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A member registered Nov 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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There are 6 options you specifically have to click on before it will let you move on to the ending. I checked the code, so you must have missed at least one. 

I really do appreciate you playing the game, and giving us such detailed feedback.

I enjoyed this so much.  I loved the code puzzle and the concept of the world to incorporate the theme.  The only thing I wish it did was have a New Game Plus option at the end that saved what you deciphered in the translation codex for a second playthrough.  It was so hard to navigate outside without being able to update the codex, but I figured it all out and then didn't get the opportunity to update the codex before the final score!  All in all, really fun challenge and fantastically coded for being done as a part of the jam.  I would love to see more.