Hi, thank you for playing the game! The idea of this game is to properly assign your customers based on their preferences. If your customers have 0 satisfaction, it may be because you didn't meet their needs or because you're not cooking enough food. Try creating a kitchen with good cooks and make sure it's supplied with power.
Tohu Bohu
A member registered Jan 05, 2019 · View creator page →
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You need to grow a hotel as more and more guests arrive!
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You need to grow a hotel as more and more guests arrive!
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The insomniac little witch must collect the ingredients of her sleeping potion in order to fall asleep!
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A pumpkin-like mapmaker a quill and a parchment... What else do you need?
You play as a Mayor of a little village who wants to gather votes in anticipation of the upcoming elections.
Interactive Fiction
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I just tested with a low frame rate and indeed the jump is impossible, in reality it shouldn't do that, the game should have been possible with low fps, a windows version could have solved the matter but unfortunately I have submitted the game at the last minute and didn't have time to upload it, but thanks for reporting the bug, and sorry you can't play the game.