Thanks! I worked hard on them.
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Thank you for the constructive feedback. I didn't quite finish the game to what I all wanted. The death reset was one of the last things I added, and I needed to have it for a working game with less than an hour left lol (originally wanted health and knock back). Also, I never changed from the default font even though the resolution was so low, which made it blurry.
As for the parabola which I think you're talking about the throwing rock projection: I use a Line2D with repeating texture that has a characterbody2D that moves based on an input direction and speed, putting points for the line until it collides with the ground.
This is great and the swinging is very satisfying. I think it'd be better if the wires would reset back to normal faster when you're not swinging on them, so that if you mess up you can try again without waiting so long. As a speed run it's great though because you probably won't be messing up. Music is great and art is very fitting.