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Why is my dashboard in greyscale?

A topic by Pop Shop Packs created 33 days ago Views: 3,272 Replies: 48
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(1 edit) (+6)

The rest of the website is fine, but for some reason my dashboard is entirely in greyscale. Below is a screenshot of my dashboard. Any idea what is going on here? Has my subscription to color run out?

EDIT: For those who are just coming across this thread, it seems like a greyscale-d dashboard only effects people who have earned revenue while their revenue sharing option is set to 0%. If your dashboard is in greyscale, you can set your revenue sharing to anything above 0% to get the colors back.

As of this edit, there has been no official statement from about what is going on.


Why is the greyscale filter set to 100%??? Why is the filter even a thing???????? I am in confusion


(1 edit)

In my dashboard is neither that body style segment, nor that hidden iframe.

Do you maybe have an extension that tries to force dark mode or something like that? I ask because <style> elements are not typical for Itch. All the css is in a css file.

I do not, and it's also grey scale on mobile (both through a web browser and the app)

(1 edit)

(can't reply bug again.)

I spot some widget.dark_theme for that layout selector or whatever that is. Do you have that <style> element on all pages or only on dashboard? Same for the iframe.

It just feels like some hacky way of trying to do dark mode where dark mode is not possible. I am not versed enough in css to understand what that iframe does. It is just strange that I do not have both elements at all.

Oh, and dark mode from within Itch's settings works just fine on my system.


So the iframe might be an inactive icon, as it says on the tin. It might be unrelated to the greyness.

For the greyness, if it is on mobile too and the Itch app, that is very strange. Also, because it is in the body and not in the css file.

I'm also getting that style element popping up on my dashboard. Really strange.


This is because you are giving itch 0% revenue share!

Oh wow, that's actually correct 😂


Confirmed. Turned revenue split on and my dashboard is no longer greyscale. Turned it back off as I can live with the greyscale.


I find it really ridiculous that they made this change (and even more so without prior notice or notification) I don't know if it's a bug or what, but I think it's pretty bad on the part of the team that they don't even warn about this.Obviously, it's not something that is serious, but now it makes me wonder if it is worth paying 1% for the colors.


Revenue share for dashboard color is crazy. I’d rather just install an extension that allows me to use a custom stylesheet and override the grayscale.


I think the point of this funny feature is for you to think about the value that itch brings to you… I don’t know your financial situation, but is itch really not worth chipping in for?


Everything I offer is free, donations are few and far between. Itch is essentially an advertisement and distribution platform for my donation projects. At the same time, I’m driving traffic to itch from various platforms. Traffic is king in e-commerce - by driving traffic to their platform they are being supported. There are ways beside revenue share that they could convert that traffic into money.


Also, if that’s their goal, maybe they should try adding a message at the top of the dashboard or something. Just having everything grayscale is not intuitive and confusing as evidenced by this thread. A banner that tries to make customers feel morally inferior would probably work better than making the itch interface look like it has a bug.


I set mine to 0%, but my dashboard doesn’t get the grayscale filter :/

I wonder if it depends on where you live? Are you located in the U.S.?

Nope, I’m in Indonesia.

Or, maybe its because I haven’t received any payments/donations with 0% revenue share?

That's probably it


Wow. I wouldn't mind this change if it was actually communicated to the community. The lack of transparency is kinda frustrating 


It’s funny and playful and makes you think! Nothing to be frustrated about IMO.


I respectfully disagree. When you make changes like this to your website, those changes need to be communicated to your users. I was worried that there was something wrong with my account or my account had been suspended. 

This law was never voted it seems.


I thought I was suspended as well.


I‘m with you on this. My dashboard also turned grey this morning. I wanted to initiate a payout and I was worried that there was something seriously wrong. I couldn‘t find any information ob what had happened before I found this post, and I fail to see the point since I would never have expected that this could be the reason. Why not just have a message, banner or popup asking people to consider revenue sharing?


It‘s actually neither funny nor playful. It could have been, if anyone had bothered to communicate what is going on. And most of all, it didn‘t make me think. At least not about revenue sharing, because I don‘t see how that is related to having thumbnails show up in color.

Deleted 32 days ago
Deleted 32 days ago

Being nice is free!


I thought I was crazy... but it's true, it's all in black and white! Any solution?


I sure hope this is a prank or a side effect. Like, they wanted to greyscale some part of the page to give those 0% cheapskates a sad smiley face.

Because doing it this way is not not only unprofessional, it creates support issues. In other words: it costs money because people not reading this thread will open a support ticket.

If they want to encourage more money flow by this, as a user I would like to see a tip to Itch button where payments are made. Right next to those buttons.

Support the developer by paying above the minimum price

+$1.00 +$2.00 +$5.00 +$10.00

(1 edit) (+1)

Doubt it. It's in our nature to come up with plausible explanations when weird things happen but it's probably nothing sinister whatsoever


I'm glad this wasn't just my dashboard. Probably a bug


The bug as such might be an accidental rollout of a test version of the site or whatever.

