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A member registered Sep 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you Zerodan! Really glad you liked it!

Thank you so much Fuse!
Let me know where I can check your stuff out, and I'll get back to you.

Hey Rafa, thank you so much!
This module is currently also available on my Patreon; so if you head on over there, you can get this module for only $10.

Thank you Austin! 
I’m really happy with the shortcut via the Trees of Flesh as well – how the PCs could just pass the Patron in wonderment but without much turmoil, and just wander over to the other roots to climb up; I find that kinda funny.

Thank you! I’m so happy Aster’s attitude caught your attention – I imagine Aster having the voice of a sassy British butler haha.

Thank you so much! You are way way too kind!
I completely agree with you regarding the qualifying words – if I were to ever do a version 2.0, I'd definitely do another pass on the entire text.
But I'm really happy that my adventure inspires you – that's just about the best outcome I could have hoped for!

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Thank you so much! You nailed it with the strangeness of the texture!
Yea, it was definitely a trial–and–error–thing regarding the verticality, but I'm very happy with how it turned out, so I'm glad you like it! 

Thank you so much! Let me know how it goes once you run it!
Those are two of my favourite concepts as well! I love the idea of a PC not being able to find an important item, in the midst of a stressful situation – and then having to spend a turn rummaging through weird rat–pockets to finally find all the lost stuff. Love the image of that.

That's just about the highest praise you can get, thank you so much!

Very fun, or should I say scary, adventure! Love the choice of Random Encounters and Delve Shifts – they are all very true to the atmosphere of this toy–horror adventure. Very nice touch with the Toymancer's Study being able to change floors; is it an elevator? or is it an otherworldly mean of teleportation? Who really knows? Lovely adventure!

I'm glad you like the art style and the layout! I found the layout very difficult with the amount of content vs the 8–page limit. But I also think the page–limit forced me to make some good decisions I wouldn't have made otherwise, so I'm quite pleased.

Thank you for the very kind words! I'm really glad you like the art!

I totally get the wish for a more unified theme – but the lack of this was very much on purpose: the idea was to create the feeling of a wizard's basement that's run amok in differently weird directions. Very much up to you if that concept came through, and whether or not it was succesful – but I'm glad you still liked my dungeon–room ideas.

Thank you! And yes! The carved stone face would make a brilliant pavise shield on a miniature!

Thank you! Using it in your own campaign is basically the highest praise ever!

Very claustrophobic adventure! That one section with the breath–holding squeeze – I could feel that in my bones. Really nice concept with a turn being ~2 hours: that's a nice break from the more traditional dungeon crawls of the osr.

Very very cool concept! The art and layout is also extremely well done, very enticing. Some of the explainer–text on p.2 is a little hard to parse – leaving me a little confused as how to actually use this. But I've also never used tarot cards before, so there's that. Overall really cool – would love to see how this would grow as a project beyond the tight 8–page limit of the Game Jam.

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Thank you for the lovely words!

The magic items spread throughout the dungeon definitely rides a fine line between useful and cursed – which is very intentional. I love when players are a little paranoid about an item; that it feels like a gamble, and an important decision whether to try sipping that potion, or flicking that wand, or not at all. Most items has a boon and a curse at the same time: I find this adds layers to the player’s decision making, on whether to use it or not, as they gain a boon but also hamstrings themselves in a different aspect.

I love that you appreciate the more lived–in areas of the dungeon. I like to think the membrane entity has settled exactly in that room because of the endless stream of slugs to eat. And the creatures in the cloud room are trying to either tidy the place, or maybe even expand further into the dungeon – but hamstringed by their short life-spans, so their coordination and plans gets messed up during the day, as the creatures with the plan simply turn into goop; “soo.. what exactly were we doing?”.

And thank you for mentioning the wall of slugs – that’s absolutely one of my favourite aspects of this dungeon. So much treasure beyond, but if the party doesn’t even think in the lines of ‘diving in’ as a possibility, it’s simply too bad. (There’s of course other ways to get to the treasure, but the hall of slugs is the most obvious route).

Thank you for the kind words! Love that you got the medieval inspiration!

As soon as the Game Jam is over, I’ll upload a spreads version and a separate map. Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you so much for the lovely praise, and for the absolutely fair wishes!

Regarding your wishes: It mainly boils down to prioritising what content made it into the very tight (in my mind) 8 page limit. I was quite hard pressed for space, and had already cut it down into what I found to be the minimum scale of this dungeon. So between Areas, Art, and Delve Shifts or Hazards, the latter unfortunately had to go (in my mind).

When I GM I personally always tailor the adventures to fit what we’re playing, and what lvl the characters are – so in my head it’s quite natural to tinker a bit with pre-written adventures, maybe add a bit of direct damage here, a bigger damage die there etc. 

I realise not everyone plays like that, but I find great joy in designing an adventure that can be played at any level – it’s just a matter of very minute tinkering from the GM. (That being said, baking some direct damage directly into the adventure definitely wouldn’t have hurt.)

The Sun/moon/fire symbols are meant to be visual indicators/reminders as to what kind of light is present in the room. Moon = darkness. Fire = glow/torchlight. Sun = bright light/daylight. 

I’m really happy that you like the weird and wacky characters in the adventure – and I’m quite curious about how people will interact with the Failed Servants such as the human–mouthed–flute!

Thank you! Reading your username, I’m now imagining a salmon-coloured toad hanging out with the salmon-coloured fruits in Area 9. Lovely image.

Really glad you like the map and ideas!

Thank you! That’s seriously so kind of you! 

Thank you so much! I’m really glad you like the magical weirdness, and the room descriptions!

Regarding the room 9’s – it sounds like great fun to play it as a non-euclidean space/weirdness, so if it hits your table you should absolutely just do that!