Got a problem? I'll fix it.
You can also ping me on discord!
I usually respond within first few minutes upon me seeing the notification. 👍
Hi not sure if it's a bug or compatability issue as it usually only happens with this style of scene animations. It works fine for harem hotel, sicae and crimson high-school but any time there is a animated scene the scene doesn't play out well and skips then crashes part way through the scenes. Please look into it but I am having same problem with the game "Unexpected"
While other games scene animation can be related. I doubt my is the same issue since I am not using renpy. Please describe here or on discord any specific moment when and what exactly this happens. Is it any animated scene? The first one? Bam crash on entry every time? Or it waits few seconds and crashes? Etc.
hi, i figure it out, idk why but it seems the problem only occures on 60 fps and borderless, i swapped to 240 fps and fullscreen mode and it seems to fix it, could be a problem with having eveything so low, and the problem happening on the 1 2 and 3th choices you can make in the game,
(idk where the discord/messenger is)
hey, i downloaded the pc version and for some reason the game doesn't work, i mean when i start the game there is dark grey screen and only the text/dialogue box animation and also the game cant be saved has a incomplete UI. I did played the android version and there was no issues at all but i prefer to play in my pc.
Hey! I downloaded the latest update, v0.52.2, and whenever I try to to extract the file, it gives me a "Cannot Complete Extraction Error". I've tried a bunch of stuff to fix it, like redownloading the file tens of times, moving it to different spots in my computer, and I even tried using 7-zip instead of the windows zip extractor, which ended up giving me another error, one "Unexpected end of data" and then after a data error on one the files. It would actually extract the compressed file but incompletely, so when I tried to run the game after its incomplete extraction, it would give me an error of "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found." I don't know what to do anymore and I wanted to see if I can get some help. I also have some screenshots of all 3 error messages if you need me to send them.
This WAS a small problem with old config for a few hours after release of this version. Make sure you have access to internet so it can get new config where it skips the check in this public version or you need to wait for new public where the ui is fixed in the app.
Not sure what you mean with disappearing fish though never encountered this. If you give me a way to reproduce it I will try to investigate it.
Hello and thankyou for replying.
i'm fishing to earn some money, then i go to the shop to sell the fish i gathered but got blocked by the update pop up so i saved the game while the fish still in my inventory (i played this game at offline mode), when i load my saved game, the fish in my inventory is gone.
Umm...hikkeiru right?
I have a problem with the android version The game for some reason keeps freezing but not exactly freezing. Should I say I can read dialogues fine but it could freeze at a particular image or sth like that plus I can't also watch the animations. Take this scene for example the dialogue progresses just fine but it's frozen don't know if you understand
I changed the language through the options, and I have already fixed the problem myself. Just by deleting the saves. I do not know what the root of the problem was, but it worked. Yes, there really usually appears the Patron and play buttons. But they did not appear even after a long time. I sat and waited for half an hour on purpose can you dm me on discord we will try to trouble shot what's going on there.
Здравствуйте, столкнулся с проблемой: не могу выполнить задание из квестов, чтобы продвинуться дальше. Не уверен, с чем это связано: либо баг, либо я слепой. И если знаете, объясните, как его пройти. Вот задание (Знает ли моя домовладелица, живущая подо мной, о инженере? Мне следует поговорить с ней об этом)
im a free player and im on version 68. but dalia still does not have a option for after i visit the ruins. even tho it seems you said it was fixed in a prev reply to same problem around 56+ days ago
"This is not available in this version. It's ui bug. It's fixed later." (referring to 67 since 68 came out after that reply)
Yes. The ui nodes were pushed down versions. I said it's ui bug because they are not available in the version its displayed. By the fixed, I mean that it is available in a version ahead / of the version at which that event was made. The ruins one is in V69. I currently do not have an good internal api to display which version is which event right now. (I want to make one that supports more things so it's on to do) So if you cannot access some of the nodes, (and they do not have a note 'for supporters' like Halloween) then it's already done in one of the version ahead.
Sorry for the trouble and thanks for playing <3