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A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun story! I expected the king consort to get in more trouble than he did. Also seems like they had a lot of gems for throwing at crows. I had trouble remembering how the timekeeping worked, despite the explanation. But mostly I enjoyed the world, the characters, and the story. I also like that the princes are technically rivals but just see each other as brothers and care about each other.

Thanks for the reply! Glad to hear it! (And I'm the same one who asked in Discord, but maybe it's ok to have the answer here, too.)

If not allowed, I suppose I could just disable the pictures for this submission, leaving only the speech bubbles visible.

Dialogue Jam community · Created a new topic Pictures?

Rules say "no description allowed" but if my game has visual characters on a background talking to each other, then the pictures are a description of sorts. Is that allowed? All the text right now is just dialog, and animation is almost nonexistent.

It's interesting to explore. I presume more options are coming? Also, it's easier to find "Reincarnate" than the back button on the Stats page. But I enjoy exploring some.

Do you want to include this game on Maybe you submitted before we required this question.

I love the walking animation.

I love the introduction to mechanics and the in-game music control. And all the exploration. Keeping track of where to refill is hard, and the death sequence is a bit long. Overall, amazing work!

I'm bad at games so it's hard for me.

Every system needs a wumpus.

Played with my son. Super fun!

I also loved the rain and the rain sound and the overall feel.

Overall, I loved the idea. I got stuck easily sometimes, though.

I'd maybe like arrows on screen to show up, down, left, and right.

Yeah, I think some instructions would be good, but I managed to play it with my son, and we learned a few things.

Fine tune the controls and put in enough content, and you could release this on Steam. (Where technically nothing will force you to a 64k limit, either.) Is this based on some other game, or is it its own thing?

And to be clear, the time cutoff is the same for everyone. By "maybe less", I mean we understand not everyone can work this right up to the deadline.

Less than 24 hours left! (Or maybe less, depending on your time zone, circumstances, and/or lifestyle.)

Good luck to everyone! We're super excited to see the results.

Hi, y'all! To make WASM-4 games more discoverable on itch, please make sure to tag your games with wasm-4 and wasm4. You can separate tags with a comma.


Glad that worked!

For those using Nim, large portions of the standard library can raise exceptions, and even if exceptions don't happen, this can end up trying to import the wasi `proc_exit` function via Nim's `quit`. This makes the carts fail to load in the WASM-4 web client.

To work around this, there's now a `-d:nimNoQuit` option you can specify when calling Nim, but you have to use a Nim nightly, such as via:

choosenim devel --latest

The latest changes to unreleased wasm4 also include `-d:nimNoQuit` in the Nim template, but you'll need to add this to your existing build script if you already have one. (And note that this just makes `quit` do nothing rather than exit or hang the execution, so best to avoid circumstances that actually call it.)

We just got merged into Nim a `-d:nimNoQuit` option that you can add to your nimble script. (Not sure when nightly builds come out if you don't want to build your own Nim.) This makes `quit` in Nim a no op, so it doesn't try to import `proc_exit`.

Hurray, the jam is starting! Thanks for joining!

For those who want a theme, here they are:

  • Gifts
  • Cycle
  • Journey

Feel free to use one or more of those for inspiration, if that helps you get started. Have fun!

Here's a video discussing about doing smooth animation, multiple characters, and game play in Prince of Persia in 4 colors and 48k of memory for Apple 2e. Might give some inspiration.

Community member Christopher Kleine has published Docker images for most of the languages supported by WASM-4. This might help some folks get up and running. Thanks!

You can also find the repo for these Docker images on GitHub.

Sounds great! I hope you find a great team. I've also messaged your post to the WASM-4 discord:

I'm hoping to make a game myself, but my entry won't be official since I'm one of the organizers. Otherwise, I'd be happy for the assistance. (Sound is one of the last things I think about, so it's something I could likely use some help with.)

(1 edit)

WASM-4 now directly supports the Nelua language. It's a systems programming language designed to look and act like Lua, which should be great for people used to Lua for scripting games or coming from Lua-based fantasy consoles.

We just added this bullet to jam guidelines:

And I made this post since we already have nearly 50 people signed up (awesome!) who might not look back at the description to see the addition.

Also, jam highlights will be featured on the Context Free channel on YouTube. (Same channel as for the intro video above.)

As an aside, I don't see the jam listed on the jam page. What's needed for listing there?

Hi, y'all! I'm helping to run the first game jam for the WASM-4 fantasy console. It's a great way to promote WebAssembly and to make small games in a variety of systems languages.

Jam site is here:

WASM-4 includes direct support for AssemblyScript, C, C++, D, Go, Nim, Odin, Rust, & Zig. Other languages have also been used. It has a limit of 4 colors, 160x160 pixels, 64k ram, and 64k cartridge size.

Here's an intro video:

Awesome. Thanks much for the feedback!

Hi. Does anyone know if we can use itch cares about hosting a jam for things that aren't games? In this case, I'm helping out with a programming language writing jam. But community evaluation tools on itch would be fantastic to use.


I searched and so far just found this one old small "Non-Game Game Jam":

Also for reference, here's the "lang jam" repo on GitHub:

For example, would he try to beat the lion with the chicken?

I expected that the character would do less predictable things, so I expected a level of humor and cleverness beyond what happened. But it was still fun to go through.

Why can't I control the original trucks? I tried clicking by instructions, but it seems I could only place later trucks. I almost gave up on it entirely the first time. Other than that, I really enjoyed the concept and somewhat the execution.

Too hard, but fun otherwise. Great visuals!

My favorite game so far out of the first 10-15 or so.

Too hard for my skillz, but I liked it otherwise.