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A member registered Jul 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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As the title says, it would be amazing to have a faster way to change order of games in a collection. Left/right buttons in a row is way too slow when the collection gets large. To move a game from the end of a collection to the start in a collection with 50 games in it takes 50 clicks plus scrolling. Just a click-and-drag interface or something or even being able to type in a number would be all we really need

worth checking the things in this help video I made :)

Nice to see the pacing of the game increased from when I played it during testing. Game is now nice and challenging, and visually looks great, so well done!

This is a fantastic piece of work, with heaps and heaps of powerups and functionality. I can only imagine the sheer size of the codebase at this point, a heap of work has gone into this, well done!

I like the yellow pull-in movement, and I'm glad to see this being used probably more frequently and deliberately in the level designs.

Fantastic documentation combined with brilliant artwork and gameplay that is nothing to turn one's nose-up at mean that this assignment ticks a lot of the boxes required quite easily. 

I love the visual style, and it was nice to see a different style in the second level, that felt like a proper reward for finishing stage 1. The concept gives me Tenacious D vibes except of course we're fighting zombies not demons. 

I wasn't very good at your game, and I didn't know what the musical note pickup did immediately. I would have liked the riffs that were played to somehow sound like they fitted together properly. These are minor nitpicks in an otherwise great piece of work well done!

It's awesome to see how this game has progressed since I played the early version. Loved the animation at the start, and the overall level of polish is fantastic.

The game plays really well, a good amount of difficulty, and just enough variation of enemy types and weapons to keep things interesting, great job!

Nice work on some fun, fast-paced flight controls. The AI is also excellent, albeit quite difficult for a scrub like me to defeat. A combination of limited documentation and some of the killer features planned for the game not getting done have lowered the overall mark a bit more than what you might have been expecting, but overall there is heaps to like about this game, well done!

A fun wave-based shooter, the abilities given were a nice touch. The artwork all work great together, and there are heaps of nice bits and pieces in here like the post-processing and the animations.

It's great to see the final version of this with graphics. It would have been nice to have some buttons show that they are not interactable at various stages by being "greyed out". Other quality of life features like repeating the previous bet would have been nice too.

No late penalty.

Fantastic documentation!

There is heaps to like about this game, from the functional shield (with graphics), to the multiple guns, and challenging AI. The controls are neat, with the adjustment to thrust being a welcome change to standard instant movement. 

The game definitely skew hard in terms of difficulty, and so this effected the playability grade a little. Despite this, this is great work, well done!

It would have been nice if there was visual feedback that a move wasn't allowed (e.g. when a unit is selected, grey out the cursor if a move is too far). Similarly, indicating that a unit can no longer move would be nice. It is only a little bit confusing to have the "unit selected" graphic be blue no matter if it is the red team or blue team. These are minor issues, and there are a few other random things that would have made this a bit more playable, but I fully understand the time constraints on a game of this scale. You should be very proud of what you have achieved, rather than being too concerned with what you didn't get to. I encourage you to continue on with this game in your free time to make it the game you wanted it to be.

I believe I killed all the units on one side, but there was no end game detection there sadly. In any case, progress in the final few weeks has been great, getting unit details, health, and interaction working well done!

While I have a few random nit-picks about the game that I've already shared with you in random play sessions, I've also shared with you that this is a really fun game that I like to come back to. I suppose I question why it is throwing swords rather than say guns shooting bullets?

This is a technically impressive feat, using object pooling and scriptable objects to great effect. I encourage you to continue tweaking this game and consider a steam release :) Happy to chat to you about what is involved in a steam release if you like!

Charming graphics, although the player movement is quite slow. Cool visual effects inside the cave, and nice work on the button. Beyond this I couldn't see a whole lot of content to mark, and the lack of documentation also brought down the overall mark.

feel free to do a quick reupload with fixed game size

Overall a unique game for this unit, that has improved steadily throughout semester. I can't really say that the "fun" has been found through the frustration of overshooting with passing etc, and controlling so many characters at once can be a bit overwhelming, but there are some admirable attempts at mechanics like passing and tackling here, nice work!

I am proud that I found 2/5 of the thingys, this is a fair effort for me lol. I enjoyed running around trying to find secrets to progress.

Obviously the game is highly polished, and plays well. I like the starting area, and I love the way this game effectively makes you rethink how you might traverse through an area that would be totally normal or straightforward looking in any other platformer.

