Hi, I don't know why but for some reason it is not showing me the results
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Just to clarify, the theme (You are not the main character) is meant to apply to the player meaning that the player can play as whatever you want as long as it is not the main character. Unfortunately, as the game is currently unplayable I am not able to verify whether the game meets this objective or not. This does mean that the game's submission will be removed. However as there is still a month left, you will have more than enough time to develop a new project or modify and fix the existing one.
I have made a fix that should hopefully fix this problem, if it persists let me know. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HOWJFtoRHsuEmqpQpC0ddlvU3jJ5vum-/view
Hi, this is just a comment just to inform people that there is a bug that renders the game in-executable. an updated version of the game will be pushed out once uploads are unlocked again. In the meantime in order to get past this go into the game folder that Itch downloads, go into the folder marked "You're keeping us apart lisa" and change the name of the folder called "IndieTalesJamGame_Data" to "YoureKeepingUsApartLisa_Data". Apologies for the slight inconvenience, I probably didn't see this as I was in a bit of a rush to submit the game in time.
this is my entry into the Indie tales jam https://tinypizza.itch.io/youre-keeping-us-apart-lisa
Here's mine https://finn-chapman.itch.io/ping-and-pong I'll check yours out later
Hey, is there any chance that you could check out my game. https://finn-chapman.itch.io/ping-and-pong
This is my game. It's called Ping and pong and is basically what you would get if you combined Pong with Portal (minus the absolutely amazing writing and end credits song). https://finn-chapman.itch.io/ping-and-pong. If you want I might be able to jump into the streams chat if you get around to answer any questions about the game. I will also check yours out.
Hi, I currently don't have a working webGL build but I do have a fully functioning Windows version.
The game is called Ping and Pong. You play as both Ping and Pong in a game that I would probably describe as a game that's part Pong part Portal style puzzle game.
I do also have a twitch account so if you want I might be able to jump into the chat and answer questions when it's on the stream.