also it will be used to grab and throw other items than bombs in the later development of the game.

As for the bouncy slimes: I'm sorry!

Hey! Thanks a lot for your feedback! Did you use a keyboard to play or controller? Do you think custom key bindings would help to make the game more accessible for you?

You may be terrible at platforming, but you're very good at saying nice things! We try to make the game as accessible as we can so you can enjoy it too!

Deshalb sind das setting und die Musik so schön freundlich und niedlich, um einen zu beruhigen damit man weniger schnell ausrastet :D Hättest du gern die Option zu nem easy mode?

aber wie schwer ist richtig schwer??

I liked the game a lot, you really nailed the feeling of an obscure NES title forgotten by time! Graphics and especially the music are very good. 

There were unfortunately a couple of things that were driving me insane. The controls were not precise enough for the gameplay, I especially did not like the sections where you had to swing with the tongue, letting go and landing somewhere or swing again on a different point. I would have liked it a lot more if you just held the tongue button and let go of it to release, instead of pushing it again, that felt really unintuitive. I also think swinging pendulums in a speed oriented game fit the theme well, but don't make for the best level design. Waiting for the cycles to hit the right spot over and over again is really tedious if you need to go fast. The most irritating thing for me was the final section being accessible from the start but in it's blue state. It gave me the impression that I could take this challenge once I decided that I collected enough clocks and a better player could take this challenge earlier as a way to adjust the difficulty yourself. But that was not the case. I was able to turn up the platforms that you have to move up by hitting them with your tongue, but painstakingly slow. I thought at this point that the room was just a tedious test of patience, but I could not make it in time. So I decided to explore more to find more clocks and when I found all of them, the state of the section changed and it was suddenly doable. I would recommend not making the section available from the start or at least make sure that the platforms don't move at all, so the player knows without a doubt "I'm not supposed to do this room right know".
These criticisms are mostly level design and controls, I hope it helps. I had a good time with the game nonetheless and would love to see how you improve making games in the future!

This is a very solid entry. The gameplay is really easy to understand and fun, the limitation was used well and the controls don't get in the way. Great work overall!

Almost perfect game for me, my current favorite of the jam! I love the character that you put into every card, the complexity of the game and addicting gameplay loop. So far I only got to floor 9, but I really want to try harder and complete it!

This one left me with mixed feelings. Conceptually the best integration of the theme I've seen so far, but the rest of the game is unfortunately not my cup of tea, mostly due to controls and artstyle. If I could play it with my controller in a twin stick fashion I think that would help a bit. It's a typical case of "I want to like it, but I can't" :D Difficulty was also a problem for me and the overall gameplay didn't click with me enough to push through the barrier.

Awesome arcade game! I really liked the learning curve on this one. It has this perfect balance of easy to pick up and hard to master that gets me invested. The artstyle and juicy animation is graphically the best I've seen so far in this jam. The controls took a little bit to get used to though.

This is a great game! I love the artwork and music. The gameplay is fun and surprisingly strategic by the alternating frogs, it makes for a good highscore hunt. The only thing I think could be improved is the UI design. I think a font that fits the hand-drawn artstyle would have been a better choice instead of a clean one that sticks out a bit, but that's me speaking from a designer's perspective.

I really enjoyed my time with the game and hope you did so too making it!

Hey! No problem, I will add WASD + Space movement to the improved version that I will upload as soon as the rating period is over! Thank you for your feedback and playing the game!

Hey there! Well, the answer is kinda both. :D Unfortunately the ending and the lack of new dialogue was a sacrifice that had to be made in order to upload just in time. I will work on a complete ending and upload it right after the rating period is over, so if you want to replay the game you can have a more satisfying ending!

I remember talking in chat about not being able to make it and a certain fox telling me "whatchu mean you won't make it, of course you will!"  which gave me the motivation boost I needed to make it somehow work in the end. Thanks for that and for playing the game!

Hey! That's unfortunately how it is! I wanted to have a nice scene at the end with all the characters standing together, but I had to export and submit, so the ending is rushed. Thank you for your comment, I'm happy to hear you liked it and also played it to the end! ❤

The concept is really good, the only thing that kept me from playing more were the controls which could be streamlined a bit more. With more intuitive controls the splitting and merging would not be so tedious.

It's hard, but the concept is very strong!

Hey! Thanks for playing and also for the feedback! This was my first time making a game for Trijam and I was really determined to stay within the 3-hour time limit, that's why it's so short. I wanted to have more than one choice and a much larger story but I also wanted to get the atmosphere right. The button not working properly however is a big bummer! I try to improve the programming!

I agree with this comment, increasing difficulty would be nice! I liked the game, the art and the atmosphere. But I think it's more rewarding when the challenge goes up a little more over time :)

I liked it very much, only thing that bothered me was the missing option to restart the whole level from the beginning, hitting ctrl+z the whole time was a little annoying. Very clever puzzle design und great atmosphere! I loved the cryptic level names too :) this is our game page! :)

Hey there!

We started developing a game for the jam but soon realized our idea was much bigger than what could be made during the jams time limit. But we really liked our idea and so we kept working on it and want to continue to do so. For us, the end of the jam became more of a milestone where we would like to share our progress with you in the form of a game page with a making-of text and pictures of the assets we managed to finish during the jam!

Would it be okay to submit something like this?

We wish you good luck and success for the final day of the jam!

cute and fun game! Unfortunately we could not activate the special for the player on the right because there is no "/"-key on a german keyboard :( 

The game design and level design in this game are very good! I loved the main mechanic of the constantly growing and decaying plants which added a nice sense of rhythm to the gameplay :) Also liked the simple music that sounds almost like an 8bit version of 80s alternative garage rock :D

(1 edit)

Wow! :o Nice score! Implementing a high score system is a little bit more advanced because the data needs to be stored on a seperate server (as far as I know). But I will look into it if I find the time :) So many projects at once! :D

Thanks for featuring the game! :) I recommend reading the rules first for a better playing experience :D

woah, this is great! It's like a weird mix of Wario Ware and Space Odyssey :D The music mechanics felt really responsive and meaningful. Congratulations!

I would really love seeing someone getting more than 500 points! :D

Thank you very much for picking my game! I'm very proud to be part of this jam :)

Unfortunately I can't attend the event , but I will keep an eye out for your twitter updates!

Also congratulations to all the other winners, you've deserved it!

connect them!

That's great! Thank you for playing and sharing your score :)

This is so cute! And great mechanics!