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A member registered Jan 08, 2023

Recent community posts

Great point&click game ! Some music will be great 

Heyy !! I love this , it's so fun. Soundeffects are great too

Nice game ! Was pretty fun to play

Hey it's so good . The gameplay is fun , art is great , sound too . I had so much fun playing this game . But i got some problems , when the score was 3015(or something like that ) , enemies stopped spawning and idk what to do

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Heyyy ! I love this game , this is so funny .I love the dialogues and the humour . Which is also great , is that the every bossfight is unique and demands different playstyle.

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Was pretty good , hard to understand something at the beginning , but after some time i get it. The big minus is the lack of sound , however , as i said , the gameplay is fun

The game is very good ! Love the audio and  voices . The gameplay is great too !

Sad that you had small amount of time creating this , unfortunately there is only one level . However animations are pretty cool and i can't wait to see more levels !

I love the graphics and i love how fun is it to play !

Hey , that's pretty cool . Love this game , it's fun and great to play . I hope you will finish it and make this even better , can't wait to play polished and extended version of this !

WOW. This is definetly one of my favourites in this jam . I have so much fun with this 

Nice . I like this 

Cool .The gameplay is great .The game isn't very hard ,however sense of fear when the enemy picks up the riffle can't be compared to anything . 

no audio (((

Niiicee! I love almost everything about this

Great job ! It was fun to play , gameplay is really engaging . The only think i need in this game - is minimap or something to make navigation easier.

Love this !!! My favourite thing in this game is movement , it's almost perfect . To be honest i'm not really into this type of games , but it is fun to play . Btw , audio are good too