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A topic by Hikkeiru created May 08, 2023 Views: 8,026 Replies: 130
Viewing posts 1 to 47
Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Got a problem? I'll fix it. 

You can also ping me on discord!

I usually respond within first few minutes upon me seeing the notification. 👍

Hi not sure if it's a bug or compatability issue as it usually only happens with this style of scene animations. It works fine for harem hotel, sicae and crimson high-school but any time there is a animated scene the scene doesn't play out well and skips then crashes part way through the scenes. Please look into it but I am having same problem with the game "Unexpected"

Developer (1 edit)

While other games scene animation can be related. I doubt my is the same issue since I am not using renpy. Please describe here or on discord any specific moment when and what exactly this happens. Is it any animated scene? The first one? Bam crash on entry every time? Or it waits few seconds and crashes? Etc.

it's the very first scene where the lady tries to take the snacks and I go to stuff the character cock down her throat it tries to play the scene for a few seconds then it begins to skip like as if a movie cd is scratched then it crashes 

Developer (2 edits)

I'll try to investigate this. Edit. Couldn't replicate this. May be solved at further updates since there were some code changes around this.

hi, i downloaded the pc version of the game, and it seems the game just refuses to work whenever i load a save, its, it either being manual or quick load, i can click but notihng moves, and this most likely forces one to never quit the game if i ever want to play


If you made a save after end screen then you have to wait for more content. If its not that. Then shoot me a message on discord we will try to investigate it.

(1 edit)

hi, i figure it out, idk why but it seems the problem only occures on 60 fps and borderless, i swapped to 240 fps and fullscreen mode and it seems to fix it, could be a problem with having eveything so low, and the problem happening on the 1 2 and 3th choices you can make in the game,
(idk where the discord/messenger is)

Developer (1 edit)

That's good to know. I will try to replicate this scenario. Thanks for the notice about it ❤️ Edit. This couldn't be replicated.

Ayo, i download the game for pc version but when it appears animated scenes, the screen gets gray and dont show it, games works normal but in animated scenes it gets gray screen.


Message me on discord. I'll give you testing build


Thanks to the private DM. We figured out that the problem is only on very minor number of devices. The problem is with windows codec version handling the videos. Updating windows media fundation codecs may fix the issue now. Past 0.46 this action will not be required for those having this problem.

The PC version made my laptop frozen (once while "hold to overwrite save" and once while on the cart)


Are you able to replicate this when you replay those moments?


Tried to investigate this, there is nothing showing on the profiler ( tool where I check for lag spikes) .

It's me on the discord, changed to window and everything is fine


Weird but either way thanks for notice and playing. ❤️

something is wrong with the android version. No matter what I do, it keeps saying app not installed.

nvm. Not enough storage space.

One question, have you thought about putting the game in multiples languages? I have tried it in itself and the game is very good with good animations


Yes. It's planned for later date as there are currently other priorities. Thanks for the kind words ❤️

(1 edit)

i download the apk version installed it to my phone but the app keep crashing when i tried to run it so is there's any way to run it or my phone is just a trash?? Let me play the master piece please......


Which moment does it crash and are you able to see the menu?

After loading 

Developer (1 edit)

Write dm to me on discord as this should be leaving a crashlog. Edit. Investigated

hey, i downloaded the pc version and for some reason the game doesn't work, i mean when i start the game there is dark grey screen and only the text/dialogue box animation and also the game cant be saved has a incomplete UI. I did played the android version and there was no issues at all but i prefer to play in my pc.


I have re-checked PC version and everything works for me. Yet please write to me on discord so you can submit a log file for me if you can. I would appriciate it as this may help me fix this problem for your type of machine. Thanks for playing ❤️

In android, the scenes turns like gray or maybe color inverted. I played a bit to check if the other scenes and it's all the same gray scenes.


Please write to me on discord, since it looks like it's a rare issue. I will try to help you there!

(1 edit)

Hey! I downloaded the latest update, v0.52.2, and whenever I try to to extract the file, it gives me a "Cannot Complete Extraction Error". I've tried a bunch of stuff to fix it, like redownloading the file tens of times, moving it to different spots in my computer, and I even tried using 7-zip instead of the windows zip extractor, which ended up giving me another error, one "Unexpected end of data" and then after a data error on one the files. It would actually extract the compressed file but incompletely, so when I tried to run the game after its incomplete extraction, it would give me an error of "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found." I don't know what to do anymore and I wanted to see if I can get some help. I also have some screenshots of all 3 error messages if you need me to send them.


I tested it right now. Everything unpacks and runs well.

It could have corrupted during download, so if you haven't yet you can try redownloading.

It seems more of file/windows technical difficulty. Although if you want you can private message me on discord with the screenshots.

(1 edit)

Ah I see. Well I'll send the screenshots to you anyways just to see if you can find anything, but if not then it's ok :) If you don't mind, I can't see any discord links anywhere, so do you mind sending me a link to it?