I do sometimes dislike when I make a rookie mistake that makes me move a long way across the level, with nothing to be able to undo that (even though it might be able to be abused, a button to undo the current "Flying" movement? or at least one to speed it up).

A nicely executed platformer with some nice polish like the subtle hints on the tutorials, and appealing graphics. It would have been nice if there was more varied shooting as you wanted, but the platforming was challenging enough. The enemies didn't feel particularly difficult to kill except for some being in awkward positions, while others could be just picked off at a distance.

In a semester where multiple people made wave-based shooters with upgrade systems, this one is the most visually polished and unique in visual style. It is also hella fun, with unique features that make it stand out for sure, well done!

Heaps of stuff to like in here, such as the animated title screen, the relics system, the minimap, and just the general pacing of the action is great. 

Some things that maybe could be improved include making the xp pickups more distinguished from stars (And red stars?), maybe tweaking the amount of relic currency as it seems like a lot of play needs to happen even for basic overall upgrades, but maybe this has been balanced better than I thought, hard to say.

I wouldn't say "poor", and in case it wasn't clear my use of the word "chaotic" here wasn't necessarily a bad thing :) 

This game had a lot of competition this semester in terms of wave-based shooters with upgrade systems, however it has held its own admirably, and in some runnings of this unit, this would be the most feature-rich game produced in a semester. The choices made in the design here are sound, and the tweaks to the game as a result of testing have had a positive impact on the playability and fun of the game. 

There is a cohesive art style, and the game hits just the right level of difficulty and stress in those pinch moments where the player begins to get overwhelmed.

The little bits of polish in this are also great, like the camera shake. blood effects, and the implementation of aggro on the stronger enemies mean there is a lot to love about this game!

Cute and original idea, with heaps of charm and little additions here and there that are so cool, like the terminology "dose 1" etc. 

Game skews hard a little bit in places, but importantly not frustratingly so (however lindslay mode is appreciated for a time-poor marker). The improved attack range seems to have made the game easier too which in my mind is a good thing.

That music is going to be in my head all day, I love it.

Getting punted by the uvula of death is hilarious.

I like the mechanic of requiring a certain number of enemies to be killed, which tripped me up once in testing, and the mechanic of interacting with the previous dead player character. These neat little additions add a bit of interest to the game.

Fantastic documentation with JIFFS yes

Fantastic documentation, can tell you are not an ICT student lmao

Charming artwork love the creativity. Fun title and settings screens, with particles and sprites. 

The game is chaotic and is difficult in places, but there is still lots of fun to be had. You've done a great job of tweaking the levels and improving things constantly over semester, well done. There are heaps of little details to love about this game, how most things are animated in some way, the careful placement of health and ammo (Although I still managed to run out at just the wrong time on level 1), the surprising vertical-ness of level 2, and the unique sounds for each enemy. 

I didn't understand the connection between battery powerups and runecasting, but hey, not everything has to make sense lol :)

Charming custom graphics with matching music. Gameplay was initially slow because I chose to walk the wrong direction, and this happened to me twice lol. This was fixed when I tried the Z key for zoom though. The bobbing animation was cute, and I was interested in the scene change when a fish was on the line, I wasn't expecting that nice! The mechanics for the struggling fish weren't immediately intuitive to me, I didn't know if I needed to fill the red bar or avoid it, pull only when the line wasn't stretched etc, so it took me a while to catch my first fish. This was an interesting mechanic, but difficult to say where it fits on the fun/frustrating scale.

Overall a nice complete game with a good art style and generally well documented, well done!

Overall a solid sounding idea. It will be important to scope the long of features and to not miss out and not get too bogged down with systems etc,

Overall a nice zombie shooter game idea, keen to see how this one progresses. The document itself was well written with good references, well done!

Overall a neat Icarus-inspired platformer idea. Mostly well documented but in places needed more information. From the document, it still isn't clear to me exactly how the player will fly -- are there any limits/cooldown for the flying?

Hopefully this game should be fairly straightforward to implement, although the idea to have a range of art/world styles is a little scary one as this can have a huge effect on the total set of downloads needed to get this to work

Another challenge during development is going to be making the enemies that can damage from a range. 

Overall a nice achievable game idea, well documented with clear inspirations. Some potential challenges might be trying to implement different weapon types and difficulties. Try not to get bogged down in systems, and keep your eye on the goal of "finding the fun" with the core mechanics.