But the thing itself is kinda very specific and done in a way not consistent to the other applications of css on Itch. All the Itch css is in files. That grey thingy is injected in the html itself.

What worries me is lack of official response. For site issues, leafo is often quite quick to say something about it.


The weird thing is he's been active on Discord responding to other people's questions while some people have been discussing the greyscale issue, but he hasn't acknowledged it in any way shape or form

(2 edits) (+1)

I get like no traffic to my Itch account, Itch is full of ai generated garbage and violent porn, full companies publish games on itch, there's so many reasons many people literally can't afford to split revenue with itch at this point because they are taking donations in a dying market while also not being promoted or communicated with by itch.

As was first brought up, anything "free" on itch is an advertisement for itch, just as tweets are part of you being a product in social media.

I can host elsewhere for free vs itch but I was here at the literal Beginning of this website when I believed in it and didn't see my only revenue come from Donation Bundles in a time where I am out of graphic design work as shovelware populates itch io.

I've lost hope though. The website is nearly no longer for the people. and they arent losing money from zero profit share slider. 

they would not have put it in A) and B) they are partnered with Epic Games among others C) people will always chip in. 

it would have been nicer to just take it away and require a mandatory 1% or 3% or whatever like the website Initially Was Set Up. I would have Dealt and Accepted but if the option is there and most of my work is free + I am also running an org that accepts donations, then this becomes ridiculous.

Communication is Key but it seems like this website is on its way out like Steam and all else who decided to just let the floodgates open up to ai slop, porn games, and various other "fangame" garbage.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wanting to also note that I only set my profit share that zero last year if I recall or the year before either way due to the option being their, joblessness, and being here from the start bringing years of revenue in when Itch was better (before so much garbage got uploaded). I've had my games featured in LA art shows mentioning to grab them on Itch urls. As in even attempting to bring a sense of legitimacy in the past instead of private hosting or with the gallery infrastructure such as VOLUME Los Angeles, etc.

Like, why present the option to an account then also punish that account, especially one that Has previously given the original 5% or whatever it was since the founding years and during times when it probably meant more for this website to exist as well as when more people had the means + desire to drop Way over $20 on an art game to support All Of This. 

But instead, we are at the amazon ebay aliexpress of videogames and assets for shovelware 

(1 edit) (+1)

Why is this happening? I thought this site was supposed to be the good one

I found that my page turned gray 24 hours ago. My first reaction was that the founder of itch passed away yesterday.

Unless he's posting on Discord from beyond the grave, Leafo is very much alive

(2 edits) (+8)

I'm pretty sure that it being grey like this completely breaks accessibility, particularly in regards to colourblindness. 

And if it is tied to revenue share, that's going to affect disabled people even more. 

This is honestly ridiculous, particularly with no warning or announcement.


Also it now seems like it is treating some spaces as line breaks...


Agreeing here as an extremely colorblind person doing colorblind art.

(1 edit) (+9)

The solution to this is simple.

1. Download the uBlock Origin Extension if you do not already have it.

2. Add the following filter under "My Filters": none !important;)

Tada, no more obnoxious greyscale.

You are the best!

(1 edit) (+4)

Itch has made the dashboard grey for all users who share 0% of their revenue with itch.

This is a stupid practice and I wouldn't mind them asking but just doing this without any notice is annoying and counterintuitive.

For anyone still wondering, you can run a custom script on a browser extension.

-I am using "violentmonkey" extension on firefox that lets you run custom scripts.
-You can use chatgpt to help you write a script on violent monkey to disable only on

Just add the script and run it. Simple.. No more annoying greyscale.


So my Dashboard will stay gray forever then.

If you're on mobile, yeah. If you're in PC there's a few ways around it. A few people have already posted methods to remove the greyscale


The gray made it difficult to upload new artwork for projects, so I decided to pay the piper.

If this is their way of asking, I don't mind sharing revenue. In fact, I don't even think I knew I had it set to 0% -- I figured I was paying a cut, but I guess that was just taxes, VATs, etc.

More transparency would've been nice, but I don't mind reimbursing them for the ability to use their site. Bandcamp has been doing it on autopilot for years now and pretty much nobody complains about it, because it's just the cost of being part of a wonderful community.

Anyway, I'm still grateful for Itch, even with weird hiccups like this. I understand their need to create pressure surrounding the issue, but a little more transparency and care might've won more people over.


This change is so childish and petty. Just makes it hard to read any information.

(1 edit) (+1)

Our group sets revenue share to zero because all our projects are fundraisers. We send the money we get from itch to charitable organizations and mutual aid. I still lose some money in the process due to payout fees. It's really ridiculous that itch couldn't bother to communicate the reason for the greyscale to the userbase. If they were to communicate openly about this, I'd consider putting a revenue share above zero.

It's also definitely an accessibility issue, as mentioned upthread.