Edit: nvm i see it lol



Hello, i have problem with the fish in the bag and the update pop up in the game.

i can't close the update pop up while playing the game and the fish i collected inside the bag is dissapearing when i tried to load my saved game, also the update pop up is blocking my way to sell the fish

Developer (1 edit)

This WAS a small problem with old config for a few hours after release of this version.  Make sure you have access to internet so it can get new config where it skips the check in this public version or you need to wait for new public where the ui is fixed in the app.

Not sure what you mean with disappearing fish though never encountered this. If you give me a way to reproduce it I will try to investigate it.

Hello and thankyou for replying.
i'm fishing to earn some money, then i go to the shop to sell the fish i gathered but got blocked by the update pop up so i saved the game while the fish still in my inventory (i played this game at offline mode), when i load my saved game, the fish in my inventory is gone.


Send report a bug through ingame menu. Top right.



I can't catch this fleeing bug. Please send steps to catch this problem in my environment.

So, i am not sure, but every time i go 'back' in the story the game  crashes


Thanks for the notice I'll try to investigate if  something changed there.

(2 edits)

Hey i downloaded the game on Android and every scene is like on invertetd colors any fix ?

Developer (2 edits)

Can you report a screen shot through bug reporter please. I would help me understand.

Does it happen on every image or just animated ones?

What's your phone model/android version or pc operating system?

IT happens only on animated scenes and my phone model is Xiaomi redmi note 11


You have android 11 with MIUI 13 right? 

(2 edits) (+1)

No android 13 i think and miui 14

Hi, why can't I join the mod community? It shows that the link has expired. My account is zxcslts. Can you help me, brother


Mod community? There is currently no mods for the game. Which link you refering to?

What I see is this,discordI can't find it in this search

I couldn't find your server in Discord,


If you still didn't find it

Okay, I'll give it a try. Sorry for the slow response

Is it a community called GOSA?

I have another question, brother, where is the channel mentioned on the game download interface? It says "If you are looking for the mods: Mods approved by the developers are posted in the #mod-releases channel on our discord."


Yes, its called GOSA. Can you take a screenshot where you see this #mod-releases message?

I saw this, and I tried joining the server many times on discord yesterday, but I still can’t find it. Wasn’t this added on discord?

Developer (1 edit)

Just click the link I sent above to join the server. The link is valid I checked it.

Okay, buddy, thank you

I sent you the screenshot via discard. I don’t know why I can’t share it. I just misunderstood what you meant. I thought you were asking me if I saw it. I’m sorry.


Resolved 👍

Umm...hikkeiru right?

I have a problem with the android version The game for some reason keeps freezing but not exactly freezing. Should I say I can read dialogues fine but it could freeze at a particular image or sth like that plus I can't also watch the animations. Take this scene for example the dialogue progresses just fine but it's frozen don't know if you understand


Sorry for late reply, this post was filtered for some reason and I didn't get notification. This might have been fixed next version as some changes around this were done.

Hi I just downloaded the game from pc and I cant seems to press start (there is a "click" animation) but nothing happens 


Resolved on discord by moving folder outside folder with invisible symbol. It's unity package bug.

Every time I try to extract I keep getting an error and then It say  "Path Too Long" What Should I do?

Developer (1 edit)

Can you show this error? Where is it giving you it. 

Can you try putting it in other location, ie. to D/GOSA drive. Something with a shorter path.

Could you guide me through to do that please its ok if you can't tho


Are you extracting the .zip file?

Yes I am


Can you extract the folder on desktop.


If desktop path wont work please show me the error message.


That worked Thank you

(1 edit)

The interface on the boot screen is missing

I installed the latest one with everything was fine at first, but after a couple of launches, the interface disappeared from the main screen, I tried reinstalling the game from the rar file, but no changes. It's useless to wait either. I could try to update the game from patreon, but I'm from Russia and it's generally blocked here, only it works with VPN, let alone talk about paying, especially in dollars

How did you change the language it should be english by default and only changed through options. This screen should just show the menu after a few seconds normally. This is the first time I see anyone having a problem with it. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I changed the language through the options, and I have already fixed the problem myself. Just by deleting the saves. I do not know what the root of the problem was, but it worked. Yes, there really usually appears the Patron and play buttons. But they did not appear even after a long time. I sat and waited for half an hour on purpose

(1 edit) (+1)

It happened on the 2-3 launch of the game and I am glad that I was able to fix this bug, I really liked the game and did not want to leave it just because of this bug. Now I am happy to play the game and hope that it will develop further


Thanks for the notice. I will keep it in mind for the future reference

Playing on android, most animated scenes/objects are filtered blue. Not sure if this is intentional but its really distracting..

Non-animated content is colored fine btw


I got notified that devices that had this problem, problem was fixed in 0.58

Also, im not sure if this helps but less animated things like this where she just sways a little are less blue. 


