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A member registered 38 days ago · View creator page →

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Thanks for your comments, I am pleased. 

Absolutely reflect the theme. 

The game would be better if there was a gliding mechanic.

Also angel can faster for gameplay speed.

You can add coyote time also you can stabilize the magnets. 

If player wants a big acceleration, player must just press space.  This can create a problem in gameplay.

Whole text is "R to restart". In the upper left corner ".1" is R's(Rigidbody) cooldown counter.

Also you mean full-screen button is not working?

The game has whole screen. Thanks for playing.

Probably, non-reset of cooldowns and box create a problem. Thanks for feedback.

Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing.

(1 edit)

If you want storytelling , player should have reason for stay in the game.  Also slow actions are not good for it. Voiceover should not reduce the player's patience. You can try make the game fast as much as possible.

I liked the humorous storytelling.

It will be very good when you add some mini games into tasks.

Enjoyable but there is must to be any reason for the upgrades, player shouldn't do it random. There must be strategic ways.

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I loved the art style.  The music chosen is very harmonious. 

Player can go outside from area. This can be a bug.

The art and storytelling created hype. I hope the game will have the rest.

Thanks for playing. I added full reset to just third level. Because it needed for it.

Also thanks for advice for sticking to wall problem. First I did think to work on it, but there are few platformer elements. Thanks for simple advice.

Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing and feedback.

(1 edit)

Thanks for feedback. Maybe, I should change the brightness of the third level.

Thanks for playing.

Basically it is a puzzle game, so I think speed of player is enough. Did you have a problem on it?

Thanks for playing.

Every "block" has special features. For example "R"s change the gravity. You must hit them(like in Super Mario).  But "C"s and "O"s are more complex.  With "C", you can give cooldown to blocks; "O" is for choosing the block whichone you want.

Controlls and other mechanics like double jump are very smooth. I wonder what the boss fight would be like?

The game gets stuck in the first chapter.

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The game can get into bug when the player dies. This game should be played quickly and the length of the explosion scene hinders that.

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The music is very interesting. On the other hand, gameplay is basic. You can add more complex levels and mechanics.


Thanks for playing.

(1 edit)

"Close" kills gain more score and that actually great factor in games like that. Can make game background color different to zombies' color but health and time bar fixed that.  Any music and SFX(charge absolutely) can make better the game. A game that has reflex based mechanic and reflect the theme.

A great puzzle game but the reflection of the theme was kinda forced.

A 2D platformer game that has attractive aesthetics and smooth gameplay.  Any music and SFX can make better the game. Also if planned difficulty is not decreases of mana, obstacles can make more hard.