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A member registered Jan 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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it's been a year since your comment, and looking around at the other sites, it's definitely abandonware. The dev has no plans to finish this game. they release art on their paid support page and that's it. development has completely stopped.

Seconded. if this is super vanilla and mostly NTR (even if you can disable it, it's in there because the dev wants it) i want to avoid it. 

Itch page has been abandoned, links to outdated .8 version remain broken. you can find the completed 1.0 version elsewhere free if you are so inclined.

Changing the tests is appreciated.

lewdgames also has a free full version up to 6.1 i think. but even then i strongly recommend looking up the cheat codes, because the grinding required to unlock anything is absurd and the combat without max stats is unplayably imbalanced. Don't be fooled by a page update on itch, it's never gonna change from the 1.0 demo version here. 

interesting if true, but that also probably means he's abandoned the itch page and it's not ever getting updated here, only on substar/discord. ive seen it happen many times.

It definitely gives the impression that he's lost interest in this game because he doesn't want to remake the whole game in the current art style (not sure how much is left for him to upgrade) and is bored of the direction it was heading so he'd rather make something new to get that honeymoon feeling back about a project. 

I would much prefer he get this game to a 1.0 before moving on. It would also give me much more confidence in paying for this game and any future ones he plans to make. 

Keep it up! This is an extraordinarily promising game, so i really am hoping you don't get burned out and it goes unfinished! take your time!

Seconded. would be nice to turn off in the options or something. I assume its to prevent confusion when non PCs talk to each other, but other games just fix that by writing the dialogue with that in mind instead of relying on macros to fill in every name slot in every conversation.

Yeah i definitely had to google them test questions

I'm excited to see just how far the optional hyper content can go as that's not common enough. keep up the good work!

I lol'd for reals. I recognize the therapist from the other game, i'm glad to see her return and this time in something that looks like a more complete experience than a few simple vignettes. Your foot fetish content is among the best I've seen! Can't wait for this to go into full development!

Only speaking for myself, that is exactly what I was hoping to see, because i am a fan of hyper sized breasts. I would also be quite content with the larger than torso size you mentioned if you end it there. Thank you for your reply, now i am definitely excited to see this game completed and beyond! 

I appreciate you taking the time to answer, i was mostly curious just how far this game will take the BE content. 

How accurate is the top right screenshot with the current available build? I'm curious to know roughly how big the growth will ultimately be to help me decide how interested i am in playing this game. 

For me the most immersion breaking dialogue is when the MC starts using "m'lady" talk, made worse when the other characters respond favorably to it. maximum cringe. I hope that isn't part of the dialogue you found off-putting, or i may pass on this entirely.

I've noticed on several occasions that the Aunt character will refer to herself as "me" instead of whatever her designation is. E.g. "You're making your me very happy!" but it sometimes has the correct designation in the same sentence - "I must be a bad aunt, a typical me wouldn't have such thoughts". So probably just a typo in the coding.