I got notified that devices that had this problem, problem was fixed in 0.58

Ah okay. Thats the subscribtion version right? The latest on main page looks like .57


Currently yes

Looks like the game also freezes at Kanae scene after finding snowglobe, clicking doesnt bring up the next dialogue. Tried restarting app, loading saves, etc. Gets stuck everytime. Skip button shows the next few dialogue lines but scene is still stuck.


nvm just joined discord and saw the patch notes! 

Hello i have a bug in android (running android 14 btw) where i can't progress through dialog or touch anything on the screen except for the skip button so it's not playable at all


Please message me on Discord, we will try to troubleshoot

I've got a bug where the quest's page won't appear, and it doesn't show its icon on the top of the screen. I'm playing on pc


It was cut in this version and replaced by more robust progression tracker which shows every event playable. It will be available for 64. Thank you for caring and trying to report bugs. ❤️

Why can't I download the Android version? I have changed several browsers, but all of them are downloaded halfway, prompting that I don't have permission to retry how many times.


This is itch io issue. Can't tell why is that.


Deleted post
Developer  can you dm me on discord we will try to trouble shot what's going on there.

Help i don't know what to do 


I have not received a notification for this. It says incorrect version meaning this event is in upcoming version 

Hi! I'm sorry for the bother but i'm having issues with the game. It starts up just fine but when I go to play the game, it won't start when I hit new game. it will make the sound that it's selected the option, but it won't start the game at all. Is there anything i'm doing wrong on my end or..?

Developer (1 edit)

Message me on discord we can se what's up. Yet if you have the game in invisible folder path then move it out , and make sure to unpack the zip. 

Whats your discord?  I will go into detail more there, but I am using an AOS variant



(1 edit)

is that a bug idk but ı maxed the characthers love bar but its always at lvl 1 


Currently that's how its supposed to be.

When I get to the part where something is chasing us when learning to climb it doesnt show what attacked and i cannot move forward, i have tried reloading the game and redownloading but it doesnt work. Help would be greatly appreciated

Developer (1 edit)

There was a bug with starting combat it should be fine on version .202

ok, ill try that thank you

Excuse  me,When I set the language to Chinese,I will encounter the problem that there are words in a sentence that can not be displayed.This situation occurs so much that it greatly affects the experience.Can you solve this problem?(AI translation)


You would have to send me examples. Direct message me on discord.

When i boot up the game im put on a grey screen with "click to continue" showing twice but clicking does nothing.


Make sure there is no invalid symbol in your games folder path. Like an invisible symbol 

I looked through the folders and path to the game but cant find anything. not 100% i was looking in the right place or for the right thing


Dm me on discord 


hello, it tells me this but it doesn't give any other options to talk to dalia


Bug in this version. Either wait for an update or update the game.  Thanks for playing.


thank you

(2 edits)

I dont know I'd its a bug but I can't ask dalia about Halloween event and about ruins. I have 0.67 version of game. 

Edit:  now i know why i cant ask abkut halloween because its exlusive content but still dont know why cant ask about ruins.


This is not available in this version. It's ui bug. It's fixed later.

Здравствуйте, столкнулся с проблемой: не могу выполнить задание из квестов, чтобы продвинуться дальше. Не уверен, с чем это связано: либо баг, либо я слепой. И если знаете, объясните, как его пройти. Вот задание (Знает ли моя домовладелица, живущая подо мной, о инженере? Мне следует поговорить с ней об этом)


This is not available in this/ public version.

Not sure if its intentional but I have no audio at all on the android version.


Try moving the sliders and restarting the game.

so far auto doesn't seem to work same with the auto key "left shift" it doesn't start the auto, can't play it having to click every second


I might have changed it and forgot to change the text displaying it 

hiya, so when i played the games new update the text box had no text in it, i re downloaded it and same problem, please help mee, thank you. 


This was hotfixed already, sorry for the trouble.


playing on android and after choosing one of the choices in the first scene the the game freezes on the first scene and the texts works fine


Send me a dm on discord with how it looks pls. Can't reproduce it

im a free player and im on version 68. but dalia still does not have a option for after i visit the ruins. even tho it seems you said it was fixed in a prev reply to same problem around 56+ days ago 

"This is not available in this version. It's ui bug. It's fixed later." (referring to 67 since 68 came out after that reply)


Yes. The ui nodes were pushed down versions. I said it's ui bug because they are not available in the version its displayed. By the fixed, I mean that it is available in a version ahead / of the version at which that event was made. The ruins one is in V69. I currently do not have an good internal api to display which version is which event right now. (I want to make one that supports more things  so it's on to do) So if you cannot access some of the nodes, (and they do not have a note 'for supporters' like Halloween) then it's already done in one of the version ahead.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for playing <3


thanks for the quick reply <3