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A member registered Nov 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Expedition: Shadow World is a real-time tactics game set in a sci-fi setting.

The player commands a small group of armed soldiers who ensure the safety of an expedition on a hostile distant world.

Hi everyone! I'm happy to release current version of the game on I'm intending to continue developing the game - but in the meantime I'll be happy if gamers give it a try!

Expedition: Security Team is a real time tactics game. Command the fireteam ensuring the safety of an expedition on a distant planet.

Hi everyone!

I have a tradition of making short levels related to different events based on my current or past project. So here I  just made one for 1st April date ))

Please feel free to check it and give your feedback. Hope you like it!

Game page:

Walkthrough video:

Thank you, that's really great to hear! I agree, especially with a bigger gameworld navigation markers would become a necessity )

Thanks a lot!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! Yes, indeed. I somehow didn't think about adding extra controls options )

Indeed! Good idea, and maybe even visualising air fluctuations around the disc may also communicate the player the direction.

Thank you, really happy to see such impression! Good idea about the shadows. I indeed struggled with making the chakram comfortable to control and tried different variants, and I agree that it still may be improved.

Thank you! Glad that you like the visuals! Yes, balancing and accessibility is the hard area for me considering the jam constraints.

As for the graphics - it is done via post processing. Example of the implementation can be found here (though I didn't follow this specific video, I just guess it explains the same tecnique) - 

Thank you! I'm really glad to hear about such experience!

Thank you!

Thank you! I'm really happy you like the game! 

I think I was lucky to choose the right scope for the game so I could do everything what is needed ) And I'm also happy for other participants - I's so cool to see so many crative ideas and great games by so many people!

Thank you! Really glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you, that's great to hear! Yes, I see how it can benefit from paytesting by different people to reach optimal controls and balance )

Thank you! I'm glad that you like the visuals! Yes, I see that difficulty and accessability have a space to improve )

Really creative idea and good puzzles! I enjoyed the game very much and completing it felt very satisfying!


Thank you! I really glad that game progression worked for you!

Thank you! Yes, balanced difficulty is probably one of the hardest things to hit in the jam ))

Thank you! That's really cool to hear! I tried several methods of controls, and really glad that final solution is working.

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Thank you for the feedback! Really glad that you found the game nice and fun!

For indication - yes, I think it can be a very good accessability option, as an optional feature. Maybe along with some other optional settings. I can comfortably play the game without it and assume some other people can, but yes, difficulty can indeed prevent players from having a good experience!

Or maybe some diegetic way of indication can also work.

Thank you! Yes, it was very fun to experiment with art style. I used pencil paintings as a base for 3D models and used them as textures as well. In combination with post processing it allowed me to make all the content pretty fast and effective )

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Wonderfull game)) I really like the hero and especially animations - its so fun! I can also feel the weight and climbing walls also makes sence because of the spikes. Slide is really hilarious))
I managed to finish the game, because of the advice for wall jump (holding left and right buttons). Because of small length of the levels and how easy it is to restart it was reasonably challenging.

I really like the game! Nice attention to details, and just extremely stylish! Also short enough to complete, without fillers and repetition - and with a satisfying ending.


Thank you for playing, I'm really glad you like the game!

Thanks for playing, really glad you like it!

Right now I'm moving this project to Unreal Engine 5 and planning to update and improve this mission as well, so hopefully it will evolve 🙂

No, by default it's 64 bit only.

According to packaging settings, it seems it's only for 64x bit systems.

Sorry, I'm not sure, it's an old project. I'll try to check next time.

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Thank you for playing the game! You did really good job by playing such an early build )

I'd like to mention several moments for those who will decide to also try it:

You can choose the same amount of positive and negative passive effects in the beginning.

Press R to use the bag you found. I just forgot to list this key in the controls ) Available bags: Med (heals player), Ammo (restores ammo of your current ranged weapon), Serum (increased melee damage and defence for a short time), Grenades (throw a grenade), Repair (Repair current melee weapon. Broken weapon do very little damage).

Enemy attacks can't be interrapted if they already started attack animation, so player have to block or roll to avoid damage.

If you block in the last moment, you will parry and interrupt enemy attack.

I'm avare that rifles sometimes are not hitting target, will fix it.

In the second half of the video - enemy who was trying to attack the player (with knife icon above) was trapped on the first floor, so all other enemies was just waiting for their turn to attack because only one enemy can actively attack player at a time.

Thank you! I'm really glad to hear that.

Thank you!


Thank you! I am really happy that you enjoyed the game! I'd like to develop it further, but I need to discuss it with our team members.

Thank you for playing the game!

(1 edit)

Thank you, I'm glad you like it. I also think our writer did really great job!