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A member registered Feb 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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currently not in the plans but maybe in the future 

Check out the walkthrough on f95zone

This is a good start to a game, but please don't abandon Broken Panty.  That's much better and has tons of potential, you just need to fix all the issues with the controls and general bugs.  I know making something new is fun, but you owe it to yourself and your fans to finish Broken Panty properly.  Thanks and good luck.

Version 0.6 is a complete mess.  Controls make no sense, the instructions tell you to use the wrong keys, the card system doesn't work properly.  There are too many bugs to mention.  I like the 0.4.8 version, this can be a great game, but you need to fix so much stuff before you add anything new.  Please listen to your fans.

I agree with the above comment.  Version 0.6 is a complete mess.  Controls make no sense, the instructions tell you to use the wrong keys, the card system doesn't work properly.  There are too many bugs to mention.  I like the 0.4.8 version, this can be a great game, but you need to fix so much stuff before you add anything new.  Please listen to your fans.

yeah kick her

Weird, haven't seen this before.  Does it proceed to the blowjob scene?

Use the cheat codes:

ASHLEY - Unlock Ashley level.
ESCAPE - Unlock Escape level.
BACKDOOR - Unlock Backdoor level.
CELESTE - Unlock Celeste level.
BOSS - Unlock Boss level.
L6ALLCGIS - Unlock all CGIs.
L6ALLANIMS - Unlock all animations.

there's a tree that's dropping leaves, kick it a few times

use the map...

- find the handcuffed girl (yellow circle)

- then get keys from cop (red circle)

- get cuffs from handcuffed girl (yellow circle)

- then take cuffs to Newt (purple circle)

You need to find Monica, not Raven. Kick the tree that's dropping leaves.

You need to'show yourself'. Get naked by pressing 'n' and then talk to the girl.

There are several puzzles to solve in level 1, what were you able to complete?

There are 4 words in the sentence that are capitalized. Those are the positions for the heads on the 4 posts. Does that help?

Type backdoor in the main menu and it will unlock the backdoor level. Before you do though I suggest you reset data to make sure nothing was broken.

There's a dead medic in the 'face the right direction' area (where you need to choose either the left or right door to continue). 

black hair girl?  Do you mean the redhead?

Which puzzle?  There are two.  One is based on the message the nearby girls says ("LOW and behold..."), those words are clues as to high/mid/low positions for the heads.  The second is based on the position of the dead bodies in that room.  Some are on trees (high), some standing (mid) and some laying on the ground (low).

Did you already send that pic to me in the past?  I've seen it before and I even think I bookmarked it as a 'maybe' for the game, funny if I saw it elsewhere and we were thinking the same thing.

you mean the glowing white zombie? If so, you can't kill him. You need to go back and blow the zombie on the spike. 

Lags - I'm glad you're taking the time to take care of yourself.  Wishing you better health and a successful recovery.

a medical professional you seek...

Feedback here

Cool ideas!  Thanks for sharing and glad you like the game.  I'll respond on f95...

Congratulations Lags for building such a great game! It's officially my favorite H game and this community is a testament to how popular it's become. I'm very excited for the Annie update, best of luck as you complete that.

You need to interact with the dead girl outside that room.  Then, there's a dead zombie on a spike in the previous room, blow that zombie and you'll be able to walk by the invincible zombie.

Glad you like it.  Yeah the later levels get more fun, mainly because I'm learning as I go and applying what I learned to the newest level.  If you can add a rating to the game I'd appreciate it.

assuming you're using 0.4.60...

Animation Gallery: 3rd page, 2 column last row -- Level 4, interact with the head of the decapitated girl (left side of room with green electricity)

CGI Gallery: 2nd page, 4th column 2nd row -- Level 4, get impaled THROUGH CHEST by spike and then decapitated by sawblade.  Only available in the first sawblade room.

You can also attach pics of your galleries, that makes it easier to answer.

What did you think of the game?  If you can rate/review I'd really appreciate it.

Fun game but I'm frustrated.  I've played like 10 rounds and still can't get the heart meter to the top.  What are the secrets to playing this?  How do I keep the skull blockers around longer?  Once they're gone I lose all balls pretty quickly.

Which one? Did you get the sample from the Goblin? 

Get key code from handcuffed girl, then key from cop, then handcuffs, then look for girl in the bushes. You can see her faintly, press up when in front of her. 

Yes you need to go back that way.  There are a few areas that open up after completing the Straga mission, so keep your eyes open for changes.

If it's the one I think you're referring to...

You need to decline Louie's initial offer, fight the zombies, then come back to him for the machine pistol. 

Glad you like the game!

Search "Guro/Necro Games Collection" on for the best list of guro games.

My fav games are Bioasshard and HTA (, both very different from mine.

Do you mean the green zombie or the white zombie? For the white zombie, blow the zombie on the spike a few rooms back. For the green zombie, just keep running to the right and slide past enemies and spikes. Don't stop running and you'll beat the green zombie to a portal. 

Blow the zombie on the spike

go back to the blue artifact

Nice job finding the redhead, yeah that's probably the hardest puzzle, even with the clues I put out there lol :)

Glad you like the game!!