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A member registered Nov 05, 2023

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A bright stary night, shadowed over the new apartment complex that the family and I moved into... wait... somethings wrong. Where's ma? What happened to the MOON?!

This game was quite enjoyable, it was simple, but even with the ordinary tasks of moving one object to another location. The atmosphere made me wish to continue through the story.

If there will be a full release, I had trouble keeping up with the text and reading, some parts were faster then others when it came to dialogue. To be fair, I am a slow reader though.

Hopefully there will be a game over screen when you get caught by the intruder, as I didn't realize I was brought back to the last checkpoint.

Anyways, a very well made game, and can't wait for more releases!

Thank you BlueBird Games, for an enjoyable, faded moon experience!🌹

Knock.. KNocK. He's here, he wants YOUR gift... let him in.

This was a short, simple, yet thrilling way to symbolize the idea of grieving.. and losing the memories of the one's you lost.

I'm not sure if this game was metaphorical, or there was actually a creature that was taking things from people. However, it definitely reminded me of the Crypt TV Look-See monster.

If there are more games yet to come, I would've enjoyed a more branched out version, with multiple endings. In total there were 3, and each selection would bring you back to 1 of the 3 endings. However, it kept me on my feet, and the story that was implemented kept me intrigued, and even saddened for the main protag of the story.

Thank you SeriousDaniel, for an enjoyable, guest like, experience!🌹

Wake up... This strange hum, originating from a mysterious laptop positioned intentionally for the foxy beast that you are... opening it, you stumble upon the REALITY BENDING machinery..

This was definitely a one-of-a-kind game, featuring the ability to alter the world through text documents that many games lack the functionality or idea of using. It kept me wanting to know more of the world, and how it will finalize in the end. The mixture of sleep, dreams, and nightmares brought a feeling of unease. As I am one who tends to get Night Terrors.

When the full game releases, I look forward to the story diving more into the Sensoria Komplex, and if we're going to learn the truth behind the SYNTAXIA 2000.

I am excited to see the Full Release for this game and what it'll bring, story wise.

Thank you Spelkollektivet and CANCAT Games, for the dreamscape of horror!🌹

Sounds great, thanks for responding! I'll keep and eye on it's production then!👀

It stares, sits, shadowed by a mysterious feeling of the supernatural...

This game might be of the shorter variety, however it's backed by the knowledge of Hungarian mythos and expresses the culture around what lurks inside the artifact.

I enjoyed the sculpture, and the simple, but creepy atmosphere it emphasizes.

I really don't have much to add onto this, other then, if the creator makes another game, to branch on this type of gameplay. I would enjoy it, and can't wait to see more!

Thank you messier, for a creepy, artifact with much lore!🌹

Awaken in a room, trapped, only with the knowledge that something is hunting you. This creative experience added in with a touch of puzzle solving kept me on my toes wanting more!

I enjoyed the idea of constantly being chased by a creature while attempting to solve certain puzzles in order to progress, And the addition of key abilities(Sound, heartbeat, clock) allowing you to determine if the creature is near brings depth.

I would like to see more involvement of those abilities, maybe a meter to hear your footsteps? Or, we have to actively do something so we don't lose that ability.

If we ever get a full release. I would enjoy being able to move around the monster, instead of hiding, waiting, then continuing. So there is always a way to be on your toes, maybe even the monster could check the hiding spots?

Otherwise, I enjoyed this game, and am looking forward to it's continuation!

Thank you Lexip_Games, for a puzzling, hole in my room experience!🌹

Oh?👀 might just have to take another gander then.🙏

I ended up playing the two releases out of order, originally, I played Malum Incarnatum first. However, whether you play one game or the other. The story still continues to play out. I would actually recommend playing Malum Incarnatum first, then Carne Vescens, makes the story come together a little bit better in my opinion.

Imagine being unable to take care of one's self, the inability to move, while your fed whatever is given. The crying, uncontrolled by the want to escape, trapped in a cage of four walls.

This game represents a lot more then just feed a hungry child. It shows that not everything we see is 100%. Was there really a child being fed, was it the imagination of the mother helping her already perished child? Or maybe, the two games are connected, and the child was actually the main character in Malum Incarnatum who was abandoned by his mother. Maybe she only had enough funds to feed the baby, resulting in her cannibalistic tendencies in order to feed herself?

There is a lot of story to unpack from these two games that I'm excited to see in the full release. Can't wait for Carnal Sins!

Again, 10/10!

Thank you Out of the Ordinary World and Maximilian Reisenberger, for an enjoyable, insatiable hunger for storytelling!🌹

To dive into what we would consider love, and what truly could transpire in the hopes to be loved. This is one of those one in a billion types of games that you won't be able to find.

