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A member registered Dec 01, 2021

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17 hours on a game meant to take 20-30 minutes:


Any way you could add more turns? (Just to mess around and try stuff out)

Also if you have any new playtest versions please send them to me:

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Just tried the new version, and oh my GOD it is so much better. I like the new UI and game concepts, such as adding a new office (15 employees was kinda weird to work with) and better competitiveness (not having all your games in the top ten). I also like the fact that you can't pump out AAA games at the same speed as tiny ones, and the games actually take time to be produced (instead of a few days where you can put out 10-15 AAA games at the exact same time over a week or two and get 100-200 M per week).

With all this being said, the only issue I've run into so far, is lag. I play on chromebook, so obviously it's gonna be super laggy, but after a certain point you can no longer run double speed without the computer crashing. This is a major bottleneck, however I absolutely love every other aspect and new feature added in this version.

I think a big step and new feature you should focus next on is marketing. I know I've been asking for this a lot, and I feel like dick making the suggestion considering this update just got released yesterday, but I do believe it will make it a lot more realistic and interesting.

I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with, as I've been playing it a ton already.

Edit: Also wondering why we still can't self publish games on consoles while other companies can

The other problem you might be having is that the game sales are limited to the number of sales a console has. The way around this is to just pump out games that make less money but make a ton of them.

When you reach the 50-55 minute mark, save and then export the game. After doing that, delete the autosave and re-import the game. This fixed it for me. I think it's creating too many memory packets, because it looks like it doesn't know how to actually sell the games lol.

I also had two other ideas (once this is more developed obviously). The first is the feature of Marketing a game while creating it as the funds you make off the games don't really have a place to go as there isn't anything to spend them on.
The second idea was adding something later which would allow you to create your own Console. This would also tie into the aspect of something to spend your money on, as well as adding a different side of the game, making it more true to its name; Tech Giants.

I know this is a lot to ask and you probably already have your hands full with bugs and features of your own that you've thought of, so I wouldn't really expect them to be implemented any time soon, but I think that once you've gotten into the later stages of development they will be very interesting and something you should try.

I would offer to help with development and programming of features and stuff, but I have my hands full with school and my coding skills are also quite rusty so I don't know how much help I would be lol.

Sorry for the essay 😂😂

Fastest reply by a dev that I’ve had lol.

Hey Dev,

Firstly, the good, awesome game. Found it and just decided to give it a try and here I am 6 hours later lol. The main bug that has been bugging me (no pun intended lol) is that the games only reach beta and never fully develop.

Other than that though, awesome game. Keep up the great work!!

Someone needs to make a spinoff of this game with upgrades.

Nevermind, I didn't realize you have to actually addpeople to the workplaces.

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Where do you see how many tools you have?