can you create some snowy environment?
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Hey, I put a build up with a fix on . Could you try that and tell me if it works for you?
There will eventually be an underground with various layers. :) I need to get multiplayer working first but it's one of the things that is definitely planned.
I'm thinking that once multiplayer is in, I might make the solo version free? Not sure yet, but that might be a good way to get people making a lot of mods once the game is in a pretty polished state.
Thanks for the compliments! If you like, check out the Discord at, or the Twitch channel; there's a lot of new procedurally generated stuff going into the game now, so it's fun streams. :)
When you build a workbench in the game, often it'll have buttons to invent various types of things! Draw whatever art you want with the pixel editor, and put items from your inventory into the crafting slots to determine its stats.
This not only creates the item in your inventory, but also adds the crafting recipe to the game & saves an invention file in your Mods directory that you can share with others!
Yeah I'm workin on the beta. I updated it a bunch to support multiplayer and in-game modding. You can check out an advance build here:
Hey everyone, I'm building a game called Modlands! It's a sort of Twitch-integrated world sim, where you build the world and your Twitch chat plays as characters in the world. This week I'm staying at home to make an experimental gameplay build that'll make the game a bit more of an RTS/colony-sim hybrid.
You can check out the game here:
I also do weekly video devlogs on this Youtube Channel! -
Thanks to for being such a convenient site to host this game and do open development! :D