It took me quite some time to figure this feature out, but I do believe I have a handle on it now. Basically while the game is open magic is randomly expended to change a random resource from any other feature into a magic resource. You then need to find this resource and move your mouse cursor over it to collect it, which will add it to the night hunt page. Back on that page, you can attempt rituals with these resources in order to try to unlock potions. Combinations that haven’t succeeded yet will have a little “new” indicator next to the button- once this indicator is gone there is no benefit to repeating that specific combo if it did not yield a potion (I wasted SO MANY RESOURCES before figuring this out). The rest should be easy enough to work out from the tooltips.
Yeah it still makes no sense to me. I have gotten 4 ingredients so far and never saw anything unusual about other resources on any page. Perhaps its not obvious at all, or the shadows or shading is a problem or something. Also, how do we combine ingredients with only 1 box? Definitely not intuitive at all, with or without notes.
Really love the UI in general, and most of the gameplay mechanics (school is still awful), but just wish things didn't need so much explanation to figure out how to even begin.
Yeah, as we finally get to new features and get excited, I find myself more and more frustrated lol. Still loving the game concept tho...scratching that itch for sure, and just hoping for more balance and explanations of mechanics over time.
I've only succeeded on 2/20 attempts on ritual too in order to figure out wtf it all does... so yeah, about 40% success. =P