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A member registered Mar 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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its a good song, was enjoying it.

(2 edits)

Where to begin, the music is a bop.

I'd recommend looking into the audio sliders a bit more, you need to do some funky math to get a 50% slider to be 50% volume. I feel feedback when the player is hit is needed, maybe something like slow the game speed down to 0.8 and a little red on the sides for a moment.
I found myself just running in a big circle. which makes me think that the xp orb system in other games is there to prevent that, pushes the players to pull the mobs away from their loot and makes risky situations where you want to dash in to grab that last bit of xp.
Eliminated enemies seem to linger too long and blend in with active ones, I'd suggest either having them vanish sooner or having them turn black to help distinguish.
Finally, I'd add a time/score thing. something to make that monkey brain numbers go up feeling.
Best of luck with the game!

Yeah, It would've taken me so long to get that. Yellow seems really cool, and I appreciate getting to see the current end to the narrative.

Very clever mechanic, music is peaceful. While difficult its nice to know that if you just keep going, you'll get there in the end. Excellent job.

The game looks good. The concept of having these abilities work completely isolated from each other but also  function together is nice.  The acceleration makes the platforming really difficult. if you aren't 100% in tune with the game mechanics you'll just fall. I struggled utilizing magenta, and did not get the yellow, having to time the parkour with the button was too much for me to handle, mixed with the retry screen completely halting the fast paced gameplay, also I wanted to hear the voice lines, just not every time I died.

(2 edits)

This was a good time. 

I enjoyed the gravity switching, It made trying to hunt down a "1" button on level 4 more enjoyable (took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure that out). The portals were cool, really creative, so were the spelling cubes. I took on the speedrun timer a bit. I'd enjoy seeing more done with the quantum objects. I almost wish the player was slightly faster. Also I got a kick out of the easter egg on level 5, spooked me at first, then again when I got closer and noticed it blink. Also I'd love it if the speedrun timer reset if you reset the first level, rather than having to exit to menu and restart a new run.

The visuals remind me a bit of antichamber in a way. I enjoyed seeing the text on surfaces, I initially thought "I am shy" was in relation to the text, took a second to realize it was the walkway. JPEG mode was a good laugh, I was not expecting that, thought it would turn the moving textures still and remove reflections.

In all, very good.