From the story, to the symbolism, to the dark secrets that lurk in each scene, just pulled me in deeper.

Even if you were to miss something in the first playthrough, replaying the game will uncover more of the hidden story. To top it off, I believe that this game is also occurring after the Carne Vescens one, since there are newspapers linking to it. My question, is this character related? Maybe he was the child of the mother from the first game? Unsure.

Definitely a 10/10, excited for the full release in Carnal Sins!

Thank you Out of the Ordinary World and Maximilian Reisenberger, for an enjoyable, to be or not to be loved universe!🌹

I see, smart play. Have people actually write their own story with the world already built. I would see it as the townsfolk purposely set up an accident, in order to get the ferryman to stay away. Find a substitute, then sacrifice a already knowing townsfolk in order to keep everything sane. Intriguing. Either way, enjoyable experience.🙏🌹

Just thinking that a game like this, with the power to have me looking more deeper into the world and what those who suffer from addiction might be going through, is insane. Also done enticingly in only 1 week?

Mixing in with the cosmic horror of a meteorite closing in on earth, gives off the feeling of what is actually real? and what was made in the mind, due to the intoxication.

Very well played indeed.

Thank you KIRA, for another wonderful collection of nightmare fuel!🌹

This game was different from a lot of others, from the two way perspective of either assisting with the towns folk in their rituals, or to sayin screw it, and ditching the job all together.

Even with such short endings, including the funny deer in headlights ending. It shows just how much people may know things compared to what is actually occurring.

My question, and the hope it would've been explained, and also spoilers, is...

Was the original ferryman apart of the ritual? Did he intentionally call off on that specific day for a "Broken leg"? Or, was it more of he didn't know what was going on and got lucky? Did the towns folk have something to do with it and set up an accident so that the original ferryman could live?  Questions... Questions.

Either way, I enjoyed the experience, it was short and sweet, but delivered exceptionally!

Thank you Olinkalex, for a stormy, booming feeling of eldritch horror!🌹

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What's lurking, deep into the abyss.. if you stare for too long, you might find it staring back!

This was an enjoyable experience, the pacing kept up, and even in the slow parts, moving back and forth between rooms or the hallway. There was always something new and interesting to find/learn.

I would've enjoyed a bit more in the character development. Adam seemed more important then he played off into the story. I thought he would've had something more to do with the eldritch horrors, or the church organization, or something similar.

The animation was astounding, felt like a crisper PS2 game.

Thank you BananaJeff, for the incredibly creepy horror story!🌹

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The feeling of entrapment, yet the billowing ideals of Stockholm syndrome, tied in with our own dearest protag's corrupted mind. This visual novel was primmed with all sorts of fun death filled excitements, and one of my favorites was GOOD END: 4-3!

We never knew where the story was going to take us, and the fact that our character was just as messed up is such a fascinating change of pace from a lot of other games.

If we ever get a full release. I would def like to see more branching off, then the first half being BAD ENDS and the second half being GOOD ENDS.

Otherwise 10/10!

Thank you DeluCat, for an enjoyable, bloody painted experience!🌹

Spoilers! >>>>

Code for lockbox is 1001, the code is a youtube video! LINKS IN DESCRIPTION!

The ambiance, the sounds of eerie nothingness all around you. Closed in a box, only way out is forward.

But what about the evidence?

Yes.. that.

For a short game that gives off similarities to iron lung. I found it enjoyable, it's own art style played a heavy roll in it's ingenuity and scare factors. The idea of having a polaroid camera attempting to take photos in a closed off cavern. Creatures all around you. Your in their territory, not use to the feeling of being trapped to a snails pace.

I found myself having to look behind me more often than any other game. And the idea of adding in that necessity was a brilliant addition to the gameplay. To sprinkle some extra spice, being able to access the photos you took throughout the game makes it even better for those quick snaps and glimpses we see of the creatures. Being able to return and see what we missed with our eyes is awesome.

Thank you Sole Rift for an intriguing game, with it's own touch of spoops.

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ding... ding.. ding....

The sounds of hell bellowing from the other side of those elevator doors. Almost, otherworldly like. Yet, some fascination with the pinnacle of the office workers climb. We stand, breathlessly, as we continue to ask, perishing with every floor..


Another, yet, inspiring game with a whole new set of mechanics! Different to say the least from Dead Plate(coming from there originally), I absolutely was enthralled by the different death endings and the time styled loop of the story.

The game mechanics were just as great, 3d world inside a 2d game, being able to move around a square space, yet move to each different level. And not to mention the levels, having different variety and characteristic that's hard to match.

