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A member registered Jul 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice work mate! Normally I can't stand Tower-defense style games, but this is significantly different enough for me to have fun! And the boss battle controls  very very cool idea, really well done! You should post this over on Tas Game Makers <3

yeah it was pretty good although I don't foresee us making the jump away from it for teaching at utas at least not yet?

Some nice stuff to suit beginners, like having a polygon drawing tool right out of the box, colliders for edge of the cameras etc, things that are a bit painful in Unity if you're just getting started

Their scene structure is powerful but a bit more complicated than Unity's, likely harder for beginners

Got some nice quality-of-life features that Unity doesn't have, and of course less bloat lol

But I don't know how much I would want to recommend it given I have no idea where they are at for console support -- not a fan of promoting something where the best one could hope for with their game is a steam release....

cool concept and plays quite well, in the same style as classic games like icy tower and doodle jump, just that its a falling thing. I like the different graphics for the platforms and how they have different sounds for each. The ai-generated start game screen is also not too bad. good work!

Nice work, the music style matches the pace of the bosses movements, and it is good fun trying to survive. I like the score being the giant text, and appreciated the invincibility button for testing.

overall a pretty neat and comprehensive battle system built upon tutorials from brackeys -- we rarely see a battle system this involved in this unit, particularly with a party. Additionally a pretty big overworld complete with item pickup and ai, so nice work!

Overall a good effort, with a good range of different graphics/levels/characters etc, although the playability of this is hindered by pure random generation (procedural generation is done with a few more hueristics involved to ensure that a level is possible), the abruptness of gameover (And it not resetting), and the usability of the main menu not having a character selected by default.

A very good classic zombie shooter. Good variation of weapons, and just enough challenge in the spawn and variation of enemies, nice work!

Nice work, very playable, and nice to see the teleports in the second level. The pathfinding works great, and you've made use of the tilesheets from the original game well. Good job

Overall a charming and challenging cooking game. I've always been bad at these types of games, but enjoyed completing a few dishes in this one. The graphics are great, and while the controls are a bit confusing at times, they're better than during the testing session. Lots to like in there, great job!

Easily the best looking game we've had in the unit pretty much ever, and the fact that the artwork and music is all yours PLUS the technical art in terms of parallax and lighting is all you too is just mindblowing!

Gameplaywise, the hook mechanic didn't quite get used as much as I think intended, i was expecting perhaps a bit more verticality or reasons to use it, but it never eventuated which is a shame since everything else including tutorials and menus etc are flawless. The miniboss is fun with classic boss behaviour, although I was able to use the hook to just skip past him lol.

In any case this is incredible work, well done!!

Great charming little platformer with a neat story and a fun-enough platforming mechanic, well done :) Love that the storyboard is included, and the hand-drawn ui

Overall this is an excellent, polished, and largely complete game, the likes of which we only see one of per semester of this unit (sometimes never see). The different mechanics are excellent and combine well to make interesting and challenging puzzles. There are excellent quality of life features in here like undo, the tutorial text system, the overworld, hints, etc. etc. 

I may sound like a broken record at this stage but the only shortcoming left after all the iteration and feature additions really is the level progression. I would really recommend that you don't forget this game, and consider the possibility of continuing on with getting this released onto phones (I can assist with knowledge about the publishing aspect), and consider even if there is someone who can assist with the level progression aspect.

Great work, Chloe.

A neat idea with lots of stuff implemented, but not quite a complete game which is a shame. A bit of polish on what was there would have been nice (like the display of the stats etc). Still very interesting watching it play out, and still enjoy the idea of battling the way through the office, very unique.

Nice work with the two areas and the implementation of the boss. A little bit more variation and difficulty from the enemies in the main arena (with improved pathfinding etc) would have been good. Boss was suitably challenging, and the graphics look great, well done!

once again love the concept, and it has been implemented well, and love that a cutscene really illustrates it at the start. The chairs falling over as you walk around may be the best part of this, it just makes things look so hilarious

Nice work on all the bits and pieces that went into this like the diaog system, mana system, the world layout etc. The main world felt a little sparse in terms of enemies, but the boss fight was sufficiently difficult. I liked that there is a start and end to the story albeit a short one. Overall very cool :)

Nice work having 3 very distinct games! I suspect taking one game and working on polishing that and adding features might have been easier to manage, but I like the outcome nonetheless. A bit more challenge in each of the games would have been nice, but indeed attempting a high score on the red ball collection level was surprisingly difficult due to the way they fall.  Nice custom graphics, and was cool seeing the character follow me in the first level.

indeed very much rage inducing -- I see the super meatboy vibes here, and can see what you're going for -- the challenge with this type of game is to make sure the platforming is flawless and not the reason the player constantly dies -- instead it should be their timing and pathfinding skills that are put to the test. Obviously this is extremely hard to do and aside from games like meat boy and celeste, most games don't live up to this, and this game is no exception, with some bugs upon colliding with a wall, and no additional features like coyete-time etc. 

Having said that, the gameplay came close to hitting that "just one more attempt" spot before skewing too difficult due to controls, which is admirable for a first-year game (I've seen this style of game attempted a few times, and this is one of the better ones). So nice work!

