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Troll Hitbox Game Studio

A member registered Nov 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow, that’s awesome!! We are really glad you enjoyed it <3 thanks for playing it!

Thanks! We are glad you liked it!

Nice! This one worked! Thanks a ton :)

That’s so awesome! We are happy you liked it! Do you have the VOD of the stream? We would love to watch it!

Hey all!

Discord links in the main page are not working for me. Could anyone share an updated one? :D


Hahaha thank you! I think we could definitely improve the tutorial, as the mechanic can be hard to learn at first.

Goals for our v2!

Glad you had a blast! This is why we make games. Thank you :D

Without a doubt the funniest game in the jam, I had a blast haha great one!

Great concept! I like chaotic games and this was a fun one! Nice job!

Thanks! Yeah there are some bugs here and there, but we are glad you had fun nonetheless!

Thanks a lot! Yeah those games and Celeste were kind of our main inspirations for this game! We are really glad you enjoyed it!

Neat concept! It seems like a game that can really be expanded into something really cool! Nice job!

Really nice animations! There are some bugs here and there but I think the concept is quite fun!

Cute concept! I had quite some fun. I liked the sounds it makes when you eat the bugs haha

Great art! I liked the gameplay but I had a bug a couple times where the camera would get stuck at the top and so I wasn’t able to play anymore because I couldn’t see my character :( but with a little more work I think this could be a super fun game!

Neat concept! Game jams are great for this type of games, great job!

Nice game! I like this type of gameplay, this could be expanded into a really deep game! Great job!

Nice game! I liked the dinosaur sprites, they are funny as hell! I would’ve called it Dinosaur Survivors xD

Nice one! Good use of the theme and pretty fun!

This was fun! Simple, straightforward action! I liked it!

Simple and fun idea! I enjoyed it! Nice work!

Thanks! Yeah it’s kinda hard at times, but we believe is also really rewarding! We are glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! We are happy you liked it! We worked hard on the movement so it’s nice to see people enjoy how it feels!

Thanks a lot! We are glad you enjoyed it 😃

I can’t stop laughing at the guy singing, this game is hilarious. Great job!

Really cool gameplay! I had quite some fun with it, nice one!

Really fun game! It feels really satisfying to hit the enemies and use the special attacks! Great job!

Played it and rated it! Pretty cool!