This game will forever be it's own standing story, I haven't seen a game have this style yet!

Thank you racheldrawthis and Studio InvestiGrave for yet, another incredible game!

It stands.. looking with its eyes darting back.. and forth. Arms raised. A tune plays. “Well Hey There Kids! I’m Gozo! Your Dancing Favorite Clown-Own-Own-


This was a short and sweet game. With a limited time frame to complete, everything that I would want in a short horror game came through. Creeped me out and had me constantly checking behind me while I was playing.

Thank you Rainslices!

Drip.. Drip.. Drip.. The walls, molded by the rotten sogginess. Floors, puddled due to pools of water scattered about the floorboards and carpeting.

and than.. the thing in the shadows, looming over the old--young man, silence..


This was a very well made game, especially since there was a limited time on creating it. I would've liked to see more routes, or maybe a point and click mechanic for the detective section, to break up the text aspect.

However for what there was, the story, characters, and dialogue lead a perfectly refined gameplay.


Thank YOU Studio Clump!


The fear slowly creepy up your spinal cord..

*click -- slide*

A projector lights the floor, a timer clock, with chords leading to two buttons, labeled "A" and "B"..

Welcome.. to the TEST.


This was a very intriguing concept for a game. I enjoyed that analog horror mixed with first person horror. It had me constantly checking my surroundings.


Thank YOU, Tim Oxton!


Nah, thank you for all that you did. It takes a hella lotta effort to make somethin creepy through voice acting. And you did one hell of a job.

appreciate you taking the time to comment!🙏🏼

will do! Appreciate it! Excited to see what’s gonna be of this game in the future!🙏🏼

We are you.. darkness shrouds the corner of our darkest minds. Insanity’s creations poked and prodded, slowly driving us to our most animalistic minds.. one.. two.. stay awake.. clock resets.. tick, tock, tick, tock.


I’ve always been in love with the Russian sleep experiment creepy pasta stories. Ever since I was younger and first watched the story on it, instantly triggered my night terrors from then on in. This game definitely underlined all that came from the deep darker tone of the story.

It was well paced and absolutely loved the “shift to sprint” to make you feel a sense of urgency. If any horror gaming fans know that feeling when that text appears. Than you’ll love that part of the game.

Thank you Vidas Games!

The sounds of machines breaking, crunching.. Air as vast as the ends of the base go. No winds, No Breath.. but there is one other. The sounds of wet secreted slapping coming from the corridor, a terrestrial sound as it gets closer..

This was a very fun and intriguing concept. I love the scanner sombre dot like atmosphere. And the ability to choose different roots to finish the game.

I would’ve like a saved feature. The arcade like effect where you have 1 life and that’s it.  To see some form of saving would be nice to see.

Thank you Thunderfoxstudio for the awesome game!

Whisking away our own lives, meatly put together, as were frozen than stuffed into the meat grinder..

Who knows where our love is, and what this mysterious chef wants with us!


This game was very well made and should be fully developed and put onto steam. From the sound design to the graphics of the restaurant. Gave me my earlier childhood when I would play Diner Dash on the DS.

I Enjoyed the story development, and the characters implemented. The branching arch and the secrets of needing that freezer key in order to gain the other 3 endings.


Thank you Investigrave Studio and Racheldrawsthis for the game!


I stop.. attempting to grasp for air as the earth dares to cover me. The sounds of the wind and the moonlight shining over me. The scarlet red rose of thorns that come from the love of death. This is it.. this is death..

This game was phenomenal to play, it encapsulates the idea of being able to change the outcome of life and death without being able to actually do anything. Being shackled to the earth is a great idea to play off of.

The card game was fun to play however the yes and no sounds were considered odd to me, the game designers choice to implement that idea was awesome!

Thank you for this wonderful game!

We have waves crashing, the vast knowledge of our littleness, and a game about The White Ship by HP Lovecraftian 

Really well executed game, style was simplistic but described the area thoroughly. I enjoyed having to navigate the map and figuring out where the ship needs to be.

Thank you BEDTIMESTORIES for your game!

It was my pleasure!😊🙏

Sitting by the window searching through the unending indie games.. Wishing to find a new muse to bring forth.. Finally, searching through the agony of my fingertips upon the keys. I download and play the painters suffering.


This was a very well designed indie game, especially if it was on short notice due to the time crunches of the game jam. Heavily simplistic rendition with a copius amount of information delved from the text, describing the world around it, and the feelings of the characters thoughts.

I really enjoyed the feeling I placed in myself when reading through the game..

Thank YOU ENDYSIS for the lovely suffering you placed upon us lmao