Nice work with the custom art style, and there are definitely moments in this where the idea behind the unique platforming style shine through like the green platforms. Game skews a little towards frustrating in terms of difficulty instead of fun in places, mostly down to the unpredictability and inconsistency of the explosion mechanic. With this working more predictably giving the player some more agency of their movement, more fun would be had, and easier progression, leaving room for more puzzle-based movement rather than skill-based progression. Still, its pretty neat :)

Nice work, the game reminds me of those robot wars arenas you see on tv, but with dynamic weapons as makes sense for a video game. Great to see AI in this, and the unique controls here are fun. Cool graphics, and nice interactions between the weapon types!

Game plays well and the graphics are cute! Without a highscore table or suitably increasing difficulty over time (it felt random) there isn't much however to aid in replayability here. Still, nice work!

Wow, awesome to see the aiming line in (AND having that associated with difficulty level!), and the powerups :). The shaky camera was an interesting choice, and it scared me at first because I went on hard difficulty first lol. Very charming visual style, and just the right level of challenge for players of different skill levels, excellent work!

Fantastic visuals, and fun gameplay. Satisfying to kill enemies, and sufficiently challenging enough teetering on low health. Lots of great little features like the high scores, minimap, lighting etc. 

Enjoyed the surprise of the rising water, and was glad of health pickups, nice work!

Great job with the pathfinding and the smoothness of the controls. Good minimalist art style, just needed a bit of something more to make this replayable. Nice level designs too though!

This is a good start with the stealth mechanics implemented and a really nice looking environment for the outside

Plenty of good fun to be had in here, although the capability of the gun to kill the enemies in the first level is terrible vs the over-poweredness of the slash lol. Wasn't immediately obvious that a portal had opened the first few times I played and so it took me a while before I made it between levels. Would have been nice to see some more across-level persistence to make the back-forward portals make sense, but I liked the distinct art styles for each level and the way it was put together, so nice work :)

Lots to love about this! Varied powerups randomly placed in a good variation of levels make this more than just a one-round-wonder, nice work. Music is a bit repetitive, but the game plays well. A bit rough around the edges (literally in terms of the tanks hitting the walls), but there is fun to be had :)

A deceptively simple game, that still has just the right amount of challenge in it for someone who is bad at games like me (and playing on a trackpad lol). I liked the addition of the projectile, and overall there are some neat graphics in here, particularly the end game flames etc. Probably a bit more needed to make this be something I would want to play again, and a bit more polish around the edges (like a different in-game score font, background graphics, etc), but still nice work!

Very nice polished looking game using Kenney Sprites well :) Gameplay is good, with suitable variation between the different spells, would have loved to have seen that amazing system for coding them end up having its legs stretched with an upgrade purchasing system, but there is still plenty to enjoy. Difficulty starts off very easy even for me, and then ramps dramatically around levels 10-13, but I just need to get good. Sufficient challenge once the onslaught of enemies increased for sure. Overall nice work!

Overall a great sounding idea, as rocket jumping is of course fun. I understand the urge to make this skill-based, but I would challenge you to ensure some levels remain that are still accessible to players with a lower skill level 

Overall a very well-fleshed-out concept, with some great images included. I am wary of the complexity of implementing some of the upgrades and would encourage you to work out early how feasible this aspect will be (plenty of guides online I am sure, but also a previous year's recording looks at an upgrade system in more detail than this year's live coding).

Overall a solid concept document for the fairly safe idea of a zombie shooter. Lots of great detail however so plenty of marks for that. Not too concerned about feasibility of developing this, other than the work involved with multiple weapons, and defining waves etc.

Very good fleshed out concept and very nicely written. Just shy of a HD as more concept art needed and a concept statement more in the style presented in the lectures.

A great start has already been made on implementing the game, and my only advice would be to prioritise features in terms of how much they bring to the gameplay experience vs their difficulty to implement.

Overall sounds like a fun idea, however the game treatment section needed to unpack some of the aspects a bit more like what kind of spells would be available, what constitutes "fighting", etc. 

As such, it is difficult to understand the scope of the game to be implemented, and hard for me to provide much guidance on this. My advice is to get down on to paper the list of features you would like to implement and prioritise them. I'm happy to assist talking about this

Overall a well-thought-out concept, with plenty of scope to implement lots of different features. It'll be important to prioritise the features that bring about the most fun and marks, as a risk with this project is having too many varied puzzle mechanics each of which may need specific programming. 

Nice concept, although the mention of "relaxing" and "limited time" seem a bit at odds with each other.

Overall the game seems like a fun idea, evoking memories of Overcooked. It should be feasible to develop, although you may like to go through the process of game modelling to identify and prioritise the most difficult aspects.

An excellent concept and while I was familiar with your game already the part with the fishing minigame when interacting with an enemy is a nice additional twist. The concept document communicates the idea clearly, and the game treatment is comprehensive, although I would have liked to have seen in addition a feature list akin to what you might see on a store listing for a game

Overall a solid concept, and a feasible one. Glad to see the proc gen is a stretch goal, and while I am always wary of RPG elements, I'm confident you can tackle their implementation here, just try not to get too bogged down in that system that the actual gameplay of performing the attacks etc suffers.

Good use of AI for the concept art

Overall a solid platformer concept, with lots of detail provided in some places, and other things left a little vague. Still, it sounds like a fun idea, and I would be keen to see how you differentiate this from Celeste. Obviously from a feasibility standpoint it is important to nail down the platformer mechanics early, but aside from that the scope seems appropriate :)

Overall a nice cute concept which is open to some fun gameplay and neat features. The concept art is charming and I am looking forward to playing this one! I notice a lot of levels already were listed, each with quite a variety of features, so scope of the game may need to be managed throughout semester.