Thanks. Glad you had fun playing. There is honestly not much more to see past night 12 anyway. The nights just go faster so you did not miss out on much.
I really liked the art style and the game was overall fun. Enjoyed the challenge. Sadly I wish there was a mute button for the sound the vacuum makes while still being able to keep the audio cue when you clear a spot.
Enjoyable and for the most part intuitive enough. I assumed mess was something you wanted to avoid and fun was a good thing. After all I was at one time a child ;).
I, like probably many other, did not read the instructions but the game was still playable and completable.
Enjoyed completing your game. Some upgrades are definitely better than others like the shrink upgrade or the +5$ every round (especially early). On the other hand the 10% revive on death item does not feel worth even if it was half its regular price.
Enjoyable but the teleportation made the game a bit easy. Playing as the shotgun instead of moving around I would just teleport to the enemy and blast them right after they spawn.