Overall this is a unique game for this unit, while the general idea of casino games in a videogame/app is fairly common (which you point out at one point).

In terms of a novel idea, I would have loved to see you lean more into the wario ware inspiration, maybe by making this be a quick-fire play through different card games, but instead of playing a full round, players need to complete the next move (getting points for quality of move, winning, or not losing etc). Despite this, if you can get this game working, it is ripe for a good assignment 3 grade.

There'll be some technical gotchas along the way possibly, and things to think about, like the fact you can't just pick random from all card types (random with replacement), but rather ensure that cards don't appear again etc (random with replacement). There might be some more difficulties with implementing the rules, and with making things effectively turn-based, but it should be a straightforward challenge, goforit!! 

Excited to see how this one progresses, and keen to see you bend unity's tilemap system to your will. This genre of game may end up being "system-heavy", meaning that you spend a long time on making the game function (turn based, building placement, unit movement etc) and there is always the danger that the system devleopment takes up so much time that there is little time to "find the fun", so please be wary of this.

Overall the document was mostly well-written and gets across the idea nicely. Needed more detail in places and just a few minor grammar issues here and there.

Overall a nicely written concept document with good detail and of course it is awesome that you've already made a start on development. There's probably nothing overly unique about the idea that I can see, but that's fine for this unit, especially since making this style of game fun and featured will be a nice challenge that I am certain you are up to. It will be important to not get too bogged down in making systems for bullet hell and item/upgrade systems too much that you lose sight of "finding the fun".

Great! Love the name and the play on words used there and in some of the concepts like "power chords" etc, very clever.

Overall a very achievable game idea, and I really hope that you get to show off your art skills by getting cutscenes working (although if you don't there's still room for that kind of artwork in a menu screen etc). 

I like the ideas: "

Execute musical attacks against enemies via keyboard combinations;

Allies may convert to zombies if in contact for long durations;"

However these may prove to be things that are done closer to the end of the project.

Document is well-written, and I can't wait to see what you actually make. This report makes me want to play guitar hero again, but I just took my guitars to the tip shop lol

Overall a fun idea -- the main thing that might take some time is the different enemy types, and you may find that having a boss battle quickly becomes a "nice to have" feature.

Overall a very achievable game idea with a unique artstyle, and room to play around with additional functionality if time permits. I'm lookingforward to seeing how you approach the vector graphics in Unity!

A big challenge here is getting across the elements of your storyline while also having enough time to make sure the game is fun. 

Overall a nicely documented single-player version of Overcooked with a nice artistic style in mind. The biggest challenge for making this game will be defining the recipes and detecting that the player has made the orders. It will be nice if you can have some of the features like the food catching on fire etc, but you may need to prioritise some features over others based upon how much fun they bring, and also the difficulty level of making those features.

Nicely detailed concept document, well done.

Game seems straightforward enough to make, although some functionality like the lava river might prove to be difficult to get right. 

A very nicely detailed concept document of a fairly well-thought-out idea which sounds pretty fun.

I do offer some caution here though that you have listed a lot of functionality, and we only have limited time during semester. It will help that the spaceship controls are similar to the tutorials, but some aspects will need to be prioritised or cut from the scope to ensure a fun and complete game is made. For example the addition of a shop and upgrade system might be nice, but if it is underdeveloped at this stage it may be more prudent to just focus in on showing the different classes of ship, and even hard-coding these to each level rather than through an upgrade system (Which could be added later if there was time).

Very nice, concise and detailed concept document. Fan of the original as you know, so excited to see thing in this vein, particularly with lessons-learned from a couple of decades of game design since the original game was released. Idea seems feasible and interesting, nice work!

Will be interested to see how the stealth component works with the "fast paced" description from the concept statement.

Lots of great games listed in the influences for this game, and the concept art gives a good feeling of what the game will be like already. Idea seems feasible with a sensible pathway to success with some features identified as nice-to-haves (I agree with the chose to make classes only if there is time). Can't wait for this one!

Your competitive analysis section is probably the best one of these sections I've read for this assignment this semester, nice work and well referenced.

Overall the idea sounds feasible and interesting, nice concept artwork, looking forward to seeing how this one progresses :)

Overall a nice hook of a story to give this arcade shooter a bit of uniqueness to it. Looking forward to seeing how this one plays. Great concept statement, and good concept art giving a feel for the gameplay, although not really giving a feel for the actual visual style of the game (unless those sketches are the actual art style for the game?)