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A member registered Jul 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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I had a blast trying to reach for 50 blocks ! The game is a bit rough on the edges, it could use audio ambiances et bit of polish on the camera, but it was very fun nonetheless !

Absolutely gorgeous game, you really are onto something there ! I think it lacks a bit of a tutorial and a more polished gameplay and you'll have a solid gem !

I laughed a lot trying to make the sphere, and then came the statue...My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined. 10/10

Amazing little game ! I laughed a lot, and enjoyed every minutes of it. Great job !

I haven't unfortunately. I'd love to be able to give one but I just can't =/

If you are on Mac this is a known problem with the VN engine Renpy. If it's windows then I don't have any clue. It should be fixed in the next update though !

What are you trying to accomplish with this message ?

Hey ! Of course I read everything, even if sometime sporadically haha ! Thanks for your kind words, I'm taking good care of myself and be back asap =)

Thank you very much for the kind words ! I'm doing my best and I'm in very good hands, no worries !

Hey there !

Yes, another batch is ready to be sold. I will make an annoncement on Twitter and on my Telegram channel when I'll start selling them ! Let me know if you have more questions !

I wish that was true but not really...I'm struggling a lot with life and managing my projects so it just takes a lot of time and it's not time spent on polishing the project unfortunately =/

Hey there ! Not really unfortunately =/ To have the best look possible while playing the game I draw them at the size they are display on the ingame screen so they are actually quite tiny ! But I will try to find a solution to view them in a bigger size, maybe to try to upsize them and redraw over them or something in this idea !

No date so far and I'm really sorry about it. But progress is made here and there and I hope to be able to put it out as soon as possible. Thanks a lot for looking forward to it !

No date so far and I'm really sorry about it. But progress is made here and there and I hope to be able to put it out as soon as possible. Thanks a lot for looking forward to it !

Hey there, and no I definitely didn't forgor my own game haha. I'm either extremely busy on other project or extremely depressed from the lack of energy that I spent on trying to catch up to deadlines. I'm working on managing my energy to have a more stable workflow. Progress have been done, but I'm still missing key assets to put out a new demo. I'm really doing my best to balance everything and make it happen in the best times possible. Hope that answered your questions !

Ain't we all ? 😊

Thank you very much for reaching out, I really appreciate it ! Hope to be able to get to 1.0 soon enough haha

Hey ! No server discord is planned, it would even more work to keep ot afloat and I franckly don't see any good reason to make one. Thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate it !

Hey there, no news no. This is a one person project so it takes a while to make progress, and like anyone else I have to juggle with my life and my projects. I'm doing my best and thank you for your interest !

I'm gonna try to make a push to release something during summer, hopefully before the 1 year anniversary TwT

Thank you very much for your kind words, things are getting better I really hope to be able to make some progress very soon !

I'm trying to make progress whenever I can, but it's very slow progress

Hey there and sorry for the delay ! For this particular game, it's really gonna be a simple VN with some interactive features and maybe a couple hidden treasure to hunt, but it is aimed to be a simple project.

I'm extremely glad you enjoyed it and hopefully you'll enjoy enjoy the updates as I'll get to them !

Not yet no. Unfortunately I'm not doing too well so the update is gonna be delayed. I will get back to it as soon as I'll do better !

Hey there ! Unfortunately I'm not doing too well so the update is gonna be delayed. I will get back to it as soon as I'll do better !

Hey there ! Unfortunately I'm not doing too well so the update is gonna be delayed. I will get back to it as soon as I'll do better !

You can ! There's a button for that in the main menu once you beat the game =)

More like a pause as I'm working on other projects on the side

I will get back to it !

It sure will~

Hey there ! I don't unfortunately, I've been busy with other projects but I  hope to get back  to HyperCam pretty soon =)

Hey there ! I'm super sorry for the lack of update, life is getting hard on me and I'm having trouble working on this project. I will make updates asap as I can work on them !

Yep ! I'll do my best to have an android version of the game along with regular computer ones for the next update !

I will mahe Dev blogs here very soon !

Hey there ! I can't really help you there as I have no idea what could go wrong on your computers =/

Thanks a lot, I'm super glad you enjoyed my demo !
As for more characters, there will be just Todd in this game, as I'm not a writer and I'm already having a lot of difficulties making 2 characters substantial haha ! Though if this project get enough interest, I'd love to make a sequel with more characters, a better engine to be able to do all my crazy ideas, and partner up with a writer to make good characters and dialogues !

Not so much actually ! The icons and layout came rather naturally from the daily use of computer (And my passion for UI lol), writing was the most difficult as I don't have much experience and I wasn't confident in them at all since I'm not a native english speaking person !

I'm extremely honored you thin so, I hope the next update will be your new best play as well !

This was exactly my intention when making this game. It's still my vision of hyper though, something conflicting against the normal rules of civilisation and laws of physics instead of just pure joy without thinking too much, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway !

Thank you so much for your kind words, really hope to make the next update as quick as possible !

I'm struggling with Renpy to make an android build. I'll make one available as soon as I fix this issue !