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A member registered Dec 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Yes, it is very short unfortunately.

I didn't want to make it longer than it needed, there are 5 "features" (apple enemy, fishes, cactus enemy, spikes, boss) and I wanted every floor to have something new so that it felt like you progressed forward.

My goal was to have 10 floors, but I lowered it to 5 since I didn't feel like there was enough content to support it.

I definitely will!

Yeah, the frame-lag that happens when turning can be a bit annoying, hopefully it didn't ruin the experience too much :).

Thank you!

Yes, that's the strategy that I prefer to use as well!

Thank you for the kind words, really glad that you enjoyed it!

Great job!

Yeah, the spikes can be exploited easily, but I'm still glad that I added them, the game would've probably been too hard otherwise.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

Glad that you liked it!

Thank you!

Give him a taste of his own medicine!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Yes, I definitely agree. I was planning to do some type of abilities/skill attacks, but I had to cut that feature unfortunately. But for the next roguelike that I do I will definitely put more time on the combat system to make sure that there's at least some strategy to it.

Thank you!
Yeah, the spikes can be used to exploit a bit, but I felt that it was okay if I made it too hard to compensate for the balancing:P.
The trick is to only use a fish when you're 1 or 2 hits from dying, or spikes of course!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Makes me super glad to hear that!
I agree on the theme being a bit light, I planned to have different hats that you could wear that would give you different abilities, since you often wear a lot of hats as an indie developer, but I did not have time to add that feature unfortunately!
Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

Makes me really happy that you think so :)!

Thank you!

Yes, completely agree on the theme being a bit "light"!

The idea from the beginning was that you were suppose to collect different hats that boosted your abilities; like coder hat, artist hat etc (since as an indie developer you need to wear a lot of different hats). Did not have time for that unfortunately though, so I replaced it with the upgrade loop instead :).

Thank you!

Haha, test that music really geta stuck in yoyr brain after a while!

Yeah, definitely agree about the upgrades, it is definitely not properly balanced.

Yes, I'm aware of that bug, didn't have time to fix it unfortunately.

Thank you and great to hear!

Yeah, it works now and the .dll is in the folder, I do not know what I did wrong before!
It is a cool concept!
The level editor works really well, really like that you have different themes that you can choose from, made a few small levels, was really fun!
I think the jumping of the character feels a bit floaty, would've been better I think to increase the gravity and possibly not have the charatcer jump as high, but that is a personal preference.
Overall great job!

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot!
Makes me really glad that you think so <3!

Interesting concept, but the game is unfortunately very buggy, sometimes I would get 700 bucks for a new game, sometimes nothing, sometimes 2 bucks, it felt really random.
The music and art was good, but it needs a bit more polish overall.
Still great job on getting this far on the game in just 16 hours, really impressive!

Great game!
Had really fun with it, the upgrade mechanic is really good, makes you want to keep playing!
This game basically uses the same core-loop as my game, but as a top down shooter, my game is a platform shooter

The art might need some polish and some more effects when hitting enemies would've been nice, but overall a great game!
Amazing job!

Fun little game, well polished and interesting mechanics, got stuck on mission 8, but had a really good time nonetheless!
Great job, definitely see the fitting of the theme, transition screen could've been a bit faster, but overall really great job!

Really great job!
Love the simple art style, the controls might need a bit of work, got stuck on the edge of blocks a few times.
The level design is really good, each level introduces a new concept, great job on that!

Overall a fun experience!

Pretty good!
Impressive that you managed to make the game for 2 jams, not for the faint of heart!
The procedural levels are good, adds for great replay value, the lighting effects are also really nice, would've wanted a bit more feedback on shooting and when getting hit, but still great job!
A feature that would've been nice would be to make the map show where you've been, maybe color it in green on places you already visited, it was hard to remember where you had been.

I also encountered a bug that made it impossible for me to progress, the game said I had 5 enemies left to kill, but there were unfortunately no enemies to be seen on the entire level.

Great job!

Very short, but a nice concept.
The art was very good, but I feel that the gameplay woud've needed a bit more polish, it was sadly not that fun to play and a bit confusing.
I think that if you for example made this to an actual co-op game, it would've been a lot more fun!
Great job still and keep making games to improve!

Really good for a few hours!
Small and simple, but well executed!

Really nice!
I don't think it's a bad game as you say, it is really nice, and being the first time you made something using a new tool/engine it's realyl impressive!
Great job, had a fun time playing it!

It is a really interesting concept, I liked it!
The UI needs some work though, since everything you do is done thorugh UI, explaining how to navigate the UI would've helped a lot. But I really liked it, the music is really nice and catchy!

As others have said, a bit confusing.
But still it's a nice game, great job on getting the game to this state!
Would love to see what you do for the post-jam version!
Great job!

Really liked the graphics, the game itself felt a bit slow, and I think there was some kind of bug that reset the game even though the game-core didn't get hit. Some sound and music would've been great, but a solid entry still, great job!

Nice game, it was really hard to keep up with the grades while also trying to work on the game, so you definitely managed to nail that feeling!
Had a great experience!
Loved the "poof" sound in the intro sequence!
Great job!

(1 edit)

Really good level design!
The levels introduced new puzzles in a very good way, small and simple, but really good job for your first game!
Really liked it!
Great job!

Nice work, it was simple but I really liked it!
A bit hard possibly, but really well fitting to the theme, great job!

I can't play your game because you are missing a .dll in the game folder, please upload it would love to try your game!

Great little game!
Good feedback on the towers!
Quite addicting as well!
Great job!

Simple and fun!
I liked it, the shooting works good, would've been nice if the game was a bit longer and possibly a bit harder, but overall great job!

Okay, I really liked the driving and shooting mechanic and was having a great time, but the jumpscare, it really makes the game look extremely bad.
It is better to commit an unfinished game that has an interesting mechanic than to include those type of things, it really makes people angry.
If you upload a version without the jumpscare I would love to play it again.

It's a nice concept, but it is a bit slow, would've wanted it to be a bit faster and harder, as Alex Doe says; it feels like it goes on forever.
But great job on your first game and first jam!

Haha, this was great!
Good feedback, simple controls, interesting gameplay, great music.
I really liked it, well polished as well!
Really great job!

Quite fun, really good that you added the possibility to change the controls!
Love the screenshake!
Overall a good solid entry!
Great job!