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A member registered Dec 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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perfect ty  i'm doing an prototype rn so it really usefull

Simple mech , and have fun idk what else say cause I abandon 4/6 of the jam that I tried to do

did you will had a folder but with sprite sheet I still look at your arts and when possible buy most of your asset

(1 edit)

that is a beta(unfinished) by the way

when we scroll we get point

   dam the audio scared me

i'm not gonna play if it not in the bro  swear (browser)

how did u click 34,6 times a second

i start liking ur games

ur are making me mad but i understant that u are lazy

(i'm bit too)

fix ur menu


idk why this game make me so peacefull  maybe it's a chill low stress game

(1 edit)
Go ahead, shoot me.


I was going to do a real game but with my maths teachers that release 2 exam in one week I was too look on my math thing so I do nothing 

LIke if you to have a good day play this game u had to do it


I am using construct 3 it's a solid no code 2d engine but it's expensive

I principally do platformer if you  want to see one of my project i recommend to go on my page an try grandfatherparadox it's just a beta only 40% of the game is here so il'l try my best 

Put screen of your score here to see who is the best:


This game is on developement

WASD:to move
Z: to kamehameha
X: to smash the ground 

the game is relly fun idk why GG

may we have the permission for do the rpg inventory

(1 edit)

"My high score was 11.8 million. You were not too far off! Thanks for the review, and <<Dualcats>> is the name of our indie game company." 

thanks you very much and like i said i maid it in construct 3 (visual coding) so is more easy and fast

i like the graphics and the intro that was rly funny for me 

And the game mechanics is quite good 

i like the visual and the game mechanic and finally it fit the theme so nice job :)

i love the visual and the gameplay a bit like getting over it  pretty everything feel great maybe I’m just trash but it a bit hard for me but I can understand why so gl for the competition 

thanks is not a bad idea and it is in agreement with the black and white cat à the end so will repeat it but thanks for this review 

goood game good puzzle good mechanic not a copy of portal or else so the game is original only problem for me the movement doesn't feel great in in the browser else  7\10 for me

did level 3 is possible

Thanks you

fully agree

kinda fun to dodge all the guard but i dont know if it normal they not killing and i get locked